We even had IAM ramp and agents and flight attendants walking our line because we were very tight knit group here.
This happened in a few places. I wish it got talked about more...
We even had IAM ramp and agents and flight attendants walking our line because we were very tight knit group here.
Its called getting OUT PLAYED..Remember when teamsters filed with NMB and AA was right there with a list in a matter of hours. Then teamsters pulled out leaving us with the association. Not to mention twu and AA kept us in a concession contract for 17 years.
seems like there’s a conspiracy theory in there someplace.
I have to call BS on all the talk of how good you guys had it doing (during) the strike. You still lost your job in the end game. So what did AMFA do about that. Why is it so hard to admit that AMFA has failed more times that any other Union.
Happened at DFW in Dallas. A many from other unions on property came in groups at different times to walk with them.
The one union that would not cross the picket lines were the teamster truckers, they refused to deliver the goods to NWA by truck when the picket lines were occupied by strikers. Trucks were seen turning around and leaving.
I can also tell you that the AA mechanics walked the picket line with the NWA guys out at LAX, Pilots/ F/A /Fleet crossed AMFA's Picket Line and still they lost their jobs as well
Who lost their jobs?
I would agree that it was an error. They should have filed the correct request for more than one location. Whenever we filed for our info picket lines at the airport they simply asked us how many and what locations. So we covered them all that were allowed. So yes I agree that was a fatal error on their part.In my station, the ramp parked in the air freight lot. The IAM committeemen told the AMT's if they even just put one picket there, no one would cross (we had all agreed). We also knew most of the regular truckers, and they had agreed to turn around as well. Heck, the company had planned on this happening, and posted security goons there waiting for it.
But, the AMFA committee chose to instead have everyone at the terminal. later, they posted one AMT by the freeway exits (about 2miles away).
IMO, it was a fatal error.
Who lost their jobs?
You will NEVER get it. I have NEVER missed a Pay check in over 38 years at AA with TWU. Do they suck in lot of other ways YES. But the FACTS is real. Can you say the same. Can any AMFA union member say the same NO. Its all about the Money. Nothing else matters. The only reason I am for Voting AMFA in is because I do like the ideal of a all Mechanic Union. But the fact that AMFA has a problem with getting and keeping large airlines is real. No matter how much you try to cover it up. This is a FACT.OAM:
I will have to call BS on that one.
CAL - IAM - Failure
EAL - IAM - Failure
UAL - IAM - Failure
TWA - IAM - Failure
NWA - IAM - Failure
US Airways - IAM -Failure
All of these carriers were IAM represented carriers all of them went BK and lost sooooo many IAM Union jobs. I guess you have forgotten the past.
I guess you will have to admit that the IAM has lost the most. NOT AMFA..
TWU - PanAm - Failure
TWU - AA - Decertified
USAir - IAM - Decertified
In 2003 we had 18k M&R union workers Just How Many do we Have NOW? On the LAA side? If I remember it's about 9K so that's about a 50% loss of Union jobs
along with how many concessions along the way. I call that a Failure, wouldn't You?
If the TWU was so great maybe I could remember others from the past that the TWU represented.
Maybe some here can recall who represented Alleghany, Piedmont, Alaska, SWA, Mohawk before they went out of business or changed Unions
I can also tell you that the AA mechanics walked the picket line with the NWA guys out at LAX, Pilots/ F/A /Fleet crossed AMFA's Picket Line and still they lost their jobs as well as Becoming SCABS. You have bragged how well the TWU has done to save jobs and the airline but at what cost? How many 10s of Thousands of Dollars has each TWU member lost due to the TWU's Bending Over.? By bending over the TWU lowered the bar each time and set the industry back years. To this day I am sure you can say what you have lost and NOT recovered since the 2001 contract.
You will NEVER get it. I have NEVER missed a Pay check in over 38 years at AA with TWU. Do they suck in lot of other ways YES. But the FACTS is real. Can you say the same. Can any AMFA union member say the same NO. Its all about the Money. Nothing else matters. The only reason I am for Voting AMFA in is because I do like the ideal of a all Mechanic Union. But the fact that AMFA has a problem with getting and keeping large airlines is real. No matter how much you try to cover it up. This is a FACT.
The employees at NWA, lost jobs not all were kept by Delta, when they took over.
I would agree that it was an error. They should have filed the correct request for more than one location. Whenever we filed for our info picket lines at the airport they simply asked us how many and what locations. So we covered them all that were allowed. So yes I agree that was a fatal error on their part.
And Kev., another failure IMO was the late timing of the start of said strike. They should have started as soon as they knew that NWA was training the scabs BEFORE they were trained so that they couldn't throw them out there already prepared and trained.
Not sure if Lineguy would agree with me, as he lived thru it, but just my opinion, although I was outside looking in so maybe I am wrong on that one.
your wasting your time with old azz. hes a plant from the association just trying to sow discontentOAM:
You made a statement as if it was a FACT, AMFA has failed more than any other union I called BS on you and showed you that the IAM has Failed more than any other union and has lost more members than any other union in the industry. Large or small carriers. With the LUS guys that is the last M&R group the IAM reresents, in the airline industry. If AA employees switch to AMFA the TWU will NOT represent any M&R work group any more either. The TWU will have the same thing, NOT able to keep a Large carrier since the last was PanAM other than AA. The IAM will always have that record of losing the most, just go back and look at ALL the carriers I listed, they have lost. Every one of them a LARGE CARRIER. That FACT is REAL...
You keep bringing up how you have NOT missed a paycheck. HOW much MONEY $$$ have you lost in concessions with the TWU? How many Holidays,
sick days, pension vesting year, hourly rate, weeks of vacation, shift differential and more? The TWU you brag about has given up the MOST concessions in my 41 yrs in the industry than anyone. What I am saying is it's time to try something different. Time for the bargaining unit that represents the M&R work group at AA to STOP bending over and taking. The International Officers did not take the cuts you have for 38 yrs. Even their secretaries made more than YOU. NOW that is a REAL SHAME don't you think?????
your wasting your time with old azz. hes a plant from the association just trying to sow discontent