SWAMT, I am new to the forum, but have been lurking for years. Hopefully you will be able to provide insight into how AMFA represents the Non Mechanics at the AMFA carriers. Overall, do you know how many Tech Docs, Planners, or QA Auditors are at the AMFA carriers? Are these groups in the same book as the Mechanics? Does AMFA provide access to any Supplemental Insurance such as additional Life Insurance, Pet, Legal etc.? Thanks for the insight that your can provide.
Welcome Thunderdome and hello to you.
I will assume you are AA (mechanic or related)
You do have AA mechanics that are AMFA Organizers you may ask these questions to, however, fear not I will answer your questions in case you are reaching out for your own info from a third party sep from either sides at AA.
The Non-mechanics (trainers, MC, FM instructors etc.) are all well represented under AMFA just as the mechanics are. Each group has their own "Rep." that works in their areas that represents them. All our related groups were very happy going with AMFA, all of them have said what a difference, a nite and day change once they went with AMFA representation as to not having any voice what-so-ever.
I don't have the exact numbers of the "and related" you ask for as I am not any longer at work, if I can get said numbers I will pass along no prob.
Yes. All "And Related" groups are covered by AMFA contracts. Most have their very own contracts as the mechanics do so to focus solely on the needs of the different groups. Some are also grouped with other groups that closely mimic one another for efficiency of representation.
Yes AMFA was successful in getting insurance companies to come to SWA and offer the mechanics and related supplemental insurance. The two companies are AFLAC and Colonial and they offer all kinds of side and extra insurance coverage. Also, SWA has insurance thru Metlife that offers all kinds of coverage and YES, as I have, pet insurance as well as Umbrellas covering me, my family, house property and my retirement savings. Yes that's correct, I have multi million dollar Umbrella coverage that in case I get sued for whatever reason they cannot touch my retirement savings. The "extra" life insurance is also offered with up to 6X's your yearly salary plus accidental death 100K and if killed at work extra 100K. It is easy to reach over 1 million dollars in full out coverage if you want to.
Welcome to the boards and feel free to ask me more if you are serious about making a change. I would like to direct you first to one of the AA AMFA Organizers for any questions you might have. However, with that said, if you ever want a third party AMFA member to answer a question I will help out, but I know nothing about how AA's internals work or how many different groups at AA would be considered "And Related" as any of those kind of questions would be better answered by the AA AMFA organizers.
Hope this helps you out Thunderdome. I am not here to change your mind for any reason, just here to keep the info some are hearing true and clear as to what is really going on at AMFA represented carriers. Good luck to you gathering the info you desire and remember, you can also reach out to AMFA National with questions too, they will respond if you are honest about who you are getting more info...