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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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A bit early, but, the timing is correct. Here is a Christmas song I leave for the TWU/IAM/Asso/AA and all:

Now everyone sing along:-

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you why;

"AMFA" is coming to town, "AMFA" is coming to town. "AMFA", is coming, to town!!!

Sorry just couldn't resist 🙂
Those "other groups" that replaced the mechanics were scabs who crossed a legal picket line and continued to work. It included IAM, TWU and other unionized groups that wanted to see AMFA go down. Pretty hard to succeed when you have all these entities against one group striking.
What "other groups" are you referring to at SWA? Do you mean the "and related" within the Mechanic And Related??

Kinda like how the elites and social media and the main stream media all took sides against Trump.
I have always wondered how you cant stand the TWU and How you always tell how bad of a job they have done. Yet when you lost your job at Eastern you chose to come work here. At that time most of you Eastern guys talked about how strong you guys was and shut Eastern down.
We at AA and TWU have done what it took to keep our Jobs several times. That is the ONLY reason you was able to get a job at AA. Not only YOU but ALL of your Eastern Buddies. So Let me get this right. You shut Eastern Down because you didn't want to take a pay cut. Then you came over to AA and took a pay cut. Sounds like you Eastern guys are not that bright.

Better to die standing up fighting than live on your knees. .You ever hear that saying old man?
A bit early, but, the timing is correct. Here is a Christmas song I leave for the TWU/IAM/Asso/AA and all:

Now everyone sing along:-

You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I'm telling you why;

"AMFA" is coming to town, "AMFA" is coming to town. "AMFA", is coming, to town!!!

Sorry just couldn't resist 🙂
I cant wait to see what you are going to be singing when the NMB kills this AGAIN.
No personal attacks. If you cannot abide by the rules, you cannot stay.
I cant wait to see what you are going to be singing when the NMB kills this AGAIN.

As long as we don't vote - using the Dominion voting system, there really shouldn't be an issue. All previous factors were figured in, like trying to include retired people, Management folks, ineligible title groups, or even dead folks. Yeah, the lengths the industrial union crooks went to - knew no bounds in preventing a fair representational election for AA's AMTs & Related.
SWAMT, I am new to the forum, but have been lurking for years. Hopefully you will be able to provide insight into how AMFA represents the Non Mechanics at the AMFA carriers. Overall, do you know how many Tech Docs, Planners, or QA Auditors are at the AMFA carriers? Are these groups in the same book as the Mechanics? Does AMFA provide access to any Supplemental Insurance such as additional Life Insurance, Pet, Legal etc.? Thanks for the insight that your can provide.
SWAMT, I am new to the forum, but have been lurking for years. Hopefully you will be able to provide insight into how AMFA represents the Non Mechanics at the AMFA carriers. Overall, do you know how many Tech Docs, Planners, or QA Auditors are at the AMFA carriers? Are these groups in the same book as the Mechanics? Does AMFA provide access to any Supplemental Insurance such as additional Life Insurance, Pet, Legal etc.? Thanks for the insight that your can provide.

Thunderdome; Lurking for years, ?? Does that mean you have been just reading along and now just decided to join in?

There are groups at each of the carriers that are represented by AMFA that are NOT at AA any longer. The groups that are Required to be represented is
determined by the NMB as to who is in the class and craft. There ARE groups that are in the contract books at represented AMFA carriers but are no longer there for whatever reason. eliminated by the company or replaced by another work group. You would have to go back years to find out why and ask past representational Unions the reason they are no longer there since Prior to AMFA becoming the bargaining unit they were represented by the IAM/IBT or other.

ALL groups that fall under the representation of the AMFA just like any other Union are represented equally.

AMFA is NOT in the insurance business, will they support or assist in bringing in as the TWU does here at AA outside vendors to provide these services. Sure, How these insurances will be paid for and or whether or not they will be payroll deducted will be determined by the company just as it is here at AA now.

AMFA does NOT take any money from insurance companies as the TWU does to provide these services. What insurances you have here at AA either provided by AA or bargained as a broker through the TWU or IAM can be kept, and dealt with as we do now when it is benefit enrollment time each year.

What happens at SWA and Alaska is completely different since the employees needs are different. Just like here at AA we have things that Delta and United and SWA do NOT Have.

I hope that SWAMT can give you further details. I also hope that you are not just trolling for information to discredit AMFA so that you can say the TWU or IAM provides something that AMFA does NOT. The TWU is NOT a insurance company either, all your insurance is through an outside vendor such as the LTD or STD which many here are asking questions about.

If you are in the M&R class and craft I would of hoped that you selected the company provided insurances that way you will be insured to keep your selections going forward. If you are NOT in the M&R class and craft group you will NOT be affected by M&R going to AMFA.
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Thunderdome; Lurking for years, ?? Does that mean you have been just reading along and now just decided to join in?

Correct, that means I have been reading the discussion on this board to try and gain some knowledge, and since I did not have anything to add to the conversation I did not.

There are groups at each of the carriers that are represented by AMFA that are NOT at AA any longer. The groups that are Required to be represented is
determined by the NMB as to who is in the class and craft. There ARE groups that are in the contract books at represented AMFA carriers but are no longer there for whatever reason. eliminated by the company or replaced by another work group. You would have to go back years to find out why and ask past representational Unions the reason they are no longer there since Prior to AMFA becoming the bargaining unit they were represented by the IAM/IBT or other.

These group names, may be different at Southwest or Alaska, or Horizon or any other AMFA carrier. I was just curious if AMFA has experience representing the more "administrative" groups that fall under the NMB's Mechanics and Related Craft and Class, as this will directly impact me if/and when AMFA does win a vote at AA. I do know for a fact at that at least one Carrier, the QA Auditors, planners, Tech Doc groups that fall under a Mechanic and Related are not represented. How this came to be, I do not know as it was decided well before my time. I am just curious to know how much experience AMFA has representing my specific work groups.

ALL groups that fall under the representation of the AMFA just like any other Union are represented equally.

Legally this is of course absolutely true. In reality, opinions may differ on if it is accurate or not. But until a Case is brought to a legal conclusion that a group is not being equally represented then it is assumed to be true.

AMFA is NOT in the insurance business, will they support or assist in bringing in as the TWU does here at AA outside vendors to provide these services. Sure, How these insurances will be paid for and or whether or not they will be payroll deducted will be determined by the company just as it is here at AA now.

AMFA does NOT take any money from insurance companies as the TWU does to provide these services. What insurances you have here at AA either provided by AA or bargained as a broker through the TWU or IAM can be kept, and dealt with as we do now when it is benefit enrollment time each year.

I realize now, that the way I wrote regarding the insurance could be read in a way not intended. The IAM prior to the JCBA and now post JCBA with the TWU has supplemental insurance or Association members, through The National Protection Group (I think that's the name of the insurance broker), supplemental insurance for Association members only. Does AMFA do this for its members are other carriers they represent?

What happens at SWA and Alaska is completely different since the employees needs are different. Just like here at AA we have things that Delta and United and SWA do NOT Have.

Yes each group is unique and has things that the same group at a separate Carrier does not have, but I am asking if AMFA provides QOL options to its members outside of the Contract with the carrier.

I hope that SWAMT can give you further details. I also hope that you are not just trolling for information to discredit AMFA so that you can say the TWU or IAM provides something that AMFA does NOT. The TWU is NOT a insurance company either, all your insurance is through an outside vendor such as the LTD or STD which many here are asking questions about.

I understand why you make this statement regarding trolling, as their are a few people on here that do just that, Troll. But I have not given you reason to suspect that. I am just asking an AMFA member a few questions regarding what AMFA provides its members, an their experience representing my work group.

If you are in the M&R class and craft I would of hoped that you selected the company provided insurances that way you will be insured to keep your selections going forward. If you are NOT in the M&R class and craft group you will NOT be affected by M&R going to AMFA.

I am in the M&R work group, and this will directly impact me. I have chosen my company provided insurance as it is very good compared to not only my wife's companies insurance but also the non "LUS" insurance at AA. Of course that is my opinion only. Thank you for your insight. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy your retirement.
I am in the M&R work group, and this will directly impact me. I have chosen my company provided insurance as it is very good compared to not only my wife's companies insurance but also the non "LUS" insurance at AA. Of course that is my opinion only. Thank you for your insight. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy your retirement.


By your statement you chose the companies insurance which at this time is the better bet for piece of mind, that is a good thing. I am also assuming where you put Non "LUS" you are a IAM represented aa employee part of the M&R work group? There is going to be lots of mud thrown by both groups, supporting this change in representation, those against it and those for it. I was part of the IAM at one point and that was back when the IAM was a strong presence in the airline industry. MY opinion is that the IAM is better than the TWU & the IBT.

This change in my Opinion is for the Better, separates us from the Fleet & stores workgroups, members can sit in on company and Union negotiations, and there is a way to change to leadership in the Union if that person does not do his/her job. These three issues is why I have supported this change.

As we all have seen over the years union and company policies have changed, some for the good others not so much. Both are business and it's all about the bottom line.

Having a VOICE, and a VOTE as to what happens to/in the M&R workgroup can be better with AMFA. IMHO..

Be open minded, don't just listen to the rhetoric from either side, get what information you can and VOTE if & when it happens. This is the career path you have taken, put stock in it and do what you think is best for you and the people who work beside you and those who will follow. Going backward and then negotiating from that point keeps our class and craft behind the eight ball as they put it.

The TWU/IAM Association is going to threaten your benefits and pension if YOU are LUS, they did that when you tried to bring the IBT there. If you have been around long enough you company defined pension is in the PBGC mine as well. So as you can see you CAN'T lose it. WE have a 401k now and it depends on you how well it does. Whatever benefit changes will happen going forward happen no matter what union is in place. We all have seen that and how they are paid for as well. Payroll deducted or NOT.

Many throughout the AA system worked hard to get enough cards to bring this to a VOTE with the NMB, you those who are there will decide by YOUR VOTE which bargaining unit will take you into the future.

CV19 stopped some of my plans this yr. but going forward with my retirement and enjoying it is my plan. Thanks.

I did not see at first that you answered each section of my post to you MY BAD. Sorry..

As far as AMFA or any other union that has Part of the M&R work groups per the NMB not represented by any union that would be a question that the Union on property would have to answer and if you want a specific answer from AMFA then go to the amfa national web page pick a Local get the airline reps tel# and or email address and get the info directly from someone involved within AMFA.

I did not assume you were a troll just put that there like as you said there are many that do that.

As far as providing QOL stuff outside the contract in a discussion with AMFAs National Dir. they will do as the TWU or IAM has for the employees. But with the exception of taking a fee to do that.

You can send a private message thru here to me and ask any question you want, I will do my best to answer or get the info for you or provide a email/tel# of a person to answer your question?

Lets hope SWAMT gives you what you have asked for at this point. If you go to AMFAs local 14 web site under officers you can select from the list anyone there send them an email ask those question to a ALASKA amfa officer/rep. Nation officers are there as well.
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SWAMT, I am new to the forum, but have been lurking for years. Hopefully you will be able to provide insight into how AMFA represents the Non Mechanics at the AMFA carriers. Overall, do you know how many Tech Docs, Planners, or QA Auditors are at the AMFA carriers? Are these groups in the same book as the Mechanics? Does AMFA provide access to any Supplemental Insurance such as additional Life Insurance, Pet, Legal etc.? Thanks for the insight that your can provide.

Welcome Thunderdome and hello to you.
I will assume you are AA (mechanic or related)
You do have AA mechanics that are AMFA Organizers you may ask these questions to, however, fear not I will answer your questions in case you are reaching out for your own info from a third party sep from either sides at AA.

The Non-mechanics (trainers, MC, FM instructors etc.) are all well represented under AMFA just as the mechanics are. Each group has their own "Rep." that works in their areas that represents them. All our related groups were very happy going with AMFA, all of them have said what a difference, a nite and day change once they went with AMFA representation as to not having any voice what-so-ever.
I don't have the exact numbers of the "and related" you ask for as I am not any longer at work, if I can get said numbers I will pass along no prob.
Yes. All "And Related" groups are covered by AMFA contracts. Most have their very own contracts as the mechanics do so to focus solely on the needs of the different groups. Some are also grouped with other groups that closely mimic one another for efficiency of representation.
Yes AMFA was successful in getting insurance companies to come to SWA and offer the mechanics and related supplemental insurance. The two companies are AFLAC and Colonial and they offer all kinds of side and extra insurance coverage. Also, SWA has insurance thru Metlife that offers all kinds of coverage and YES, as I have, pet insurance as well as Umbrellas covering me, my family, house property and my retirement savings. Yes that's correct, I have multi million dollar Umbrella coverage that in case I get sued for whatever reason they cannot touch my retirement savings. The "extra" life insurance is also offered with up to 6X's your yearly salary plus accidental death 100K and if killed at work extra 100K. It is easy to reach over 1 million dollars in full out coverage if you want to.
Welcome to the boards and feel free to ask me more if you are serious about making a change. I would like to direct you first to one of the AA AMFA Organizers for any questions you might have. However, with that said, if you ever want a third party AMFA member to answer a question I will help out, but I know nothing about how AA's internals work or how many different groups at AA would be considered "And Related" as any of those kind of questions would be better answered by the AA AMFA organizers.
Hope this helps you out Thunderdome. I am not here to change your mind for any reason, just here to keep the info some are hearing true and clear as to what is really going on at AMFA represented carriers. Good luck to you gathering the info you desire and remember, you can also reach out to AMFA National with questions too, they will respond if you are honest about who you are getting more info...
Welcome Thunderdome and hello to you.
I will assume you are AA (mechanic or related)
You do have AA mechanics that are AMFA Organizers you may ask these questions to, however, fear not I will answer your questions in case you are reaching out for your own info from a third party sep from either sides at AA.

The Non-mechanics (trainers, MC, FM instructors etc.) are all well represented under AMFA just as the mechanics are. Each group has their own "Rep." that works in their areas that represents them. All our related groups were very happy going with AMFA, all of them have said what a difference, a nite and day change once they went with AMFA representation as to not having any voice what-so-ever.
I don't have the exact numbers of the "and related" you ask for as I am not any longer at work, if I can get said numbers I will pass along no prob.
Yes. All "And Related" groups are covered by AMFA contracts. Most have their very own contracts as the mechanics do so to focus solely on the needs of the different groups. Some are also grouped with other groups that closely mimic one another for efficiency of representation.
Yes AMFA was successful in getting insurance companies to come to SWA and offer the mechanics and related supplemental insurance. The two companies are AFLAC and Colonial and they offer all kinds of side and extra insurance coverage. Also, SWA has insurance thru Metlife that offers all kinds of coverage and YES, as I have, pet insurance as well as Umbrellas covering me, my family, house property and my retirement savings. Yes that's correct, I have multi million dollar Umbrella coverage that in case I get sued for whatever reason they cannot touch my retirement savings. The "extra" life insurance is also offered with up to 6X's your yearly salary plus accidental death 100K and if killed at work extra 100K. It is easy to reach over 1 million dollars in full out coverage if you want to.
Welcome to the boards and feel free to ask me more if you are serious about making a change. I would like to direct you first to one of the AA AMFA Organizers for any questions you might have. However, with that said, if you ever want a third party AMFA member to answer a question I will help out, but I know nothing about how AA's internals work or how many different groups at AA would be considered "And Related" as any of those kind of questions would be better answered by the AA AMFA organizers.
Hope this helps you out Thunderdome. I am not here to change your mind for any reason, just here to keep the info some are hearing true and clear as to what is really going on at AMFA represented carriers. Good luck to you gathering the info you desire and remember, you can also reach out to AMFA National with questions too, they will respond if you are honest about who you are getting more info...
I am at AA in the " and Related" Group. My primary concern, is the lack those representing me not having performed my job in the past, so their is the difficulty of representing some one, and looking out for the best of the group when they have not been part of said group. And yes I have the same major issue with the current representation. The physical numbers aren't as much of a concern as the answer is, does AMFA today, represent my group, at any of the AMFA carriers.
It sounds like AMFA has brought in some good options in regards to supplemental insurance for their members.
I have two reasons as to why I have not reached out to the AA AMFA Organizers. 1) I feel they are car sales men. They wont really provide the bad with the good. They will only say this is the best, and is better than everything else out their. 2) At least at my station, from those of us up stairs that I have talked to that fall into the "and Related" group, none of the have been approached by any of the Organizers or any of the AMT's to discuss AMFA or to sign a card. It puts me off a bit, when our group hasn't been approached. At least from what I have been told. Now I will fully admit, that COVID-19 has truly tied the arms and legs of this, and has I am sure made it 10x more difficult that it would have been without COVID.
Similar to buying a vehicle, I would prefer to talk to people that own one, than trying to sell one, because those that own one, have zero benefit if I buy one or not.
I appreciate all the info you can provide me.
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