For you fellas on the fence still about AMFA, here's an example of how they would defend their members. First is the WARN letters to 403 AMFA members. Second is the immediate response from AMFA;
AMFA-SWA ALR Membership Update #3
November 18, 2020 -- Southwest Airlines, under its current leadership, showed its true colors today. Those colors paint a picture of a company engaged in textbook crisis capitalism. As you are now aware, Southwest sent WARN Act notices to 403 of our members today. In addition, Southwest sent notices of possible displacement to more than 1,000 of our members. To be clear, if you received a WARN Act notice, this does not mean you will be furloughed. The Company must comply with this federal law and its 60-day notice provision in order to preserve the ability, under that federal law, to follow through with its threatened furloughs. Southwest made the decision to send these notices to our members despite the fact we were still engaged in productive dialogue as recent as Monday of this week (November 16) identifying savings already recognized from our group and pinpointing additional cost reductions that do not require opening our CBA’s. Unfortunately, the Company seems more interested in stoking fear than actually identifying mutually beneficial cost savings measures that would allow the Company to weather the remainder of this pandemic.
Southwest Notifies AMFA of Its Intent to Violate Labor Contract
November 18, 2020 -- Southwest Airlines notified AMFA of its intent to execute a mass furlough of 403 Aircraft Maintenance Technicians, Facilities Maintenance Technicians, and Aircraft Appearance Technicians, scheduled to take place on January 25, 2021. This action is being taken in retaliation for Southwest’s perceived lack of progress in cost savings discussions with the union. To make this threat more explicit, Southwest suggested the furloughs could be avoided if we agree to cost savings measures (voluntary wage concessions), if additional government aid is extended to the airline or if there is an unforeseen revenue increase.