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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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Just wanted to let everyone know that we have filed the cards with the NMB.
Now comes the Anti-AMFA propaganda from the association.
Wanna bet the NWA issue will be the first and most bashed?
Now comes the Anti-AMFA propaganda from the association.
Wanna bet the NWA issue will be the first and most bashed?
Who cares... We will need to move forward to rid ourselves of the "Association".
Just talk to 3 fellow mechanics. that's all you have to do. Then ask then to talk to 3 and so on. we can win this.....
Who cares... We will need to move forward to rid ourselves of the "Association".
Just talk to 3 fellow mechanics. that's all you have to do. Then ask then to talk to 3 and so on. we can win this.....
Thats all it takes!
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have filed the cards with the NMB.

Congratulations AA MX on taking the next step - Brace yourself for the deluge of anti-AMFA rhetoric about to befall you - hold firm and vote for better representation!

Now comes the Anti-AMFA propaganda from the association.
Wanna bet the NWA issue will be the first and most bashed?

If the iam/twu is foolish enough to try and use NWA against AMFA, just point out the fact that the iam tried to organize the mechanic scabs that crossed AMFA's line - let them explain that one to the membership.
Everyone needs to know that we can still sign cards even though we have filed the cards with the NMB. The date stamp at the NMB is today Fri the 13th. We can still file cards with the NMB until the close of business on the day that the company files an eligibility list with the NMB even if it is after 12 months from the first card being signed. So everyone needs to keep pushing for more cards. Get with your local organizers and find out who you need to talk to.
Now comes the Anti-AMFA propaganda from the association.
Wanna bet the NWA issue will be the first and most bashed?


The cards are filed and there were a LOT of them, we should be OK, Now it's time to prep for a Local, find guys that want to make a change. Getting into the what happened here or there is so irrelevant at this point. We all have had those discussions many times, the ney sayers are and will be who they are. It is up to the membership to LQQK forward to getting a VOTE and insure that everyone VOTES. The outcome is on ALL of YOU.
Everyone needs to know that we can still sign cards even though we have filed the cards with the NMB. The date stamp at the NMB is today Fri the 13th. We can still file cards with the NMB until the close of business on the day that the company files an eligibility list with the NMB even if it is after 12 months from the first card being signed. So everyone needs to keep pushing for more cards. Get with your local organizers and find out who you need to talk to.

767 Mechanic;

To add on to what you have said ANY one that has a signed card, needs to get it to your stations Organizer, since they will need to be FEDX'd to the NMB along with the appropriate paperwork so can be added to the already LARGE CARD QUANTITY.

Contact your stations organizers or go to the AMFA-AA web site get a tel NUmber and call one of the guys there for what you need to do with signed cards.
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The cards are filed and there were a LOT of them, we should be OK, Now it's time to prep for a Local, find guys that want to make a change. Getting into the what happened here or there is so irrelevant at this point. We all have had those discussions many times, the ney sayers are and will be who they are. It is up to the membership to LQQK forward to getting a VOTE and insure that everyone VOTES. The outcome is on ALL of YOU.
This is very important. The time is now for folks who wanna be a part of the change. People will need to step up and take part of how much AMFA is ran from inside with the members.
Correct, it's time to focus on the future at AA with a new representational class and craft mechanics and related union.
Also very important to keep the cards coming in folks. The more the merrier. I was told that you guys have more than enough cards for the filing, however, keep collecting the cards and get them in quickly to the NMB before the final timeline is here. You guys will also see a slight uptick in cards getting signed now that there has been more than enough for the filing as some folks will always wait until they see that a vote is coming before they throw their names in the hat.

Just wanted to let everyone know that we have filed the cards with the NMB.
WOW you beat SWAAMT with this info. Watch out he may delete your post like he keeps doing mine. Congrats. Now lets see if AMFA can get [as
767 Mechanic;

To add on to what you have said ANY one that has a signed card, needs to get it to your stations Organizer, since they will need to be FEDX'd to the NMB along with the appropriate paperwork so can be added to the already LARGE CARD QUANTITY.

Contact your stations organizers or go to the AMFA-AA web site get a tel NUmber and call one of the guys there for what you need to do with signed cards.
LOL You sound just like Trump. "LARGE CARD QUANTITY" . Why to need to keep saying it. Dont get your panties in a bunch. Just messing with you like I always do and did. I actually miss your big mad at the world self. I know you want to know who I am but I cant let you know. SWAAMT will get mad. We know how many people he has gotten kick off this board for not drinking his coolaid. I only mess with him because he takes this crap too serious. Life it too short. If we do vote AMFA in office there is not one person in Miami that will be new to step up. It will be the same guys. I wish Some new people would step up but you and me both know that wont happen. I have been in Miami for almost 30 years and it has been the same guys running. The Jimmy boys or the Richie boys. This is why I keep saying NO ONE CARES. Hey when this is over find a Girl Friend and Go enjoy your Self. But you have to stop being so damn pissed off 1st..
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