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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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You really need to learn how to understand written language. YOU have been corrected many times and (just like these industrial unions do all the time) YOU just keep repeating the misinformation. AMFA has not failed 3 times in your examples of past card drives. The mechanic and related employees have failed the past 3 times. AMFA hasn't once, so far, been able to have an election because of all the intrusions and illegal activity from as many as 5 entities including entities outside of AA to block the votes from happening in the past.
Comprehension 101 sir, is the answer to the correct information. I really don't understand how you cannot comprehend the fact that, so far, AMFA hasn't failed at AA as of yet as AMFA has never been given the chance to have a vote so far. It really is that simple.
Why would an old man want younger (much younger) grown men to call him "DADDY"? You need help old man...[/QUOTE
OK let me break it down to a LOW enough level for you to understand. AMFA has failed to get past the NMB. That is AMFA fault. Not the people. You guys keep acting like you got enough cards and each time you dont. Just like you are doing right now. That why you have not filed.
Ok now it where you make every excuse you can for how its not AMFA fault. Oh and as far as me Making you call me daddy. I heard you liked it that way. Not that I have a problem with you or any one being that way. LMAO
I was always curious why UAL left AMFA for the IBT. That was surprising to me.

Its usually the sameone just reincarnating them selves. I too would be curious why united left amfa. Feel free to pm if you would prefer that

TSH, could you be so kind to share with these AA mechs about what happened at UAL with IAM/AMFAteamsters please?

AMFA took over from the iam in 2003 after UAL declared bankruptcy - not the most ideal situation I'm sure most of you would agree.

At that time AMFA was saddled with the unenviable task of doing our first "negotiations" not under section 6, but under chapter 11 - as I'm sure many of you know, the bankruptcy courts are not where you make gains, you just do your best to stop the bleeding and the cutting. Like most other carriers, we lost people - our pensions were seized by the government ( in MX case just prior to what would've been a more advantageous phase in date ) we lost work as well as wages/benefits reductions

In 2008 the teamsters launched a campaign to remove AMFA - the organizers were former iam officials from the mechanic ranks. They essentially sowed the seeds of mistrust among the membership, and played up to them with free t shirts, lanyards, pics of hoffa, and other teamster swag. They made promises of great teamster power, and triple vesting pensions in their Western Conference plan, as well as the teamster medical plan teamcare - needless to say none of it ever materialized - Our members who had thrown out the iam, fell prey to iam die hards in teamster jackets - they bought back into bigger is better, and we've essentially paid the price ever since - Less of a voice, not more - Less representation, not more .... and our latest RIF due to COVID was a disaster - not in the fact that people got furloughed, but in the way the furlough took place - teamsters may be great for the trucking industry .... the airlines, not so much.

If you have a specific issue concerning our time in AMFA or the teamster campaign, let me know and I'll tell you what I know.
AMFA took over from the iam in 2003 after UAL declared bankruptcy - not the most ideal situation I'm sure most of you would agree.

At that time AMFA was saddled with the unenviable task of doing our first "negotiations" not under section 6, but under chapter 11 - as I'm sure many of you know, the bankruptcy courts are not where you make gains, you just do your best to stop the bleeding and the cutting. Like most other carriers, we lost people - our pensions were seized by the government ( in MX case just prior to what would've been a more advantageous phase in date ) we lost work as well as wages/benefits reductions

In 2008 the teamsters launched a campaign to remove AMFA - the organizers were former iam officials from the mechanic ranks. They essentially sowed the seeds of mistrust among the membership, and played up to them with free t shirts, lanyards, pics of hoffa, and other teamster swag. They made promises of great teamster power, and triple vesting pensions in their Western Conference plan, as well as the teamster medical plan teamcare - needless to say none of it ever materialized - Our members who had thrown out the iam, fell prey to iam die hards in teamster jackets - they bought back into bigger is better, and we've essentially paid the price ever since - Less of a voice, not more - Less representation, not more .... and our latest RIF due to COVID was a disaster - not in the fact that people got furloughed, but in the way the furlough took place - teamsters may be great for the trucking industry .... the airlines, not so much.

If you have a specific issue concerning our time in AMFA or the teamster campaign, let me know and I'll tell you what I know.

Yeah that sounds pretty ugly. Is there any talk of UAL going back with AMFA?
AMFA took over from the iam in 2003 after UAL declared bankruptcy - not the most ideal situation I'm sure most of you would agree.

At that time AMFA was saddled with the unenviable task of doing our first "negotiations" not under section 6, but under chapter 11 - as I'm sure many of you know, the bankruptcy courts are not where you make gains, you just do your best to stop the bleeding and the cutting. Like most other carriers, we lost people - our pensions were seized by the government ( in MX case just prior to what would've been a more advantageous phase in date ) we lost work as well as wages/benefits reductions
In 2008 the teamsters launched a campaign to remove AMFA - the organizers were former iam officials from the mechanic ranks. They essentially sowed the seeds of mistrust among the membership, and played up to them with free t shirts, lanyards, pics of hoffa, and other teamster swag. They made promises of great teamster power, and triple vesting pensions in their Western Conference plan, as well as the teamster medical plan teamcare - needless to say none of it ever materialized - Our members who had thrown out the iam, fell prey to iam die hards in teamster jackets - they bought into bigger is better, and we've essentially paid the price ever since - Less of a voice, not more - Less representation, not more .... and our latest RIF due to COVID was a disaster - not in the fact that people got furloughed, but in the way the furlough took place - teamsters may be great for the trucking industry .... the airlines, not so much.
If you have a specific issue concerning our time in AMFA or the teamster campaign, let me know and I'll tell you what I know.


Didn't the IBT promise to get the jobs back and have UAL reopen the closing INDY Facility?

Also hasn't the MX group attempted to bring AMFA back as well as create a UNION just to remove the IBT?

The former IAM officials that were the IBT Organizers did they end up getting some type of Position such as BIZ Agent or airline Rep without being voted into office?
AMFA took over from the iam in 2003 after UAL declared bankruptcy - not the most ideal situation I'm sure most of you would agree.

At that time AMFA was saddled with the unenviable task of doing our first "negotiations" not under section 6, but under chapter 11 - as I'm sure many of you know, the bankruptcy courts are not where you make gains, you just do your best to stop the bleeding and the cutting. Like most other carriers, we lost people - our pensions were seized by the government ( in MX case just prior to what would've been a more advantageous phase in date ) we lost work as well as wages/benefits reductions

In 2008 the teamsters launched a campaign to remove AMFA - the organizers were former iam officials from the mechanic ranks. They essentially sowed the seeds of mistrust among the membership, and played up to them with free t shirts, lanyards, pics of hoffa, and other teamster swag. They made promises of great teamster power, and triple vesting pensions in their Western Conference plan, as well as the teamster medical plan teamcare - needless to say none of it ever materialized - Our members who had thrown out the iam, fell prey to iam die hards in teamster jackets - they bought back into bigger is better, and we've essentially paid the price ever since - Less of a voice, not more - Less representation, not more .... and our latest RIF due to COVID was a disaster - not in the fact that people got furloughed, but in the way the furlough took place - teamsters may be great for the trucking industry .... the airlines, not so much.

If you have a specific issue concerning our time in AMFA or the teamster campaign, let me know and I'll tell you what I know.
Oh yea, forgot about the "Teamster Teamcare". Just another plan to get the fellas under their umbrella, and another way to control they stay at a certain carrier. Just like the union pensions they would use the union insurance to stop anyone from voting them out as representation by telling the members they will lose their pensions and healthcare (teamcare) if they voted another representational entity in to represent them. Typical industrial union tactics to screw the members, WOW!

Thanks for sharing and reminding us all what happened. I still think you guys should try getting AMFA back in there. Maybe after the AA'ers have their vote...
Oh yea, forgot about the "Teamster Teamcare". Just another plan to get the fellas under their umbrella, and another way to control they stay at a certain carrier. Just like the union pensions they would use the union insurance to stop anyone from voting them out as representation by telling the members they will lose their pensions and healthcare (teamcare) if they voted another representational entity in to represent them. Typical industrial union tactics to screw the members, WOW!

Thanks for sharing and reminding us all what happened. I still think you guys should try getting AMFA back in there. Maybe after the AA'ers have their vote...
Dont you mean IF AA have a vote. You would have to turn in the cards to say something like that. Before you get your Panties in a bunch. I am just stating facts. Oh and I guess you must be a moderator. Because you had my comment about you being in the closet deleted. You can still call me Daddy in private. I wont tell anyone about our secret.
Yeah that sounds pretty ugly. Is there any talk of UAL going back with AMFA?

There was always talk of going back to AMFA, but it died down during our last contract negotiations as several of the main organizers either left the company or retired outright.

Didn't the IBT promise to get the jobs back and have UAL reopen the closing INDY Facility?

Yes, but this was always one of the big talk promises that they made sure to never put down in writing. It was a ridiculous lie for them to tell but an even more ridiculous lie for some of our members to believe, as Indy had been closed for over 4 years by the time the teamsters came on property.

Also hasn't the MX group attempted to bring AMFA back as well as create a UNION just to remove the IBT?

Yes, see above for AMFA - the other union created is called ALTA. Same idea as AMFA yet structured like the pilots (NEC-MEC-LEC) + they hope to have an AFL-CIO affiliation. ALTA is currently collecting cards, and is one of the main sources for info/monitoring of the current district court case against the teamsters by the UAL membership over Pension/Profit sharing benefits and a DFR case against the teamsters for grievance handling of these issues.

The former IAM officials that were the IBT Organizers did they end up getting some type of Position such as BIZ Agent or airline Rep without being voted into office?

Yes - the two main organizers were made Business Agents when the teamsters won - the other organizers were appointed to Airline rep positions - the airline level guys eventually stood for "elections" if you could call them that, but the BAs never have and per the ibt constitution they never will

FYI - the UAL BAs were the only members at UAL that actually got the ibts pension plan, after which, 1 of them immediately retired upon vesting.
Wow. What a fanook.
Yea I quit responding to him when he went rogue and started pedafile comments. His credability went right in the toilet as they usually with the folks that come on a mission or sent here. Got too weird for me...
There was always talk of going back to AMFA, but it died down during our last contract negotiations as several of the main organizers either left the company or retired outright.

Yes, but this was always one of the big talk promises that they made sure to never put down in writing. It was a ridiculous lie for them to tell but an even more ridiculous lie for some of our members to believe, as Indy had been closed for over 4 years by the time the teamsters came on property.

Yes, see above for AMFA - the other union created is called ALTA. Same idea as AMFA yet structured like the pilots (NEC-MEC-LEC) + they hope to have an AFL-CIO affiliation. ALTA is currently collecting cards, and is one of the main sources for info/monitoring of the current district court case against the teamsters by the UAL membership over Pension/Profit sharing benefits and a DFR case against the teamsters for grievance handling of these issues.

Yes - the two main organizers were made Business Agents when the teamsters won - the other organizers were appointed to Airline rep positions - the airline level guys eventually stood for "elections" if you could call them that, but the BAs never have and per the ibt constitution they never will

FYI - the UAL BAs were the only members at UAL that actually got the ibts pension plan, after which, 1 of them immediately retired upon vesting.
Great info. Thanks for taking the time. Good luck on your quest for ALTA. I would fully support you all going ALTA. I did forget to add ALTA to the list of class and craft mechanics unions along with AMP in my earlier postings. Is there a site for the ALTA drive? Or is it kept under wraps for now??
Yea I quit responding to him when he went rogue and started pedafile comments. His credability went right in the toilet as they usually with the folks that come on a mission or sent here. Got too weird for me...
That is so funny that you say I went rogue and started pedafile comments. Isn't that what YOUR president did. Yet you still support him. You guys make this TOOOOOOOO Easy. Why dont you still support me like you support YOUR president.
The best part about you ignoring me is now EVERYONE KNOWS that I was RIGHT about you. REAL POOR BOY
Wow! Typical teamster written agreements. I will leave a para below in reference. But the teamsters use to do these types of agreements when here too, and ONE of the biggest reasons we fired them here. The teamsters always agree to WITHDRAW all current grievances and can no longer file a grievance regarding any future RIF vacancies. Why in the world would any union agree to crap like this, PATHETIC to say the least.

Quote from teamsters and United agreements:

"The IBT will withdraw all grievances related to the matter of system vacancies included in the RIF calculations, and will not bring forward on behalf of employees or the Union, any future grievances claiming a contractual obligation that such vacancies should be included in the current RIF."
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