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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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It so funny how I control you guys. You are not even smart enough to see your own words. If my Judgement is not worth Schite. Then why did my words MAKE you respond. Damn YOU CANT FIX STUPID. LMFAO. Master say Repond.
You got that right, stupid cant be fixed. We can coach you, but the natural talent is all yours.
It so funny how I control you guys. You are not even smart enough to see your own words. If my Judgement is not worth Schite. Then why did my words MAKE you respond. Damn YOU CANT FIX STUPID. LMFAO. Master say Repond.
There was some other clown on here a while back that used the same terminology as what he wrote. Cant remember who it was but it looks like the clown reincarnated himself
There was some other clown on here a while back that used the same terminology as what he wrote. Cant remember who it was but it looks like the clown reincarnated himself
Its not even fun messing with you anymore. You didn't even get my " Master say Respond". Damn You are NOT SMART.
Let me try it again. There is NO way you are this stupid. MASTER SAY RESPOND.
Do you realize you sound and act just like Trump. Wake up NO BODY CARES at AA
Not sounding like Trump at all, just going by all attempts in the past where the co., TWU, IAM and now the Asso. has in fact sent in dead, retired, supervision, management, NON-related group employees and even given names of folks no longer employed for years at AA. And trust me it will happen again as they will illegally pad the names again on the list sent to the NMB. We have guys here at SWA now that still had their names added to the list last time and they were already here at SWA as an AMFA represented and SWA employee, GO FIGURE HUH???
Trust me, AA knows for fact who is and who is not suppose to be on the eligible list of employees, as does the TWU/IAM/Asso. they just continue to pad the list illegally to try and win the argument of eligibility.

Hopefully soon will come the filing, and then all the AA mechanic and related will get a chance for their voices to be heard finally.

I wasn't even talking to you. but since you felt the need to but in.. Tell me what I said that I didn't already prove to be true with Amfa in Miami. IM WAITING. AMFA FAILED 3 Times FACT.
You really need to learn how to understand written language. YOU have been corrected many times and (just like these industrial unions do all the time) YOU just keep repeating the misinformation. AMFA has not failed 3 times in your examples of past card drives. The mechanic and related employees have failed the past 3 times. AMFA hasn't once, so far, been able to have an election because of all the intrusions and illegal activity from as many as 5 entities including entities outside of AA to block the votes from happening in the past.
Comprehension 101 sir, is the answer to the correct information. I really don't understand how you cannot comprehend the fact that, so far, AMFA hasn't failed at AA as of yet as AMFA has never been given the chance to have a vote so far. It really is that simple.
Why would an old man want younger (much younger) grown men to call him "DADDY"? You need help old man...
I NEVER SAID 2, I said we Failed more than 3X go back and re-read. It doesn't matter to me who you are. UNions of the past fought as you even said so yourself
they fought for themselves and for the guys who would follow that is why we have Holidays and sick time and everything else. The TWU thinks only of the NOW and IGM, That is why in MY opinion they need to GO away. That is probably the reason why you support the scamming leadership there in MIA. There needs to be a complete reboot a different way of thinking. Bring back what it means to be a UNION Member. Something the Membership of the TWU forgot long ago.

Politics has nothing to do with this at all. Who I voted for or against is my choice.

Now everyone sounds like Trump. At least 3 of us so far. Funny how he keeps telling us we sound like Trump, and that he is controlling them as their master or something, aslo wanting grown men to call him "DADDY" this dude needs help fellas. He must be getting alzheimer's, at least the early stages.
Its not even fun messing with you anymore. You didn't even get my " Master say Respond". Damn You are NOT SMART.
Let me try it again. There is NO way you are this stupid. MASTER SAY RESPOND.
how do you keep an a**hole in suspense?
Wow you needed to attack me like that.
Yeah, you are a real victim.

Just because I happen to have been around a lot longer than you and you didn't know how many times AMFA has failed. Maybe you young bucks should learn to Shut the Hell up when your Elders are speaking.
Maybe you should learn to act your age you damn fool.

Like I said I state facts. Why cant you just say. Im sorry Daddy. I was WRONG. All that other stuff you went into to hide the fact that you didn't know what you was talking about. Made look as dumb as your EX President to be. LMFAO
You want other grown men to call you Daddy? What a freak. I bet you are late for a very private affair at a very public park. Rest stop perchance?

It so funny how I control you guys. You are not even smart enough to see your own words. If my Judgement is not worth Schite. Then why did my words MAKE you respond. Damn YOU CANT FIX STUPID. LMFAO. Master say Repond.
You are a real puppet master. 🙄
After watching this thread quietly for the last several weeks I thought I'd chime in and offer some perspective from the position of someone who has thrown out the iam at my carrier

Nothing New Here - The "doom & gloom" stories haven't changed and the anti-AMFA rhetoric is the same tired cliche' we often heard at UAL

Same Players, Same Game - The naysayers engage in the same juvenile tactics. Claim to be supporters as if that would in any way disguise their true intentions/motivations, and then when exposed, they laughingly attempt to claim some sort of victory because you responded, while ignoring the fact they are only displaying their own childishness - we had them at UAL too

5 Drives - At United, I was a part of 5 AMFA drives to remove the iam - we failed each and every time .... right up until the drive we won - As long as you learn from the failures of previous drives, you will eventually prevail. At UAL, we had to overcome see-through ballots (before electronic voting) dead and retired voting, and stacking the list with analysts and controllers etc ... which we eventually collected cards from which led to our victory over the iam

FYI - don't let cards 1 year shelf life be used to try and sway fence sitters - the UAL drives averaged between 15-17 months. At the 1 year mark, all cards don't suddenly drop dead - only those first signed do ... and as many of you already know, those cards first signed, are the always the easiest to get resigned.

Stay the course AA MX, and you WILL get to choose your representation
After watching this thread quietly for the last several weeks I thought I'd chime in and offer some perspective from the position of someone who has thrown out the iam at my carrier

Nothing New Here - The "doom & gloom" stories haven't changed and the anti-AMFA rhetoric is the same tired cliche' we often heard at UAL

Same Players, Same Game - The naysayers engage in the same juvenile tactics. Claim to be supporters as if that would in any way disguise their true intentions/motivations, and then when exposed, they laughingly attempt to claim some sort of victory because you responded, while ignoring the fact they are only displaying their own childishness - we had them at UAL too

5 Drives - At United, I was a part of 5 AMFA drives to remove the iam - we failed each and every time .... right up until the drive we won - As long as you learn from the failures of previous drives, you will eventually prevail. At UAL, we had to overcome see-through ballots (before electronic voting) dead and retired voting, and stacking the list with analysts and controllers etc ... which we eventually collected cards from which led to our victory over the iam

FYI - don't let cards 1 year shelf life be used to try and sway fence sitters - the UAL drives averaged between 15-17 months. At the 1 year mark, all cards don't suddenly drop dead - only those first signed do ... and as many of you already know, those cards first signed, are the always the easiest to get resigned.

Stay the course AA MX, and you WILL get to choose your representation

I was always curious why UAL left AMFA for the IBT. That was surprising to me.
After watching this thread quietly for the last several weeks I thought I'd chime in and offer some perspective from the position of someone who has thrown out the iam at my carrier

Nothing New Here - The "doom & gloom" stories haven't changed and the anti-AMFA rhetoric is the same tired cliche' we often heard at UAL

Same Players, Same Game - The naysayers engage in the same juvenile tactics. Claim to be supporters as if that would in any way disguise their true intentions/motivations, and then when exposed, they laughingly attempt to claim some sort of victory because you responded, while ignoring the fact they are only displaying their own childishness - we had them at UAL too

5 Drives - At United, I was a part of 5 AMFA drives to remove the iam - we failed each and every time .... right up until the drive we won - As long as you learn from the failures of previous drives, you will eventually prevail. At UAL, we had to overcome see-through ballots (before electronic voting) dead and retired voting, and stacking the list with analysts and controllers etc ... which we eventually collected cards from which led to our victory over the iam

FYI - don't let cards 1 year shelf life be used to try and sway fence sitters - the UAL drives averaged between 15-17 months. At the 1 year mark, all cards don't suddenly drop dead - only those first signed do ... and as many of you already know, those cards first signed, are the always the easiest to get resigned.

Stay the course AA MX, and you WILL get to choose your representation
Its usually the sameone just reincarnating them selves. I too would be curious why united left amfa. Feel free to pm if you would prefer that
After watching this thread quietly for the last several weeks I thought I'd chime in and offer some perspective from the position of someone who has thrown out the iam at my carrier

Nothing New Here - The "doom & gloom" stories haven't changed and the anti-AMFA rhetoric is the same tired cliche' we often heard at UAL

Same Players, Same Game - The naysayers engage in the same juvenile tactics. Claim to be supporters as if that would in any way disguise their true intentions/motivations, and then when exposed, they laughingly attempt to claim some sort of victory because you responded, while ignoring the fact they are only displaying their own childishness - we had them at UAL too

5 Drives - At United, I was a part of 5 AMFA drives to remove the iam - we failed each and every time .... right up until the drive we won - As long as you learn from the failures of previous drives, you will eventually prevail. At UAL, we had to overcome see-through ballots (before electronic voting) dead and retired voting, and stacking the list with analysts and controllers etc ... which we eventually collected cards from which led to our victory over the iam

FYI - don't let cards 1 year shelf life be used to try and sway fence sitters - the UAL drives averaged between 15-17 months. At the 1 year mark, all cards don't suddenly drop dead - only those first signed do ... and as many of you already know, those cards first signed, are the always the easiest to get resigned.

Stay the course AA MX, and you WILL get to choose your representation
TSH, could you be so kind to share with these AA mechs about what happened at UAL with IAM/AMFAteamsters please? It will hold much more clout coming from you guys personally who lived it instead of third party from me.
Thanks for chiming in, and Yes they should be able to get a voice this time around.

I was always curious why UAL left AMFA for the IBT. That was surprising to me.

Its usually the sameone just reincarnating them selves. I too would be curious why united left amfa. Feel free to pm if you would prefer that

Maybe TSH can enlighten us. He lived it as well as another mechanic that comes here often. I have talked about it in the past but would much prefer ThirdSeatHero and/or others to please give their personal experiences on what happened at UAL with IAM being replaced by AMFA and then the teamsters after AMFA and WHY?
Of course I am not at UAL or ever been there, I have spoken about it from info from UAL mechanics as well as AMFA supporters at UAL that were organizing.
Go back and see how long I have been keep you going.
TSH, could you be so kind to share with these AA mechs about what happened at UAL with IAM/AMFAteamsters please? It will hold much more clout coming from you guys personally who lived it instead of third party from me.
Thanks for chiming in, and Yes they should be able to get a voice this time around.

Maybe TSH can enlighten us. He lived it as well as another mechanic that comes here often. I have talked about it in the past but would much prefer ThirdSeatHero and/or others to please give their personal experiences on what happened at UAL with IAM being replaced by AMFA and then the teamsters after AMFA and WHY?
Of course I am not at UAL or ever been there, I have spoken about it from info from UAL mechanics as well as AMFA supporters at UAL that were organizing.
He is not going to answer that question. You have to be somewhat dumb to not know the answer. It was because the MAJORITY WAS NOT HAPPY WITH AMFA. You guys all give me a hard time for not taking any of this serious. But you fail to see this from the outside view. Ok I will stop having fun with you and let you guys find out what the older guys already know. ALL UNIONS are the SAME. Its a business. That only cares about making money. I tried to tell you Real Unions Ended after the Mafia (Men with REAL BALLS) lost control because of the Government .The younger Generation guys like SWAAMT dont get that. I give him much respect because when I was younger I felt the same way. If you guys want to just be serious all the time. You got ZERO chance of living as long as I have. You got to laugh more than you cry. Try it some time. This **** is JUST a JOB. Take the money and make your self Happy. Stop spending more than you make. That way you and your family will ALWAYS be ok. Other wise you will end up Divorced and Lonely. I guarantee that is most of you already. Live to Laugh and stop being so DAMN serious.
Go back and see how long I have been keep you going.

He is not going to answer that question. You have to be somewhat dumb to not know the answer. It was because the MAJORITY WAS NOT HAPPY WITH AMFA. You guys all give me a hard time for not taking any of this serious. But you fail to see this from the outside view. Ok I will stop having fun with you and let you guys find out what the older guys already know. ALL UNIONS are the SAME. Its a business. That only cares about making money. I tried to tell you Real Unions Ended after the Mafia (Men with REAL BALLS) lost control because of the Government .The younger Generation guys like SWAAMT dont get that. I give him much respect because when I was younger I felt the same way. If you guys want to just be serious all the time. You got ZERO chance of living as long as I have. You got to laugh more than you cry. Try it some time. This **** is JUST a JOB. Take the money and make your self Happy. Stop spending more than you make. That way you and your family will ALWAYS be ok. Other wise you will end up Divorced and Lonely. I guarantee that is most of you already. Live to Laugh and stop being so DAMN serious.
Well, you certainly provide many opportunities for people to laugh.
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