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AMFA Organizing Drive to Replace Association

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I speaks nothing but facts. This will be the 3 time we tried to get AMFA. If they had enough cards signed they would have filed by now. Why are you letting cards that was signed early Nov of 2019 expire. Those are FACTS.

OAM; Your facts as you see it are incorrect, this is NOT the third time we have tried to bring AMFA here to AA. I have been a Main Organizer since I was there at AA for 21 yrs. 12 at LAX and 10 here in MIA. As I have said earlier the reason the card have not been filed is because that decision comes from AMFA National. They set the number of cards and the time when they feel it is right to file the cards. I can Promise YOU that Zero cards will expire and that Cards will be brought to the NMB before they do expire.

Again your opinion and your facts.
I've been an organizer and have been involved at various levels. You're just a troller and fear monger. Have fun. If we have enough cards then we will file. The numbers are already set to reach the goal. Those are the numbers from the NMB. You want to see failure which tells me you have a personal interest in the game for yourself. Others see it differently. Keep spewing your discontent for AMFA and the drive. It's your right to express it. The membership will decide in the end. That's democracy.

1AA; Like many here at AA there are guys who listen to all the false rumors as to why we as a Group have FAILED to Bring AMFA here to AA by a card drive.
How they failed at Ozark, to the IBT and TWU outsmarting us, to AMFA has NO Money or clout in the Aviation industry. No matter what is said the only people who actually know what has happened are those who have been directly involved. They Blame AMFA when it's always been a grass root drive from the membership attempting to Bring a VOTE here. They don't remember how the TWU T-town boys ruled the roost and disregarded what the line mechanics wanted for yrs. The TWU has allowed the Company to take so much back in concessions just to save jobs and dues for the TWU. Granted the Unions job is to save jobs I get that. But to set it up that there is/was NO snap back each time was a BIG failure on the TWU's part. AMFA National has put out several letters to AA's employees of the M&R clas and craft group. AMFA National has said they will file our cards. So WE have reached the target they set and surpassed it.
Collection of cards is still happening to insure that if there is any challenge from the TWU or AA submits a inflated list we will still have enough cards.
I speaks nothing but facts. This will be the 3 time we tried to get AMFA. I will also be the 3rd time it fails. If they had enough cards signed they would have filed by now. Why are you letting cards that was signed early Nov of 2019 expire. I will tell you why. Because they don't have enough cards to file. Those are FACTS. You might not like it or you may not be smart enough to understand it. But then again you are probably a Trumper too. smile
You are correct move along little doggie, alls good at the association.
OAM; Your facts as you see it are incorrect, this is NOT the third time we have tried to bring AMFA here to AA. I have been a Main Organizer since I was there at AA for 21 yrs. 12 at LAX and 10 here in MIA. As I have said earlier the reason the card have not been filed is because that decision comes from AMFA National. They set the number of cards and the time when they feel it is right to file the cards. I can Promise YOU that Zero cards will expire and that Cards will be brought to the NMB before they do expire.

1AA; Like many here at AA there are guys who listen to all the false rumors as to why we as a Group have FAILED to Bring AMFA here to AA by a card drive.
How they failed at Ozark, to the IBT and TWU outsmarting us, to AMFA has NO Money or clout in the Aviation industry. No matter what is said the only people who actually know what has happened are those who have been directly involved. They Blame AMFA when it's always been a grass root drive from the membership attempting to Bring a VOTE here. They don't remember how the TWU T-town boys ruled the roost and disregarded what the line mechanics wanted for yrs. The TWU has allowed the Company to take so much back in concessions just to save jobs and dues for the TWU. Granted the Unions job is to save jobs I get that. But to set it up that there is/was NO snap back each time was a BIG failure on the TWU's part. AMFA National has put out several letters to AA's employees of the M&R clas and craft group. AMFA National has said they will file our cards. So WE have reached the target they set and surpassed it.
Collection of cards is still happening to insure that if there is any challenge from the TWU or AA submits a inflated list we will still have enough cards.
So you are saying that there was NO cards collected before 11/6/2019. Also if you have enough time with AA. You would know the history of when AMFA started. In !962 when AFMA was started. It failed to get a airline until 1964. IF you knew what you was talking about you would know it fail 3 times. We ran Delle off the property when he tried to bring Amfa at AA in Chicago. Do you home work Young Man and learn for the Old Azz Mechanic. LMFAO. Like I said I speak FACTS
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So you are saying that there was NO cards collected before 11/6/2019. Also if you have enough time with AA. You would know the history of when AMFA started. In !962 when AFMA was started. It failed to get a airline until 1964. IF you knew what you was talking about you would know it fail 3 times. We ran Delle off the property when he tried to bring Amfa at AA in Chicago. Do you home work Young Man and learn for the Old Azz Mechanic. LMFAO. Like I said I speak FACTS
Old azz speak with fork tongue....
So you are saying that there was NO cards collected before 11/6/2019. Also if you have enough time with AA. You would know the history of when AMFA started. In !962 when AFMA was started. It failed to get a airline until 1964. IF you knew what you was talking about you would know it fail 3 times. We ran Delle off the property when he tried to bring Amfa at AA in Chicago. Do you home work Young Man and learn for the Old Azz Mechanic. LMFAO. Like I said I speak FACTS


Any cards that needed to be fixed due to date, signature, or whatever were taken care of before I retired, There were a few that were resigned here in MIA since, since some of the guys put the day first. (such as 07/11/19) I did not get the cards from DFW until later this Month. Telling you when would tell you when we would have to file BY. I have had the pleasure of meeting with OV Delle, a few times during the multiple drives we have had here at AA, before he retired. I have had meetings with the past National Dir. and VP and others AMFA officers as well as traveled to other cities with them as they answered question.

We have Failed more than 3X, and that is the failure of the membership here at AA. NOT Mine, or AMFA's. We have had the TWU PIPE us saying we will get them next time. How many times have you been piped since you have been here. I assume you voted on the 1991 contract amendment, You piped the membership with 6 yrs to be vested (pension) so you could go from 12yrs to top out to 5yrs. In the late 1970's we had to only work 5 yrs to reach top pay. Federal law made it 5yrs to be vested in Jan.1989, so everyone at AA should THANK YOU. In 1995 you voted in the 5/5 so you could sign a 1% pay raise over 6 yrs WOW you guys did Great. If it wasn't for the NWA guys walking we would of never got the $10.00 raise which didn't last long, but it was because of the AMFA guys. 2003 we took what a 17% total pay reduction without a snapback clause. Then negotiated from that rate instead of where we should of been. So AGAIN thanks for that. From what you have posted you wanted the IBT, and now you defend what has happened here with the TWU, and Now the employees of M&R are stuck with this ASSociation, a dual contract with separate benefits for one work groups M&R under One contract. Again you should be Proud of what you and they have achieved. I am glad you are happy to be a second fiddle union member (TWU) to the 4k IAM membership.

What about the 27 guys here in MIA that had to hire legal representation outside of the TWU to get the seniority they deserved when DON V. and the rest of the TWU executive board FAILED to do what was right.
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Any cards that needed to be fixed due to date, signature, or whatever were taken care of before I retired, There were a few that were resigned here in MIA since, since some of the guys put the day first. (such as 07/11/19) I did not get the cards from DFW until later this Month. Telling you when would tell you when we would have to file BY. I have had the pleasure of meeting with OV Delle, a few times during the multiple drives we have had here at AA, before he retired. I have had meetings with the past National Dir. and VP and others AMFA officers as well as traveled to other cities with them as they answered question.

We have Failed more than 3X, and that is the failure of the membership here at AA. NOT Mine, or AMFA's. We have had the TWU PIPE us saying we will get them next time. How many times have you been piped since you have been here. I assume you voted on the 1991 contract amendment, You piped the membership with 6 yrs to be vested (pension) so you could go from 12yrs to top out to 5yrs. In the late 1970's we had to only work 5 yrs to reach top pay. Federal law made it 5yrs to be vested in Jan.1989, so everyone at AA should THANK YOU. In 1995 you voted in the 5/5 so you could sign a 1% pay raise over 6 yrs WOW you guys did Great. If it wasn't for the NWA guys walking we would of never got the $10.00 raise which didn't last long, but it was because of the AMFA guys. 2003 we took what a 17% total pay reduction without a snapback clause.

Then negotiated from that rate instead of where we should of been. So AGAIN thanks for that. From what you have posted you wanted the IBT, and now you defend what has happened here with the TWU, and Now the employees of M&R are stuck with this ASSociation, a dual contract with separate benefits for one work groups M&R under One contract. Again you should be Proud of what you and they have achieved. I am glad you are happy to be a second fiddle union member (TWU) to the 4k IAM membership.
Wow you needed to attack me like that. Just because I happen to have been around a lot longer than you and you didn't know how many times AMFA has failed. Maybe you young bucks should learn to Shut the Hell up when your Elders are speaking. Like I said I state facts. Why cant you just say. Im sorry Daddy. I was WRONG. All that other stuff you went into to hide the fact that you didn't know what you was talking about. Made look as dumb as your EX President to be. LMFAO
Wow you needed to attack me like that. Just because I happen to have been around a lot longer than you and you didn't know how many times AMFA has failed. Maybe you young bucks should learn to Shut the Hell up when your Elders are speaking. Like I said I state facts. Why can't you just say. Im sorry Daddy. I was WRONG. All that other stuff you went into to hide the fact that you didn't know what you was talking about. Made look as dumb as your EX President to be. LMFAO

OAM; I wasn't attacking you at all, you said I should of done my homework so tell us what I have said here that is incorrect? You have made statements show us the Proof, of your supposed FACTS.

IF you are my elder then WHY are you still there?

I know how many times I have collected cards.

You say you know what you are talking about, But AMFA doesn't have an Organizing DIV. like the IBT/IAM/TWU so to tell you AGAIN the membership of the TWU's M&R employees Failed to get enough signature cards to bring another bargaining unit here to AA. NOT AMFA.
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OAM; I wan't attacking you at all, you said I should of done my homework so tell us what I have said here that is incorrect? You have made statements show us the Proof, of your supposed FACTS.

IF you are my elder then WHY are you still there?

I know how many times I have collected cards.
You sound like trump. I made a statement that amfa failed 3 times. You corrected me and said it was 2. I corrected you and brought the time Delle failed and then you got butt hurt and started talking about how I voted in the past and screwed all the people that didn't even work for AA yet. As far a IF I still work at AA. That I have to keep secret. You might figure out WHO I really am. LOL.
You sound like trump. I made a statement that amfa failed 3 times. You corrected me and said it was 2. I corrected you and brought the time Delle failed and then you got butt hurt and started talking about how I voted in the past and screwed all the people that didn't even work for AA yet. As far a IF I still work at AA. That I have to keep secret. You might figure out WHO I really am. LOL.

I NEVER SAID 2, I said we Failed more than 3X go back and re-read. It doesn't matter to me who you are. UNions of the past fought as you even said so yourself
they fought for themselves and for the guys who would follow that is why we have Holidays and sick time and everything else. The TWU thinks only of the NOW and IGM, That is why in MY opinion they need to GO away. That is probably the reason why you support the scamming leadership there in MIA. There needs to be a complete reboot a different way of thinking. Bring back what it means to be a UNION Member. Something the Membership of the TWU forgot long ago.

Politics has nothing to do with this at all. Who I voted for or against is my choice.
OAM; I wasn't attacking you at all, you said I should of done my homework so tell us what I have said here that is incorrect? You have made statements show us the Proof, of your supposed FACTS.

IF you are my elder then WHY are you still there?

I know how many times I have collected cards.

You say you know what you are talking about, But AMFA doesn't have an Organizing DIV. like the IBT/IAM/TWU so to tell you AGAIN the membership of the TWU's M&R employees Failed to get enough signature cards to bring another bargaining unit here to AA. NOT AMFA.
you have to realize he was hear in 64 when delfemme was run out. that make old azz like 75... if hes been here that long his judgement aint worth a schite
you have to realize he was hear in 64 when delfemme was run out. that make old azz like 75... if hes been here that long his judgement aint worth a schite
It so funny how I control you guys. You are not even smart enough to see your own words. If my Judgement is not worth Schite. Then why did my words MAKE you respond. Damn YOU CANT FIX STUPID. LMFAO. Master say Repond.
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