As stated earlier Ken, it's all about the dues money, AMFA, TWU, IAM, IBT, they are all concerned about that monthly intake. Do you honestly believe that AA would rather have the TWU than AMFA because of the mean AMFA reputation you seem to think they hold? Accountability? So you believe that because the AMFA REPS CAN BE BOOTED OUT QUICKLY THAT YOU'LL EVER SEE IT? Name one AMFA rep in any AMFA local, that has lost his job, internationally or not , due to a democratic vote. This is the one item you continually throw out, is it really used by AMFA as much as it is used by AMFA's organizers? Without bashing AMFA, Ken, AMFA really hasn't gained to hell of a lot for any airline it currently reps, now has it? They have done what? Extended a contract, they have gone from the "NO CONCESSIONS" stance to a much more humble stance.
All unions have their strong points and their weaknesses. The unions are not our current problem within our profession. The cost of crude oil and the cut throat antics of competing airlines combined with the outsourcing is our downfall. The TWU, IAM , IBT, AMFA, will not see a return of the union power afforded in the 60's or the 70's. There have been way to many other factors thrown into play, such as the continual decline of union membership...what are we now? 13% or so?
I believe this Ken, I believe the TWU does do way to many pajama parties and cocktail get togethers with the company...but so would your AMFA elected officials...AA would laugh them into court. There is no "win" scenerio with AA.