Kc Informational Meeting

Long Term AMT said:
Hey I hear you guys only need one more card to file....and I'm NOT signing it :p
At this meeting be sure the AMFA membizzz ask Delle :blink: about taking AA into bankruptcy.

LMAO :bleh:

P.S. Don't be suprised by him NOT filing for "lack of majority interest at AA" :stupid:



The meetings were a complete flop, If you add in the amfa wannabes from out of town, International and TWU members you could count the supporters from MCI on your little fingers and toes!!!!!!

The turnout during the TWU midnight shift membership meeting in MCI has a better turnout.

I suspect this was a big disappointment, since harvey was hoping for MCI to boost the card count!!!!!!!!
Checking it Out said:

The meetings were a complete flop, If you add in the amfa wannabes from out of town, International and TWU members you could count the supporters from MCI on your little fingers and toes!!!!!!

The turnout during the TWU midnight shift membership meeting in MCI has a better turnout.

I suspect this was a big disappointment, since harvey was hoping for MCI to boost the card count!!!!!!!!
The turnout during the TWU midnight shift membership meeting in MCI has a better turnout

Cio, what a joke this meeting was, Cio, Would TWU ever hold a meeting without pledging allegiance? Moment of silence? Is this the way AMFA conducts meetings? if it is, NO THANK YOU, I looked thru out the room looking a flag, none to be found.
The attendance was pitiful, I must say tho, bay 8 was represented, bay 8 twilight, other bays represented were, 1 from bay 2, 2 from bay 9, 1 from 14? no line crew mechanics
Checking it Out said:

The meetings were a complete flop, If you add in the amfa wannabes from out of town, International and TWU members you could count the supporters from MCI on your little fingers and toes!!!!!!

The turnout during the TWU midnight shift membership meeting in MCI has a better turnout.

I suspect this was a big disappointment, since harvey was hoping for MCI to boost the card count!!!!!!!!
The turnout during the TWU midnight shift membership meeting in MCI has a better turnout

Cio, what a joke this meeting was, Cio, Would TWU ever hold a meeting without pledging allegiance? Moment of silence? Is this the way AMFA conducts meetings? if it is, NO THANK YOU, I looked thru out the room looking a flag, none to be found.
The attendance was pitiful, I must say tho, bay 8 was represented, bay 8 twilight, other bays represented were, 1 from bay 2, 2 from bay 9, 1 from 14? no line crew mechanics
Cio we don't need to boost the card count. We have more than enough cards. Repeat we have more than enough cards. What part of that statement don't you understand Rick! AMFA is coming like it or not. Enough of the lies and deciet from the Twu Rick. Got it . Good. Bye Bye Losers.
We had similar turn-outs for AMFA question and answer sessions at UAL. The fact is that most people have already made their mind up and don't need to go to a meeting and find out anything else. The IAM also tried to make an big issue out of how many folks showed up for the meetings... funny thing is, they don't say too much now!

These events are not strike rallies or any thing that requires a show of strength or unity. The events are simply question and answer opportuinites for those who are undecided. At UAL people got tired of waiting and the meetings just increased the frustration of having to know how much better AMFA is but have a certification vote seemingly just beyond our grasp. We showed our support where it counts... with a vote. If the vote was held again today we would have even better results as the old core support of the previous union has seen both industrial and craft unionis and they like AMFA much more than the old ways.

There are several things that have happened at UAL, since AMFA empowered us to control our own future, that would have had the concession lapdog previous union's instant approval with no membership knowledge or control. Thanks to AMFA all these things played out in the best interest of the members and not UAL.

Nothing for the TWU to be alarmed about at all.

Turnout was low at MCI, they have more members at a TWU meeting. Afterall, the NMB will send the investigator to meetings, count heads, and that will determine a winner.

Just keep clicking your heels together three times and repeat after me.

"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"

"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"

"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"

There now, that will suffice. There is no longer any danger of a card filing or an election. For good measure and safety, let's do that one more time to be sure...

"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"

I understand they were going to advertise "free cake and ice cream" to get a higher attendance at MCIE, but they heard Dave was going to show and decided against it.

My only question is, if you have the cards, and God knows Harvey wouldn't lie, why not file on Monday?
Johnny Lunchbox said:
I understand they were going to advertise "free cake and ice cream" to get a higher attendance at MCIE, but they heard Dave was going to show and decided against it.

My only question is, if you have the cards, and God knows Harvey wouldn't lie, why not file on Monday?
Little man worry not your heart. Amfa will file when we are ready to file. Maybe Mon. Maybe Tues. But rest assured before St. Patricks day.That's a promise. Now go back to whacking your bat and jamming sandwiches down your throat.
Johnny Lunchbox said:
I understand they were going to advertise "free cake and ice cream" to get a higher attendance at MCIE, but they heard Dave was going to show and decided against it.

My only question is, if you have the cards, and God knows Harvey wouldn't lie, why not file on Monday?
Who said we wouldn't?

You will find out soon enough.

Your personal attacks have earned you the right to be treated with dignity and respect. And you will go down in history, as the man who single handedly stopped AMFA by bashing the individuals that promote the profession. What an honor.

"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"
TWU informer said:

Nothing for the TWU to be alarmed about at all.

Turnout was low at MCI, they have more members at a TWU meeting. Afterall, the NMB will send the investigator to meetings, count heads, and that will determine a winner.

Just keep clicking your heels together three times and repeat after me.

"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"

"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"

"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"

There now, that will suffice. There is no longer any danger of a card filing or an election. For good measure and safety, let's do that one more time to be sure...

"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"

There is no support for AMFA at MCI

Dave, Nice to have finally met you after all these years. Dave, Please be honest, ( I Know you will answer truthful) Were you surprised yesterday by the lack of non support for AMFA? You expected more supporters?
I beleive the reason for the meeting yesterday was not so much for information but to see how much support for AMFA there actually is at MCI, correct? I beleive it was for "information" we would have seen more AMFA organizers than true AMFA officials?
Dave, Your right, "There is no support for AMFA at MCI, its doubtful AMFA received over 500 cards at MCI, but say it is true, of those 500, how many do you, and be truthful again, that sent a card will actually vote against TWU when they receive a ballot?
Dave, tell the board about taking care of membership, if one local has a need and that local is much bigger than say MCI, and MCI has a different need, which membership wins? So much for listening to membership?
Also Dave, I heard Kevin state his views on AMTs versus A&Ps, yet no where did I hear any mentionof SKILL PAY?
Dave over and over onthis board you claim you dont want your union involved in politics, yet, Kevin stated that after the crash at Raleigh Durham? He was contacted by the GAO (General Accounting Office) for his views and Ideas pertaining to FAR 145? guidelines?

Dave, I must state also I was offended yesterday, TRULY OFFENDED, I know you and others will stand up for Lee Seham, Please dont deny you didnt hear him say anything offensive? What was it 2 minutes after Kevin stated the guidelines for the meeting, no cussing, derogatory remarks? Lee Seham gets up and tooting his horn used some VERY OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE, I was embarassed, I looked and saw 2 women in attendance, is this ok with you to hear a professional talking this way?
On both sides Dave we have had members disciplined for lot less actions than I heard yesterday, I will say PROFESSIONALLY I have yet to go to a TWU meeting and hear this offensive language used ever.
Dave, I know this was billed as an information meeting, But where was the flag? the Pledge of ALlegiance? the moment of silence? I have been to TWU informational meetings, and we did say the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE and had a MOMENT OF SILENCE

Again Dave, Nice to have met you
MCI AFL-CIO, I know you are one of three people but, which one??? Personally, I thought the meeting was very informative and was satisfied with the turnout.

I beleive the reason for the meeting yesterday was not so much for information but to see how much support for AMFA there actually is at MCI, correct?

First I have never seen an info meeting with more people than I had hoped for, it just does not work that way, yet the majority of the mechanic and related have signed cards calling for an election. This may be hard for you to understand but, that is just the way it is. I think a better test is to see how much opposition is there that is not on UB and so far I have seen little!!!

When you empower the membership you empower democracy. When we engage in contract talks the membership will have their say in all aspects of the contract. To say one group, because it is bigger than another will overpower is not true. If there is enough passion from a group of people their plea will be heard and addressed.

There is a group here in Tulsa that has not only lost the 17.5% in pay but, also their license pay as they were thrown into OSM shop positions. I am sure this will be addressed. To add insult to injury a junior man in the same shop can be labor-loaned on a Twu-buddy/Company-buddy deals to a paid license position indefinitely if he chooses to stay and the company wants him to stay.

Your attempt to pit MCI against TUL will fail and these divide and conquer techniques of the TWU will cease to exist in the coming months.
Rusty said:
MCI AFL-CIO, I know you are one of three people but, which one??? Personally, I thought the meeting was very informative and was satisfied with the turnout.

First I have never seen an info meeting with more people than I had hoped for, it just does not work that way, yet the majority of the mechanic and related have signed cards calling for an election. This may be hard for you to understand but, that is just the way it is. I think a better test is to see how much opposition is there that is not on UB and so far I have seen little!!!

When you empower the membership you empower democracy. When we engage in contract talks the membership will have their say in all aspects of the contract. To say one group, because it is bigger than another will overpower is not true. If there is enough passion from a group of people their plea will be heard and addressed.

There is a group here in Tulsa that has not only lost the 17.5% in pay but, also their license pay as they were thrown into OSM shop positions. I am sure this will be addressed. To add insult to injury a junior man in the same shop can be labor-loaned on a Twu-buddy/Company-buddy deals to a paid license position indefinitely if he chooses to stay and the company wants him to stay.

Your attempt to pit MCI against TUL will fail and these divide and conquer techniques of the TWU will cease to exist in the coming months.
Your attempt to pit MCI against TUL will fail and these divide and conquer techniques of the TWU will cease to exist in the coming months

Rusty, Nice to have met you yesterday. I have long been reading your posts and concerns here.
Rusty, Let me make myself clear, I am in noway trying to pit MCI against TULSA, In fact, I would prefer to UNITE both bases along with ALLIANCE as well as the line stations, I am not the one promoting DIVIDE and CONQUER TECHNIQUES, You were there yesterday, correct me if Im wrong, but when asked about the senority issues, didnt Don Rodgers and Dave Stewart say " GET OVER IT" ? Didnt they also state that each local will be asked or polled thru a survey the desires of the local and that if MCI wants to Re Establish SENORITY ISSUES and ,Im not the one using TULSA, They, DON AND DAVE USED THIS, that if Tulsa wanted more vacation time, TULSA WOUDL BE HEARD because they outnumber MCI?

Rusty I am all for DEMOCRACY, I will never fight to take away the rights of anyone, and I will never fight to be unfair to anyone, I never said I was against the election, by all means lets have an election, all I have said is in my opinion, alot of members who have sent cards were upset but when the time comes to vote, in my opinion, TWU will prevail, to me that is democracy, that is being fair

MCI AFL-CIO, I know you are one of three people but, which one???

Rusty.............there were less than 30 here yesterday, you claim I was 1 of 3? maybe it was a typo, I do that occasionally, you meant 30?

I would like to say, "nice to have met you also". However, you apparently still cower behind your alias, because you DID NOT identifiy yourself to me, thus we DID NOT MEET as far as I am concerned. Do you understand the proper and accepted way to "meet someone"?

I never said "get over it" when it came to your senioirty. I said "it would be a minority issue" when the next round of negotiations begin and that we have many other pressing concessions to recover. In a Majority Rule union structure, that is the way it works. The TWU will face the same with your seniority issue, so that specific issue is a wash in the TWU vs AMFA debate. If the TWU is prmoising you something different on your seniority then please share with us what they say? Your seniority issue will not be top priority with the TWU, just as Mechanic and Related issues as a whole are not the priority of the TWU. I also told everyone that "AMFA is not the solution to your seniority" problem. Would you rather me speak what you want to hear, or the TRUTH? AMFA is the answer to our eroding profession, not a white knight to fix the TWA/AA Seniority issue. If you are looking for that white knight, I would suggest you go to the Federal Courts.

As for Politics, I am not in favor of campaign involvement and non-mechanic and related lobbying. I am strongly in favor of lobbying towards good aircraft maintenance technician and safety issues. I am not much interested in giving the illegal aliens a free pass. Most members can tell the difference.

My honest opinion, I was very dissappointed by the attendance at the MCI meeting. But I have had the same feelings about every AMFA meeting I have ever gone to, with the exception of New York. I doubt that the TWU walks the planet on a regular basis happy with their attendance or union member participation. Contrary to what you are propagating, AMFA support cannot be guaged on meeting attendance. Your own TWU phone survey will prove that true. So will the NMB ballot soon enough.

Yes, I was shocked by the F word when used by Seham. But everything he was making reference to when used was fact! You are probabaly correct about TWU meetings and bad language.

Sorry if you were offended, if I knew your name and address, I would get you a personal apology from Lee. Of course you are not man enough to go there. So let's just say, that your complaints (attendance, flag, pledge, prayer) have some validity, but if we addressed those, you would just hide behind your alias and complain about something else.

Now I have answered a few questions of yours WILL YOU NOW ANSWER SOME FROM ME?