TWU informer said:
Nothing for the TWU to be alarmed about at all.
Turnout was low at MCI, they have more members at a TWU meeting. Afterall, the NMB will send the investigator to meetings, count heads, and that will determine a winner.
Just keep clicking your heels together three times and repeat after me.
"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"
"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"
"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"
There now, that will suffice. There is no longer any danger of a card filing or an election. For good measure and safety, let's do that one more time to be sure...
"Click, Click, Click"
"There is no support for AMFA at MCI"
There is no support for AMFA at MCI
Dave, Nice to have finally met you after all these years. Dave, Please be honest, ( I Know you will answer truthful) Were you surprised yesterday by the lack of non support for AMFA? You expected more supporters?
I beleive the reason for the meeting yesterday was not so much for information but to see how much support for AMFA there actually is at MCI, correct? I beleive it was for "information" we would have seen more AMFA organizers than true AMFA officials?
Dave, Your right, "There is no support for AMFA at MCI, its doubtful AMFA received over 500 cards at MCI, but say it is true, of those 500, how many do you, and be truthful again, that sent a card will actually vote against TWU when they receive a ballot?
Dave, tell the board about taking care of membership, if one local has a need and that local is much bigger than say MCI, and MCI has a different need, which membership wins? So much for listening to membership?
Also Dave, I heard Kevin state his views on AMTs versus A&Ps, yet no where did I hear any mentionof SKILL PAY?
Dave over and over onthis board you claim you dont want your union involved in politics, yet, Kevin stated that after the crash at Raleigh Durham? He was contacted by the GAO (General Accounting Office) for his views and Ideas pertaining to FAR 145? guidelines?
Dave, I must state also I was offended yesterday, TRULY OFFENDED, I know you and others will stand up for Lee Seham, Please dont deny you didnt hear him say anything offensive? What was it 2 minutes after Kevin stated the guidelines for the meeting, no cussing, derogatory remarks? Lee Seham gets up and tooting his horn used some VERY OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE, I was embarassed, I looked and saw 2 women in attendance, is this ok with you to hear a professional talking this way?
On both sides Dave we have had members disciplined for lot less actions than I heard yesterday, I will say PROFESSIONALLY I have yet to go to a TWU meeting and hear this offensive language used ever.
Dave, I know this was billed as an information meeting, But where was the flag? the Pledge of ALlegiance? the moment of silence? I have been to TWU informational meetings, and we did say the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE and had a MOMENT OF SILENCE
Again Dave, Nice to have met you