You should consider getting a really nice gold colored pity pot to sit on. I mean you can be part of change and have some hope, or you can sit around and woller in self pity and agony, while remaining focused on the negatives and do nothing to change the current direction of the company, your representation, your profession, and the Tulsa Maintenance Base.
Which Reminds me, you never answered the four previous asked questions I psoed to you.
Are you happy with the direction of AA?
Are you happy with your Union Representation?
Are you happy with the direction of the profession?
Are you happy with the direction of the Tulsa Base?
And, which of these do you have a voice in and the ability to change?
You can keep pretending that someone owes you an anwer, while it is clear you already have your mind made up. This is typical of a well trained TWU member and/or Officer. Next step will be some anti-depressant and axiety meds for you to take daily.