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Sam takes a stand


Dec 3, 2005
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Previous AMFA organizers have started another card signing drive under the name of AMP. (AMP currently represents no one.) We all know the idea of being in a craft union that is isolated from the AFL-CIO and the rest of labor has failed miserably for mechanics. If AMFA/AMP won a representation election of AA mechanics, some AA upper management, who already believe we should shed heavy maintenance, will do so, just as other airlines have as AMFA took over representation rights. Those bases closed because their work was outsourced.

3 at Northwest
2 at Alaska
1 at ATAMembers should be concerned about a startup association that would threaten their future. Solidarity and the strength of our membership has maintained our jobs at this base for 65 years. This is the time to stand together as a union.
I understand your concern because I too am concerned and this is why I ran for office. The more we are involved, the stronger and united we will be.


Sam Cirri, President

I had hopes of Tulsa pointing its finger (collectively) where it belongs-at the International and inflicting retribution. I honestly didn't want to see in the mud union brother against union brother here in Tulsa like what had happened in the past.
When the battlefront is here in Tulsa the International smiles as its compliant stoogies do battle for them. I don't understand how anyone can defend the TWU International UNLESS they have been sucking from its tit for several years and gained on a personal level at the expense of other union members. It is difficult for me to understand how International officers can enjoy increases in pay and benefits while their members sacrifice again and again.

I am not a member of the AMP steering committee, however, an assault on our ability as Americans to freely select representation of our choosing always raises my ire.

AMP and AMFA are two different animals. AMP will be a completely independent union made up of maintenance and material professionals from American Airlines. For us to see AMP as AMFA is to see an apple as a banana. AMP is about us taking care ourselves without the liability of a parasitic International with an agenda that conflicts with our best interests. We don't need a middle man. Especially one that increases its wages and benefits while we are sacrificing in an uneven arrangement brokered by those who are supposed to be looking after our best interests.

Let there be no confusion AMFA is not AMP and AMP is not AMFA. Any coupling of the two is an effort to confuse the facts.

The Pilots union and the Flight Attendants union are independent unions and have prospered. There is no debate who their officers represent. The Flight Attendants where once TWU. How many times have you heard the F/A' s clamor to rejoin the TWU?
I invite any F/A around to start a TWU card drive. I don't believe the Pilots would stand in line to join the TWU either.
The idea that we can't operate successfully as an independent union of maintenance (or material) professionals is just plain folly. Sam, sell it to someone else.

Another argument that's out there is the argument that AA would shed its maintenance if AMP were to succeed in taking over representation duties from the TWU. To be honest if the company can get quality maintenance cheaper and quicker somewhere else on a fleet this size they will-it doesn't matter who represents us. We're not here because the company likes us-we are a necessary evil that they would just as soon not have to deal with. It doesn't matter what label our representation sports.

Sam, why tap dance along with the International? Your smarter than that. Stand back and allow the membership to exercise their rights as Americans to choose the representation that will better serve their best interests.

I filled out an AMP card and am ready to defend myself in TWU Kangaroo Kourt when the TWU gets desperate enough to begin punishing us for exercising our rights as American citizens and attempts to scare its membership into mindless compliance. It should be a lot of laughs.

The last time we voted in a representational election was 1948.
Previous AMFA organizers have started another card signing drive under the name of AMP. (AMP currently represents no one.) We all know the idea of being in a craft union that is isolated from the AFL-CIO and the rest of labor has failed miserably for mechanics. If AMFA/AMP won a representation election of AA mechanics, some AA upper management, who already believe we should shed heavy maintenance, will do so, just as other airlines have as AMFA took over representation rights. Those bases closed because their work was outsourced.

3 at Northwest
2 at Alaska
1 at ATAMembers should be concerned about a startup association that would threaten their future. Solidarity and the strength of our membership has maintained our jobs at this base for 65 years. This is the time to stand together as a union.
I understand your concern because I too am concerned and this is why I ran for office. The more we are involved, the stronger and united we will be.


Sam Cirri, President

I had hopes of Tulsa pointing its finger (collectively) where it belongs-at the International and inflicting retribution. I honestly didn't want to see in the mud union brother against union brother here in Tulsa like what had happened in the past.
When the battlefront is here in Tulsa the International smiles as its compliant stoogies do battle for them. I don't understand how anyone can defend the TWU International UNLESS they have been sucking from its tit for several years and gained on a personal level at the expense of other union members. It is difficult for me to understand how International officers can enjoy increases in pay and benefits while their members sacrifice again and again.

I am not a member of the AMP steering committee, however, an assault on our ability as Americans to freely select representation of our choosing always raises my ire.

AMP and AMFA are two different animals. AMP will be a completely independent union made up of maintenance and material professionals from American Airlines. For us to see AMP as AMFA is to see an apple as a banana. AMP is about us taking care ourselves without the liability of a parasitic International with an agenda that conflicts with out best interests. We don't need a middle man. Especially one that increases its wages and benefits while we are sacrificing in an uneven arrangement brokered by those who are supposed to be looking after our best interests.

Let there be no confusion AMFA is not AMP and AMP is not AMFA. Any coupling of the two is an effort to confuse the facts.

The Pilots union and the Flight Attendants union are independent unions and have prospered. There is no debate who their officers represent. The Flight Attendants where once TWU. How many times have you heard the F/A' s clamor to rejoin the TWU?
I invite any F/A around to start a TWU card drive. I don't believe the Pilots would stand in line to join the TWU either.
The idea that we can't operate successfully as an independent union of maintenance (or material) professionals is just plain folly. Sam, sell it to someone else.

Another argument that's out there is the argument that AA would shed its maintenance if AMP were to succeed in taking over representation duties from the TWU. To be honest if the company can get quality maintenance cheaper and quicker somewhere else on a fleet this size they will-it doesn't matter who represents us. We're not here because the company likes us-we are a necessary evil that they would just as soon not have to deal with. It doesn't matter what label our representation sports.

Sam, why tap dance along with the International? Your smarter than that. Stand back and allow the membership to exercise their rights as Americans to choose the representation that will better serve their best interests.

I filled out an AMP card and am ready to defend myself in TWU Kangaroo Kourt when the TWU gets desperate enough to begin punishing us for exercising our rights as American citizens and attempts to scare its membership into mindless compliance. It should be a lot of laughs.

The last time we voted in a representational election was 1948.


I still remmeber Rogers and several others standing in front of a group telling everyone how AMFA will get all the Engine work back at NW when they first took over representation. Come on now, your track record has something to be desired.

The majority of the sterring committee is former AMFA members and the leader did nothing before without Dell's approval. He is probable still a Life long member.

Like you said before, give the new local Officers a chance to change the wrong of the last 3 years.

... snip

Like you said before, give the new local Officers a chance to change the wrong of the last 3 years.
As I've asked of others, what magical powers do the new local officers believe they possess re: improving the TWU? Did a few of the become blessed with the temporary control of lightening bolts, aiming them at Little Jimmy in order to remove him and his minions? The constitution of the TWU must still be followed. Every one of those SOBs could go away and we'd still be left with a constitution designed to keep control at the International level.

Little will not cede any control of the International to anyone as many would be rather elated to have his head on a platter. He's very well aware of the fact he and his partners in crime would be TWU history in short order if the rank and file could remove them from their positions.

"Give the new officers a chance to straighten things up" is the equivalent of "sit down and shut up" as working within the TWU's Constitution, there's no way to accomplish the reform necessary. As has been told by those at the union convention (drunk fests), motions to make changes to the constitution are not even allowed on the floor - they're dismissed by Little ASAP. Even if the people involved at the International level could simply "disappear", the constitution is still in place, as I pointed out earlier.

Removal of the cancer is the only way to eliminate it and then only for a short period of time unless the membership become vigilant and starts caring about their jobs and representation. As I've said before, we have the history of the USA to look at - there are always those ready to insert themselves into a situation and use it to their advantage, changing it ever so slightly, little by little (no pun intended), only to end up with the mess we have for a country and union, both. We got where we are on both counts because it was easier to let "them" take care of "it" while we went to the lake and left control of our country and livlyhoods to the whims of egotistical bastards who believe we, the ones who pay the bills, deserve nothing.

"They" can go to hell. A fresh start is in order.
Come on now, your track record has something to be desired.

The majority of the sterring committee is former AMFA members and the leader did nothing before without Dell's approval. He is probable still a Life long member.

When the mechanics at NWA went out on strike you hired on as a strikebreaker and you have the nerve to question my integrity?

I have no quarrel with local officers but I believe it is in our best interest to rid ourselves of parasitic blood suckers that sell us out at every opportunity so that they can enrich themselves and strengthen their positions at our expense. A group that had no problem with convention delegates making a blanket motion to approve all remaining items on the docket on Thurs. so they could all party on Friday. A group that tabled all proposals that had a hint of accountability or democracy in them. I say off with their heads the sooner the better!

Dell has nothing to do with AMP and probably does not even know it exists.