Hey guys; Below is a copied and paste from AMFA National's web site. Found it particular to your card drive so thought I would post here. Feel free to transfer it if need be. Just wanted to point out to you guys the first para in particular: With AMFA the "membership" makes proposed amendments to the AMFA Constitution as well as the "membership" will vote rather to have those changes to the Constitution become effective or not.
2nd point: Take note where the "membership" also nominates AMFA's National Officers, as well as, the "membership" will also vote rather to put such officers into said position. (I am hearing of some officer changes this go around) I don't know for sure but I believe the TWU membership cannot have any say so who their officers are, as well as make any changes to the TWU constition. I know for a fact, you cannot do this with the teamsters/ibt...
Informer; I know this is long, but thought your peeps could have a good read. This is all straight from the horses mouth our "elected" AMFA National Director. Pass it on brother, I feel some of your membership either still thinks this does not happen within the AMFA, or the TWU is just flat out lying to them. Here it is:
National Director's May 2012 Update May 31, 2012 - Posted by: Louie Key
Dear Members:
What an extraordinary and busy month May was across our Association. On May 7th we held our National Convention in San Diego, CA where the convention delegates debated the membership’s proposed amendments to the AMFA Constitution. Proposed amendments that were endorsed by the delegates will soon be sent to the membership for ratification. They also nominated candidates for the upcoming national officer elections and attended presentations on AMFA’s legislative strategy, public relations campaigns, and were addressed by William McGee whose book coming out in June highlights concerns with outsourced maintenance and weak FAA oversight.
On May 23rd we held our quarterly Joint Advisory Council meeting in Las Vegas, NV where we covered an array of topics including possible local restructuring once the former AirTran mechanics come under AMFA representation, the Association’s Professional Standards Program, and grievance tracking software that could aid our contractual representatives.
On May 24th the Southwest Airlines (SWA) Appearance Technicians overwhelmingly approved their tentative agreement (TA). Next, the negotiating committees will meet to sign the contract and work through the implementation phases for several of the new provisions of the contract.
The informational road shows have concluded and voting has started on the second TA that was reached between the AMFA and the IBT covering seniority integration and a transition agreement between the SWA and AirTran mechanics as well as two Letters of Agreement. The voting will conclude on June 21, 2012. If either side rejects the TA, we will be proceeding under the terms of the Process Agreement that outlines the procedures for moving the dispute into the arbitration process for a final and binding resolution.
The new contract books at Alaska Airlines have been distributed. We are now focusing on the development of our Professional Standards program and beginning the recruitment for volunteers at Locals 14 and 32.
For more carrier specific updates and further information regarding AMFA and the airline industry, please visit the AMFA National Web site at
www.AMFANational.org and remember our most determined efforts will only succeed with your continued support and participation – Please stay informed. With your participation we will jointly craft our collective future. Work together, support one another, and be proud of your important profession.