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AMFA Drive started in Tulsa ?

It doesn't matter who represents overhaul, there will only be a fraction of what we do now due to fleet renewal, extended checks, and outsourcing starting in the near future. The fact remains those left will want better representation.

So the outcome would be Line Maintenance would have majority rule leaving Overhaul in wake of disaster under the AMFA. That will be a hard sell in Tulsa my friend....
I see this AMFA as a waste of time. Their track record is "NOT" to represent those who do overhaul! So who in their right mind from a maintenance base would even consider signing up with them? AMFA has no care, clue, or desire to maintain overhaul work because its not within their preferred group of interest. Their record is to shed themselves of this type of work by the history of the AMFA. It must be to complicated, or the AMFA must fall short on the internal resources to maintain such a group.

Just my honest observation....

Umm and the TWU does?..Well actually yes they do they offer the same crappy representation to overhaul as they do to line and everyone else. Actually I will be honest when I was AMFA most of us felt we did not want to take the cleaners even though we were forced to. We want a skilled tradesman union and does not mean we want only A@P mechanics that also means skilled welders and plant maintenance and GSE guys. Cleaners even though they are in our class and craft they are not a tradesman. Other groups in this industry that are "skilled" are NOT required by law to have to take other groups in as we are. Pilots unions have pilots only as do dispatchers as do flight attendants. But we somehow are forced to take others and that is thanks to the industrial unions like the IAM and TWU and IBT. Who have kept pressure on to keep the class and craft the way it is even though it backfired on the IAM at NWA. But as far as OH that did not matter.. AMFA made mistakes in our case and of course NWA took advantage of 9/11 and force majure to take liberties that would not have happened otherwise.
Mr. High speed
You are delusional to think that the TWU cares about OH all they care about is dues payers. I guess you did not read the LBO or the last AA ask but all the barriers will be gone that hinder AA from getting rid of OH and while they dwindle it down to nothing all of the junior guys will be working as OSM's (slave wages). Please don't attack the line on your reply it just shows your ignorance to think that AA could farm out line ops no other company has figured how to do that yet and AA is not that stupid (yet). I have been here too long and have always been concerned about the TWU's motivation it has always been clear to me they could care less about any of the mechanics OH and line included all they care about are dues. I hope I see the day they are shown the door at AA, and I feel it may be soon. But too little too late for most of us.
Steve Goeyvaerts
AA SFO 106656
Umm and the TWU does?..Well actually yes they do they offer the same crappy representation to overhaul as they do to line and everyone else. Actually I will be honest when I was AMFA most of us felt we did not want to take the cleaners even though we were forced to. We want a skilled tradesman union and does not mean we want only A@P mechanics that also means skilled welders and plant maintenance and GSE guys. Cleaners even though they are in our class and craft they are not a tradesman. Other groups in this industry that are "skilled" are NOT required by law to have to take other groups in as we are. Pilots unions have pilots only as do dispatchers as do flight attendants. But we somehow are forced to take others and that is thanks to the industrial unions like the IAM and TWU and IBT. Who have kept pressure on to keep the class and craft the way it is even though it backfired on the IAM at NWA. But as far as OH that did not matter.. AMFA made mistakes in our case and of course NWA took advantage of 9/11 and force majure to take liberties that would not have happened otherwise.
And the elitist attitude lives on. And being all on your own at NW worked?

I think not.
And the elitist attitude lives on. And being all on your own at NW worked?

I think not.

Yeah call me an elitist if you want but no one else seems to have a problem with that when it comes to pilots, FA, and dispatchers. Why the hell do you all have a problem with us as mechanics and tradesman with having a union that represents OUR needs? Answer me that??? I worked pretty damn hard to get my A@P and I still didn't know anything it took me years and years to perfect my craft and I now make over 100k ..But when I was under the IAM at NWA I started out as a ramp guy just to show you its not personal but I did not go through all that and only to go to midnights and grind corrosion and replace crappers and then to rewire autopilot system years later to make 2 dollars an hr over an ESE which is a ramp guy and one dollar over a ramp chief. That is the socialist communist crap that got the IAM tossed to the street. I have a dispatchers license and it took me far less to get that than my A@P and now I am sorry I never went into that field because they get paid far better do not get accused of being elitists and have jumpseat priviledges at all CASS approved airlines which mechanics certainly do not have. Sorry I ever got into the maintenance business.
And the elitist attitude lives on. And being all on your own at NW worked?

I think not.

Actually I am sorry I went and got any licenses I should have just stayed a ramp guy and worked my way up the union food chain I could be making 6 figures and travel all over the country and make empty promises like the TWU and IAM clowns..What does Jimmy Little's secretary make like 150k? ..Man did I pick the wrong career
High Speed Steel
Where do you get your facts? I would be interested to hear where do you say they do not care about overhaul. Have you contacted anyone at AMFA? Have you any facts that an overhaul mechanic at Southwest or Alaska Airlines is treated differently than a line mechanic.? You speak as if you have personal knowledge on this subject? If so please share your knowledge so we may all learn. If you are speaking for wild supposition or word of mouth try again. Use that empty space between your ears and educate yourself on facts and truth rather than fear of change or ignorance. Just because you have had the TWU cool-aid and will say anything to stay with the fatherland, try and come back to reality THE SKY IS NOT FALLING.
You spelled kool-aid wrong most Communist sympathizers used a K to replace their C's
I see this AMFA as a waste of time. Their track record is "NOT" to represent those who do overhaul! So who in their right mind from a maintenance base would even consider signing up with them? AMFA has no care, clue, or desire to maintain overhaul work because its not within their preferred group of interest. Their record is to shed themselves of this type of work by the history of the AMFA. It must be to complicated, or the AMFA must fall short on the internal resources to maintain such a group.

Just my honest observation....

... but your social club that masquerades as a union would be off the property - that's all that matters to many.
Actually I am sorry I went and got any licenses I should have just stayed a ramp guy and worked my way up the union food chain I could be making 6 figures and travel all over the country and make empty promises like the TWU and IAM clowns..What does Jimmy Little's secretary make like 150k? ..Man did I pick the wrong career

If you want to put some lipstick on and a mini skirt, you too can make 150K being JL's secretary. Sorry. Little humor at your expence. But go back and re-read your post.
If you want to put some lipstick on and a mini skirt, you too can make 150K being JL's secretary. Sorry. Little humor at your expence. But go back and re-read your post.

I know Little's secretary is a woman. I am just sayin that it pays to be working for the "union" than being a pawn being represented by the union. At least in the case of the industrial unions like the IAM , IBT and TWU. Don't even have to have a skill either and can make 6 figures.
And the elitist attitude lives on. And being all on your own at NW worked?

I think not.

"Why the hell do you all have a problem with us as mechanics and tradesman with having a union that represents OUR needs?"

Because they know damn good and well they're F'd without the AMTs in there back pockets at the negotiating table. I was stunned that Steenland @ NWA didn't bust the IAM while he was at it. Guess DePace was all too willing to roll over and give mgt everything he wanted. How many times do we have to spell it out? You know very well what went down at NWA.

You fricken IAM, TWU cultist pukes irk me with your assinine "elitists" labels. I'll tell you straight up, if I was running an airline, there's no way I'd pay the kind of money the bag smashers, stores & cleaners (were) getting in the good ol days. I just wouldn't do it. It's a Fn entry level, unskilled (zero liability) job. You want to make good money?...go back to school and get you a marketable degree, license or cert to command the kind of money you desire.
We AMTS/Tradesmen are damned sick and tired of carrying you people around on our backs. We're long overdue in this business to be compensated what we're worth. Instead, the unskilled artificially delute our market rate worth-thanks in no small part to the goons in the IAM, TWU. Deserving are those who shoulder responsibility, liability that stays with that aircraft unitl it is retired and/or scrapped.

Get outta here....I'd be more than happy to stand on my own marketable skills/worth. Not afraid of a picket line either-like some on here are. 😀
If your so skilled, then how come your job can be done at an MRO for half the price and sent all over the world for even less than that?

Did you go to school for two years to learn how to pushback, do air starts and park planes?

And I walked a picket line for 5 days at US to support the mechanics who the company was trying to screw.
If your so skilled, then how come your job can be done at an MRO for half the price and sent all over the world for even less than that?

Did you go to school for two years to learn how to pushback, do air starts and park planes?

And I walked a picket line for 5 days at US to support the mechanics who the company was trying to screw.

Yeah it can be done at MRO's do you know virtually everything that comes out of the MRO's has to be re-worked because it's so F'd up? Happened when I worked at NW and at FX where I am now. We are having 757's converted from passenger to freighters they basically put a new cockpit in them cut a cargo door out of the side of the fuselage and kick it out. When we get them they are a nightmare beyond belief. .Thats why airlines for the most part do not farm out LINE maintenance or Maintenance Control positions. Again I know you 700UW are a knowledgeable guy especially on union matters but why such heartburn when we wanted to go it alone? It is because strength in numbers is all the industrial unions have to get their members ANYTHING. If my job is so damn easy why do I make 6 figures now that I am non-union? Why when I interviewed for a maintenance control job at SWA they offered me a PAID move one months free housing and 70k to start? Like I said I didn't go through that and years of working on different aircraft and perfecting a skill to make pennies over guys who never had to do anything. The IAM and company can save that "loaf of bread costs the same for everyone" socialist crap for another day.

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