AMFA Drive started in Tulsa ?

I do not care what AMFA did or did not do at other airlines. I know that whatever they did the majority of the members agreed on the decision for whatever reason it does not matter. Because unlike the TWU, AMFA is a true democratic union.

So all you TWU sheeple should get a new hobby because all you are doing here is wasting your time and energy spouting off how terrible AMFA because no one cares.

The bottom line is TWU is a failure with M&E and will be replaced!!

AMFA is the only non AFL-CIO craft union which represents only airline technicians and related employees in the craft or class so we (M&E employees) have chosen them to replace the TWU.

And if AMFA does not perform to our satisfaction they will also get the boot!
If your so skilled, then how come your job can be done at an MRO for half the price and sent all over the world for even less than that?

Did you go to school for two years to learn how to pushback, do air starts and park planes?

And I walked a picket line for 5 days at US to support the mechanics who the company was trying to screw.

You know very well why the carriers are taking there work to 3rd party MROs. Do I really need to over something that's had the chit beat out of it on this board? There'll always be a/p sch grads that these facility's prey on. But those folks' numbers have been steadily declining over the years. Mark my words, the days fast approaching where we AMTs are a HOT commodity.

As you know as well, the air starts, shoves are part of the job. Of course the ind unions have been so willing to nego that work away from mechs too.
It takes years to become a good AMT-some never get there. But those that hone there skills & become proficient at what they do are worth every penny and then some.

Of course you held the line for what? 5 days?... Wew, nightmare! You stood to gain from it. Try a 60 day strike...that'll test your resolve. Lol :))
700UW There isn't a job anywhere that can't be done cheaper by someone, somewhere. Ill bet even you could be replaced. The question is what kind of value are you getting when the job might take longer and be of less quality?
To some managers this is important and to others it is not. You would think that in the airline business this would matter but from what I hear of the quality of MRO work it doesn't. This slide toward 3rd world aircraft maintenance will someday give the USA the airline safety record of the 3rd world. But who cares? Cheaper is better, right?
Sooooooooooooo how is the AMFA drive moving along in Tulsa?

Any input anyone?
700UW There isn't a job anywhere that can't be done cheaper by someone, somewhere. Ill bet even you could be replaced. The question is what kind of value are you getting when the job might take longer and be of less quality?
To some managers this is important and to others it is not. You would think that in the airline business this would matter but from what I hear of the quality of MRO work it doesn't. This slide toward 3rd world aircraft maintenance will someday give the USA the airline safety record of the 3rd world. But who cares? Cheaper is better, right?

The quality or lack of coming from a MRO won't matter until planes start falling from the sky, or never making it to the sky.
Sooooooooooooo how is the AMFA drive moving along in Tulsa?

Sort of quiet in hanger 1&2.

Any input anyone?
You know very well why the carriers are taking there work to 3rd party MROs. Do I really need to over something that's had the chit beat out of it on this board? There'll always be a/p sch grads that these facility's prey on. But those folks' numbers have been steadily declining over the years. Mark my words, the days fast approaching where we AMTs are a HOT commodity.

As you know as well, the air starts, shoves are part of the job. Of course the ind unions have been so willing to nego that work away from mechs too.
It takes years to become a good AMT-some never get there. But those that hone there skills & become proficient at what they do are worth every penny and then some.

Of course you held the line for what? 5 days?... Wew, nightmare! You stood to gain from it. Try a 60 day strike...that'll test your resolve. Lol :))

Something 700UW doesn't know is at the FBO's the mechanics make less per hour, but all the airlines are charged an hourly rate nego by the 2 parties. When I left my last FBO over 15 years ago, they were charging around 52.00 per labor hour. Then they all nego how many hours it will take to do jobs. Some are hard lined but most non-routines generated from inspection findings are nego. Where the airlines do save a little is from the bennifits packages. However, as you have stated, the workmanship and quality is not as good. When we have to rework anything from an outside vendor actually cost the company double the monies to fix, not to mention the lost revenue (for the second time) for the time period such aircraft is down. If you were to take all this into consideration It vey well could be same cost very easily. I would be willing to bet the labor hours are up somewhere around 55-60 per labor hour charged at FBO's in the USA.
Something 700UW doesn't know is at the FBO's the mechanics make less per hour, but all the airlines are charged an hourly rate nego by the 2 parties. When I left my last FBO over 15 years ago, they were charging around 52.00 per labor hour. Then they all nego how many hours it will take to do jobs. Some are hard lined but most non-routines generated from inspection findings are nego. Where the airlines do save a little is from the bennifits packages. However, as you have stated, the workmanship and quality is not as good. When we have to rework anything from an outside vendor actually cost the company double the monies to fix, not to mention the lost revenue (for the second time) for the time period such aircraft is down. If you were to take all this into consideration It vey well could be same cost very easily. I would be willing to bet the labor hours are up somewhere around 55-60 per labor hour charged at FBO's in the USA.

Rumor has it that AA was shopping some of our work around to FBO's and was asking for a 56 dollar rate and got no takers they where all closer to 60 dollars a hour, you would think theses fools would know a thing or two about supply and demand.
Rumor has it that AA was shopping some of our work around to FBO's and was asking for a 56 dollar rate and got no takers they where all closer to 60 dollars a hour, you would think theses fools would know a thing or two about supply and demand.
I don't think these fools had a clue or even a concern about saving money on maintenance when they filed and decided to outsource a large percentage of overhaul. I would hope that the TWU would be able to poke holes all over management's claim of saving money when the whole picture is looked at. I would then hope that the judge would look at both sides and make a fair decision. Just as the Whorton Gang is clueless I don't believe the judge in a BK court has any intention of applying logic or fairness. Oh yeah...........GO AMFA !!!!!!!

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