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AMFA Drive started in Tulsa ?

After looking at the AMFA employment numbers my statement was right on !

Well Of Course.....

your neutral and innocent stance has been evident from the start of this thread.

Industrial Unionism is a valid form of Union Representation. As long as you agree that strength in numbers at the expense of the skilled will lead to success.

TWU has proven without question, that this idea of unionism is a complete failure. TWU was a successful organization as long as the industry was regulated by the Federal Government. Since deregulation though, the TWU has failed the Craft or Class of the Aircraft Maintenance Technician.

I would still like to know where you acquire the idea that employment numbers in any industry is the main function of a Union Organization, and the only statistic by which success or failure should be measured?

You are one track minded and so far off base regarding the true function of a Union, I have to ask again. If that is the statistic of measure, then name one Union that measures up to your standard of support?

Awaiting Your Answer, but not holding my breath.
Just a small question here.
How is the card count card handled once 1/2 of TUL is laid off? Do our cards count because we'll be on to so-called recall list for 5 years?

YES anyone with recall rights will be included in the craft or class.
Your card will count and you will get a ballot.
Not so fast there Buck, After reviewing the current SWA contract they do not start more than AA. So not at a higher wage for awhile, after the 4th year.

Wrong. I started at AA at the pathetic rate of $19.74/hr(& that's INCL a/p lic prems)to get back home(mistake of mammoth proportions), WNs starting rate wks out to be around $27/hr.(AS starts at $25/chg).

Do you want to compare top out rates there chief? How about a whopping $10/hr difference.
There is no comparison, just as there in NO defending the TWUs abysmal record.

Of course, you knew all this, didn't you...
I'll ask you too....if you were on the street, which carrier would you rather go to work for?
No brainer ain't it?...
And.........you won't see your first 3 raises for Fn 18 mos intervals. What a sweetheart deal for AA!

And you guys have the gall to bash ANY other contract?
I apologize, in meetings today. If I were just starting out I admit I would go with SWA ! However, lets look closely at the numbers SWA 1900 AMT's, AA 9000 AMT's. Im just saying. On the call backs, If we are stuck with a 5 year call back we wont see the inside of these hangars again. Need a 10 year call back.
I apologize, in meetings today. If I were just starting out I admit I would go with SWA ! However, lets look closely at the numbers SWA 1900 AMT's, AA 9000 AMT's. Im just saying. On the call backs, If we are stuck with a 5 year call back we wont see the inside of these hangars again. Need a 10 year call back.

Nitro: at what point do you stop hiring when the new jobs lower their quality of those jobs?

Are you not going to divulge your basic seniority?
Nitro: at what point do you stop hiring when the new jobs lower their quality of those jobs?

Are you not going to divulge your basic seniority?

He's been avoiding this question.
One of the biggest reasons we went with AMFA here at SWA was the open information. We are soooo much more informed now than we have been the entire time SWA has been in business. With open negociations, they can't keep anything behind closed doors.
I apologize, in meetings today. If I were just starting out I admit I would go with SWA ! However, lets look closely at the numbers SWA 1900 AMT's, AA 9000 AMT's. Im just saying. On the call backs, If we are stuck with a 5 year call back we wont see the inside of these hangars again. Need a 10 year call back.

I would still like to know where you acquire the idea that employment numbers in any industry is the main function of a Union Organization, and the only statistic by which success or failure should be measured?

You are one track minded and so far off base regarding the true function of a Union, I have to ask again. If that is the statistic of measure, then name one Union that measures up to your standard of support?

Awaiting Your Answer, but not holding my breath
I apologize, in meetings today. If I were just starting out I admit I would go with SWA ! However, lets look closely at the numbers SWA 1900 AMT's, AA 9000 AMT's. Im just saying. On the call backs, If we are stuck with a 5 year call back we wont see the inside of these hangars again. Need a 10 year call back.

A 10 year recall for what? Bottom wages? You seriously think that you would come back in 10 years? You could have started somewhere else and be topped out making more than currently at AA. THAT'S the problem with the TWU's concessions for jobs. A 10 year recall means something if they would keep wages/benefits at high levels and let more jobs go. It's something to come back to, rather than coming back to bottom wages/benefits.
Why is this date so important to you?
To try to understand where you are in this drive process.
Since you are 1991, then you have been around through this process before. You must have seen some of this information before?
To try to understand where you are in this drive process.
Since you are 1991, then you have been around through this process before. You must have seen some of this information before?
The only explanation is TWU IMBECILE !
After AAs November BK filing the management at Southwest started making noise abt the need to reduce labor costs. If AA is allowed to make the labor cost moves it is asking for then do you think the other carriers will not move to match or beat our costs?
This has been a steady downward spiral since deregulation and it has to stop.
The point Informer makes is true. When labor costs were protected by government regulation we could afford to pay seat and coffee maker mechanics what a mechanic with more skill and responsibility was making. Those days are over.
Southwest is a trendsetter in this. What they are doing: Outsourcing most heavy maintenance and all shop jobs that go with it and running an efficient, flexible maintenance operation with accountability is the future.
This "embrace everyone from the toilet scrubber to the licensed AMT and protect the slugs that devalue our profession" mentality is a relic of the past.
Get off the bus and Go AMFA !!!!!!!
The only explanation is TWU IMBECILE !
Maybe not imbecile, however if Nitro has not heard the information concerning AMFA before, then he was probably a little brainwashed by the TWU.

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