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AMFA Drive started in Tulsa ?

Not so fast there Pit bull, SWA is hiring mechanics from AA for higher wagers and better benefits.

Not so fast there Buck, After reviewing the current SWA contract they do not start more than AA. So not at a higher wage for awhile, after the 4th year.
The only good thing about the 2003 debacle is that we accrued 9 more years of pension. We also kept the retiree medical. In 2010 TWU was willing to give the retiree medical away too. After giving everything away in 2003 to keep the pension and retiree medical don't you think these two benefits should have been untouchable? But AA wanted the retiree medical before they filed BK and the TWU pulled out all the stops to try to get a yes vote. The no vote did two things. It denied the company's wish to take back their match money from the retiree medical fund and it kept the local 514 president, who was pushing the yes vote, from getting an international position. Local 514 still get's their instructions from Jim Little and did what they could to get a yes vote recently. They printed up side by side comparisons of the offer and term sheet, leaving out certain items from the term sheet to make these deals look different when they really weren't. They also printed up propoganda that slandered Bob Owens and distributed it from the grievance office. Nobody at local 514 has taken responsiblility for this to this date. Think about it. They used TWU money to print and distribute a bunch of quotes from over the years that were taken out of context to appear as something completely different than what they were intended. This attack was concentrated on a fellow union brother and local president! Only because he wanted the truth to come out and for all of us to be familiar with the facts. This alone should make it obvious that the TWU needs to go. If you try to inform the membership, or hold a vote no sign, or post anything that conflicts with their views, you are the enemy. Sign a card and send these bums packing. Don't give them a chance to sell us out again.
good post

Guys are signing cards left and right at AFW, and I don't even have to leave my work area....I urge any of you that can help, to get off your ass and get this done. Don't rely on others to get rid of this worthless union, be pro-active and lets get this done asap.
Not so fast there Buck, After reviewing the current SWA contract they do not start more than AA. So not at a higher wage for awhile, after the 4th year.
Did the TWU put you on the payroll to pretend to be ignorant?

Or does it come naturally?
Kansa City maintenance Base closed twu did what?

AFW maintenance base closing and the twu says vote yes?

SWA opening a new line at DAL and currently hiring Mechanics from AA!

So the way I see it they have the best contracts in the industry and we are bleeding jobs with according to Sharon Levine the worst contract in the industry by any metric you want to use.

Good job twu

MCIE base closed due to fleet dropping by over 200 aircraft, capacity not needed. No work outsourced.

AFW base closing as a result of BK. Not rolling over like AMFA did with OAK. OAK was shutdown not under BK 1113c process. No comparison, nice try though.

WN opening ONE line of HC, hundreds of airframes outsourced to AAR, ATS, and Aeroman. All engines and components outsourced. AA would love the AMFA agreement at AA. ONly DWH would be open on the overhaul side running maybe five HC lines at best. All engines and components outsourced. Line would get $42 and hour though! Big win there!

The best contracts in the industry for a select group. Look at the contracts in their totality, not cherry pick the things you like. To get the WN deal you need to ditch close to 6,000 jobs to outsourcing. Of course some will say outsourcing isn't cheaper but if you read the article Aeroman pays less than $15,000 annually for mechanics. You can hire 6 for the price of one AMT in the US. That's hard to beat.
MCIE base closed due to fleet dropping by over 200 aircraft, capacity not needed. No work outsourced.

AFW base closing as a result of BK. Not rolling over like AMFA did with OAK. OAK was shutdown not under BK 1113c process. No comparison, nice try though.

WN opening ONE line of HC, hundreds of airframes outsourced to AAR, ATS, and Aeroman. All engines and components outsourced. AA would love the AMFA agreement at AA. ONly DWH would be open on the overhaul side running maybe five HC lines at best. All engines and components outsourced. Line would get $42 and hour though! Big win there!

The best contracts in the industry for a select group. Look at the contracts in their totality, not cherry pick the things you like. To get the WN deal you need to ditch close to 6,000 jobs to outsourcing. Of course some will say outsourcing isn't cheaper but if you read the article Aeroman pays less than $15,000 annually for mechanics. You can hire 6 for the price of one AMT in the US. That's hard to beat.

Which is about where AA/TWU mechs are going to be at the rate they're going w there "representation". How many more AMR sweetheart deals are the AMTs at AA supposed to put up with? While you're running AMFA down, AA mechs are getting ready to suffer THE SAME FATE. Concessions for jobs has never worked at this carrier and it's not going to this time either.

While I'm departing, I believe there may be a ray of hope for these guys here-albeit a costly one.
If there's a silver lining here, OHs numbers will unfortunately be struck by AMR, thus allowing line to even the playing field and subsequently grabbing the TWU by the neck and throwing there T-totally worthless asses out the door.
My only regret is I want be here to give my energy and all, in assisting in that endeavor.
But....I will be donating.

Btw, WN does have an engine shop in DAL I do believe. If you were on the street....who would you rather work for there ace?
Thought so, me too.
MCIE base closed due to fleet dropping by over 200 aircraft, capacity not needed. No work outsourced.

AFW base closing as a result of BK. Not rolling over like AMFA did with OAK. OAK was shutdown not under BK 1113c process. No comparison, nice try though.
WN opening ONE line of HC, hundreds of airframes outsourced to AAR, ATS, and Aeroman. All engines and components outsourced. AA would love the AMFA agreement at AA. ONly DWH would be open on the overhaul side running maybe five HC lines at best. All engines and components outsourced. Line would get $42 and hour though! Big win there!

The best contracts in the industry for a select group. Look at the contracts in their totality, not cherry pick the things you like. To get the WN deal you need to ditch close to 6,000 jobs to outsourcing. Of course some will say outsourcing isn't cheaper but if you read the article Aeroman pays less than $15,000 annually for mechanics. You can hire 6 for the price of one AMT in the US. That's hard to beat.

Not rolling over? telling us to vote yes for the closing and outsourcing of thousands of jobs with no job security or protections, a scope clause that would allow them to outsource anything they want going forward, so when it happens to AMFA its their fault when it happens to twu its the BK & Aeroman faults. typical, who said we want the SWA deal? but like I said your own lawyer claims are contract is the worst in the industry by any metric you want to use, so how about we come in in the middle of the industry and keep the jobs. I will tell you why because they get fools like you to sale botttom and I do mean bottom of the industry all in the name of saving jobs.
Not so fast there Buck, After reviewing the current SWA contract they do not start more than AA. So not at a higher wage for awhile, after the 4th year.
And when everyone tops out, the average for AA is ________________

and the average for Southwest is _____________?

You fill in the blanks.

Who has better benefits? Who will have a better 401k?
AMFA IAM TWU WFT - the fact is Unions have to strap on a pair in this country. Or there won't be any unions in aviation in the future.
Every Organization has it's flaws and makes mistakes.

No matter what has happened with AMFA anywhere or anytime, THIS does not mean that will happen at AA when AMFA becomes the AMT representation.

What Overspeed fails to understand is we have lost faith and have tired of the TWU Flaws and Mistakes and have decided to try something different.

No TWU Supporter can use the TWU track record as a the reason to keep that Union on the property. All they can do is attempt to point out and focus on what has happened elsewhere at other airllines, When the truth is, the TWU and their industry leading concessions on a regular basis, was the leading edge of the wedge that put the economic pressures into the industry causing most fo those union/company battles at other airlines.

Get rid of the parasite in the industry (TWU) and much if not all of the negative AMT outcomes will cease.

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Sign Your Card
Lockheed Strike Information

Where is that powerful AFL-CIO and the Almighty TWU?

Shouldn't we all be converging on this company for massive protest and demonstrations?

Lockheed has made the move to hire SCABS, now we should respond and show them there is no tolerance for union busting in the USA.

OH heck, let's just send them a $200 TWU check and tell them we are supportive.
Just a small question here.
How is the card count card handled once 1/2 of TUL is laid off? Do our cards count because we'll be on to so-called recall list for 5 years?
MCIE base closed due to fleet dropping by over 200 aircraft, capacity not needed. No work outsourced.

AFW base closing as a result of BK. Not rolling over like AMFA did with OAK. OAK was shutdown not under BK 1113c process. No comparison, nice try though.

WN opening ONE line of HC, hundreds of airframes outsourced to AAR, ATS, and Aeroman. All engines and components outsourced. AA would love the AMFA agreement at AA. ONly DWH would be open on the overhaul side running maybe five HC lines at best. All engines and components outsourced. Line would get $42 and hour though! Big win there!

The best contracts in the industry for a select group. Look at the contracts in their totality, not cherry pick the things you like. To get the WN deal you need to ditch close to 6,000 jobs to outsourcing. Of course some will say outsourcing isn't cheaper but if you read the article Aeroman pays less than $15,000 annually for mechanics. You can hire 6 for the price of one AMT in the US. That's hard to beat.

Well said Overspeed !
Ok, So let me get this straight.. The unions do not hire, fire or retire employees but they will agree to outsource and trade jobs for wages. Just saying... I think that is what I am hearing. Lets be the highest paid AMT's but we are only going to employee 2000. Im thinking I'll take the fifth highest paid and 9000 Amt's. Still have not received the AMFA numbers I am looking for. AMFA is highest paid but when all the numbers equal 1/3 of AA's AMT's who cares. Most of us will not have a job !

After looking at the AMFA employment numbers my statement was right on !
I have mentioned that point in the past as well so I know where you are coming from. But... Comparing ourselves to a passenger airline with very little overhaul is not a fair comparison and using topout pay as the only important number doesn't give an accurate picture either. We need to look at all of the pay and benefits and see where we stand. We as a group are below our peers and about to go much lower.
Remember, as of now up to 25% of our overhaul is at MRO level wages. Approx 10 to 23 dollars an hour. This is about to go to 40% So comparing seniority lists is not so accurate either.
OSM pay for those 40% will be approximately half what the Southwest guys are getting with even less benefits.
This is the direction we are going. If you are an OSM who wants to make half of what an AMFA represented AMT makes at Southwest then enjoy your career. My guess is that there are a lot of guys that have had enough of this trend.
Every Organization has it's flaws and makes mistakes.

No matter what has happened with AMFA anywhere or anytime, THIS does not mean that will happen at AA when AMFA becomes the AMT representation.

What Overspeed fails to understand is we have lost faith and have tired of the TWU Flaws and Mistakes and have decided to try something different.

No TWU Supporter can use the TWU track record as a the reason to keep that Union on the property. All they can do is attempt to point out and focus on what has happened elsewhere at other airllines, When the truth is, the TWU and their industry leading concessions on a regular basis, was the leading edge of the wedge that put the economic pressures into the industry causing most fo those union/company battles at other airlines.

Get rid of the parasite in the industry (TWU) and much if not all of the negative AMT outcomes will cease.

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Sign Your Card

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