And by that statement just proves that the company your are talking about has NO union leadership, because if they did NO-ONE would take the O/T until
they called the guys back. If it's AA or USAir just proves what I have said many times here IGM is the thinking here and that most NOW will stab their mom in the back for a paid lunch.
NO Unionism here at AA that is why it's time for the industrial unions TWU/IAM to be gone from MY class and craft.
What is wrong with taking the overtime?
Look EVERYONE who works in this industry knows airlines are a very volatile business. American Airlines pays a very good wage. If people don't prepare for layoffs (because they KNOW they are coming) or have a plan B that is on them. Why should I turn down extra money because of other people's poor financial decisions and planning? So you have a huge house, a new $75,000 dollar truck, and a boat, and I should give a F about you getting laid off why? Because you made the intelligent financial decision to bury yourself in debt and make yourself entirely dependent on AA wages when you know they lay off?
I promise you I would not turn down an opportunity to provide for my family for any coworker. You can call me IGM all you want, does not bother me one bit.
Coworkers for the most part are
NOT your friends (trust me on this I speak from experience) they are just people you are stuck with 8 or more hours a day. I mean be honest, how many of your coworkers do you actually associate with outside of work, and out of those how many would you actually call friends? You owe them
NOTHING UNION brothers and sisters or not.
See, you see it as your responsibility as a UNION member to create an environment to increase or maintain headcount (a true testament to UNION conditioning). I don't feel that way. I feel a UNION members only responsibility is to make sure the employer provides fair compensation and benefits based on the current job market which doesn't have a damn thing to do with headcount.
From my point of view you are dead wrong worrying about people laid off. The fact is headcount should be reflective of business demand not some socialist agenda. Honestly you sound like a UNION tool when you push this garbage.
You sound like these fools that sacrifice pay and benefits for headcount. How has that been working out for you?
In all likelihood my wife will be getting laid of in October. She is topped out so that will be a major financial impact. But, you know what, I am not worried about it. Because I am not stupid enough to go bury myself in debt. I make sure that we stay within a budget where we can survive on any one current income or both of us working a lesser paying job if we should both happen to get hit, and I put away money on top of that. Enough to pay bills for 8 months so far without the benefit of unemployment. I plan on having a years worth by the end of September. The last thing I would expect is for someone to not take advantage of opportunities just to get my wife back to work a little faster.
Financial planning..... welcome to adulthood.