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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

Blue Bloods are the guys who by luck have never worked any where else than AA, so they don't know what it means to be out on the street or looking for a job. The reason they don't is because the TWU has bent over and sold these few a bill of goods saying it's better for us all to keep numbers. To this day the TWU still does not show what it means to work in a union shop rather it does show the membership How to Be a SCAMMER and screw over your fellow workers.
Sorry but let me correct you on one thing. Many AMT'S that have been with AA have been laid off, forced to bump to other stations away from their families. We have guys still on the payroll with 70's seniority that were laid off in LAX, JFK, ORD and I'm sure other stations back in the day. We also have many that were laid off after the 2003 concessions. So whether its only one airline or several many of us so called BLUE BLOODS have experienced layoffs and had to go look for other jobs to survive. On the older seniority list you would have guys that hired in as an AMT. The company time and classification times are the same until you get laid off. Then those two dates start to separate in time while your on the street. So let's be compassionate here with all the AMT'S that experienced lay offs and had to suffer through hard times until they got the recalls back to work.
Sorry but let me correct you on one thing. Many AMT'S that have been with AA have been laid off, forced to bump to other stations away from their families. We have guys still on the payroll with 70's seniority that were laid off in LAX, JFK, ORD and I'm sure other stations back in the day. We also have many that were laid off after the 2003 concessions. So whether its only one airline or several many of us so called BLUE BLOODS have experienced layoffs and had to go look for other jobs to survive. On the older seniority list you would have guys that hired in as an AMT. The company time and classification times are the same until you get laid off. Then those two dates start to separate in time while your on the street. So let's be compassionate here with all the AMT'S that experienced layoffs and had to suffer through hard times until they got the recalls back to work.

1. That is true and when recalled the TWU did not follow the recall and screwed at least 300+ guys in the process. It took 27 in MIA to file a lawsuit to get time and some money. The TWU did not fix the rest of the system.

2. Many of those guys you talk about bumped back to fleet/auto and "YES" I know there have been layoffs here at AA over the yrs but there are soooo many that say well look at PanAm, TWA, Eastern Braniff and so on where are they now. So many here at AA think there is nothing outside of AA, that other guys who have worked at other places say something they (AA) get all uppity. T-Town ran the show and the TWU looked out for itself, MY point is that there is little unionism here. It is all about ME here.

3. I do have compassion for those who have been laid off and know what it means to be out of a job. I have NO love for the members who work O/T and preach that BS while those guys are out. Those guys who No matter what AA and the TWU do they help in any way to make it happen. Doing MGMT's job and thinking of better ways just that they can get more Deals for themselves.

Just as the TWU and others have preached don't work O/T for a week there are alot that say I need the money. Don't eat or socialise with MGMT but every time AA puts out any food gives away anything that is free they are like a pack of hyenas at a zebra carcass. Well the TWU said don't eat it on AMT day today is another day. The Union here says we the membership will do anything for a slice of Pizza and a coke, isn't that what they offer at the union halls.

If & When any cuts get announced there are rules on how they do that, letters need to be sent to each employee effected, that must be done by a certain time frame as well. MGMT are at will employees, and can be cut any time. ASK you UNION Reps, and keep asking what is going on. They can't duck you forever even though most will tell you nothing.

When I was still working and a represented employee, my representation was the flight attendants' union, APFA. I was kept fully informed even while I was on furlough. What I was asking was the other employees. Forget representation. There was just some proviso that layoffs could not occur before 9/30/20, but then I read somewhere that some might be laid off immediately because it was decided that people could be laid off before the drop dead date--because they were still on the payroll until that date. I was just curious whether the axe would fall soon or at September's end.
When I was still working and a represented employee, my representation was the flight attendants' union, APFA. I was kept fully informed even while I was on furlough. What I was asking was the other employees. Forget representation. There was just some proviso that layoffs could not occur before 9/30/20, but then I read somewhere that some might be laid off immediately because it was decided that people could be laid off before the drop dead date--because they were still on the payroll until that date. I was just curious whether the axe would fall soon or at September's end.
As an association member ignorance is bliss. They want, and keep us ignorant.
As an association member ignorance is bliss. They want, and keep us ignorant.
They only time the tell us whats going on when its forced. With the iam in charge we went back 25 years to when koziarek was in charge
When I was still working and a represented employee, my representation was the flight attendants' union, APFA. I was kept fully informed even while I was on furlough. What I was asking was the other employees. Forget representation. There was just some proviso that layoffs could not occur before 9/30/20, but then I read somewhere that some might be laid off immediately because it was decided that people could be laid off before the drop dead date--because they were still on the payroll until that date. I was just curious whether the axe would fall soon or at September's end.


In the 20+ yrs I have been here at AA they have given warn letters when layoffs were going to happen.

The TWU and now the Association which represents the ground workers keeps secrets, mostly because they are sleeping with the enemy as they say.
The Assoc. will cut a deal to protect itself and keep the dues flowing NO Matter what.

If the AXE will fall for some employees before the end of Sept. I don't have an answer for you. To be HONEST we in Maintenance as a group have said many times here the APFA union has more of a back bone than the TWU. Due to having this edited I used that rather than AFPA has BBs than the TWU....
They only time the tell us whats going on when its forced. With the iam in charge we went back 25 years to when koziarek was in charge

Don't forget Don V.tch, Drummond, Gless, they piped us as well. Now we have GP who now has a position that he is safe. He won't take any of the concessions he bargains with AA neither will sito or Garcia.
Anyone try non revving lately? With the 85% max load, theres no getting on one. They going out full..

I think unless we have a really bad resurgence of the virus... things will march on ...
Anyone try non revving lately? With the 85% max load, theres no getting on one. They going out full..

I think unless we have a really bad resurgence of the virus... things will march on ...

But, but, who will fill the message boards with doom and gloom then?

Throughout the yrs of negotiation here at AA the TWU reps talked about getting M&R cut down by approx 3000, to get to United/Delta numbers. (total)
AA has Historically figured out ways to shed employees. There are LOOP holes in out current contract which will allow them to do just that no matter what it says about station/system seniority and farmout of work. The TWU will then come back with THEY can do that Brother.

There is a rumor or talk on the floor that they are thinking about another package to help get down to the numbers they want. This makes sense since cutting jr guys will not help them. The older guys can't no matter what they think do the work nor do they want to either. No one with time want to go back to Midnight shift.
That would be the result if AA has a layoff. IMHO a package makes the most sense for ALL the airlines. Cuts out the numbers, drops payroll and vacation numbers by removing the Sr. guys and AA can hire as needed, so payroll projections can be made by those who do that.
They won't offer enough money or medical bridge to get the people they want to leave to leave.Dont forget they aren't flush with cash right now. There isn't enough jobs out there now.This is a crisis that's never happened before.In your case I'm sure you wouldn't leave a $120,000 job because you dont want to work weekends. So they will layoff from the bottom every dollar counts
They won't offer enough money or medical bridge to get the people they want to leave to leave.Dont forget they aren't flush with cash right now. There isn't enough jobs out there now.This is a crisis that's never happened before.In your case I'm sure you wouldn't leave a $120,000 job because you dont want to work weekends. So they will layoff from the bottom every dollar counts


Within the M&R class and craft the LUS mechanics are at least 5-10 yrs older across the board, having to wait for the cash this last package and the fact we really had not rcvd a full check with the new rate of pay, nor the extra 401k money. So for me that was a foolish deal to take yet people took it. $49k next March and leave now. NOT good deal.

IMHO if they offered the money at time of departure, at what they have in the current contract of $25k and 17 weeks to leave I think guys would take it. If you are in the 63+ age bracket you can not save that money in a 2 yrs time frame. The new AA is moving in a direction that this group which I am in for us is not a fun place to be. "YES" I know guys have medical issues but the guys who are already 65 yrs of age have medicare. So medical would not be an issue unless they have a wife waiting with problems. With a layoff they get the Jr. guys and then AA will have a bid to realign the work force thus forcing some guys from the shift they are/have been on and affect days off as well. Us the older guys are not going back to nights. That is a big deal for some. Bumping, commuting, that is stuff Jr and younger guys do. Going from LAX, MIA, DFW, DWH, warm place to ORD,JFK, NWK, LGA, BOS, again older guys are not going to go being so close to retirement. Setting up things to retire is hard enough so adding a commute to the equation again the 63 + crowd will in my opinion take the money.

There are sections in our contract that if they can't accomplish work or staffing falls below a certain number, or number of flights they can close a station. On the LUS side Pitt is a good example for you since most there are really old. Like FLL they could make it a one station agreement and send the few remaining guys to MIA. Saving all cost to operate FLL. AA 's MGMT is not stupid they are looking at 5yrs down the road, it makes more business sense to give a package to the older guys than risk losing the Jr guys in Maintenance. Shedding 5-6 weeks top of the pay scale guys to 1 week 9yrs to top out Jr mechanics. shutting down stations makes it work for them.

I have NOT thought about what will happen in FLEET Service or other dept. not my work group. I work in MIA but if I was going to be forced to go to nights, commute, lose my weekends after all these yrs "YES" I would take the money and run. Walking away from this $115k job.
There was 3 options for the non represented work force to choose from. Essentially the main difference was how long you are insured, It is my understanding they will work until the end of June, but paid until the end of September. That 3 months could be spread out over the rest of the year to cover insurance and 401ks in one of he options, but there was no traditional severance based on employment length. Basically a couple of month head start to find another job and flight benefits.
There was 3 options for the non represented work force to choose from. Essentially the main difference was how long you are insured, It is my understanding they will work until the end of June, but paid until the end of September. That 3 months could be spread out over the rest of the year to cover insurance and 401ks in one of he options, but there was no traditional severance based on employment length. Basically a couple of month head start to find another job and flight benefits.
Unbeleivable what they offered, did they really expect many to take it? I have mentioned it before but if you look at the front page of jetnet you will find over 20 different "communication specialists" how many do you really need?
They won't offer enough money or medical bridge to get the people they want to leave to leave.Dont forget they aren't flush with cash right now. There isn't enough jobs out there now.This is a crisis that's never happened before.In your case I'm sure you wouldn't leave a $120,000 job because you dont want to work weekends. So they will layoff from the bottom every dollar counts
I know exactly what it will take to get me to leave and do not expect this mngt team to get to that number. I hope that I am wrong but do not expect to be wrong. I expect to have to work till 65 but do not expect to work past that date.
Strictly management
That's what I remember too. I might have misread his original post as labor groups.


Throughout the yrs of negotiation here at AA the TWU reps talked about getting M&R cut down by approx 3000, to get to United/Delta numbers. (total)
AA has Historically figured out ways to shed employees. There are LOOP holes in out current contract which will allow them to do just that no matter what it says about station/system seniority and farmout of work. The TWU will then come back with THEY can do that Brother.

There is a rumor or talk on the floor that they are thinking about another package to help get down to the numbers they want. This makes sense since cutting jr guys will not help them. The older guys can't no matter what they think do the work nor do they want to either. No one with time want to go back to Midnight shift.
That would be the result if AA has a layoff. IMHO a package makes the most sense for ALL the airlines. Cuts out the numbers, drops payroll and vacation numbers by removing the Sr. guys and AA can hire as needed, so payroll projections can be made by those who do that.

I hope the rumors are true that the company is looking at Early Out packages or whatever they might call them. And yes, your right, it would be much, much better to offer buyouts to the more senior guys than to layoff from the bottom up. Hate to sound negative here, but I am thinking we (as an industry) will see both. Early Out (retirement) packages and when not enough take that, there will be some taking time off with pay, leaves, and then there will also, more than likely, be involuntary layoffs, rifs and displacements when they (all airlines) don't get the amount of takers taking the EO's, leaves, ETO etc...
In hopes it won't get super bad, but any layoffs at all is not good for anyone, period. But I also agree with you about no concessions for you all. You guys have helped saved this co. plenty of times in the past just for the co. to screw the entire workforce by dragging things over several, several years. Be better to just stay at current rates so the fellas have a good job to return to when the time comes.

Maybe there's hope AIM. AA reporting better come back than predicted by years end also. Also hoping all the airlines could stretch it out until after end of year IF they still feel the need to reduce.


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