Sorry but let me correct you on one thing. Many AMT'S that have been with AA have been laid off, forced to bump to other stations away from their families. We have guys still on the payroll with 70's seniority that were laid off in LAX, JFK, ORD and I'm sure other stations back in the day. We also have many that were laid off after the 2003 concessions. So whether its only one airline or several many of us so called BLUE BLOODS have experienced layoffs and had to go look for other jobs to survive. On the older seniority list you would have guys that hired in as an AMT. The company time and classification times are the same until you get laid off. Then those two dates start to separate in time while your on the street. So let's be compassionate here with all the AMT'S that experienced lay offs and had to suffer through hard times until they got the recalls back to work.Blue Bloods are the guys who by luck have never worked any where else than AA, so they don't know what it means to be out on the street or looking for a job. The reason they don't is because the TWU has bent over and sold these few a bill of goods saying it's better for us all to keep numbers. To this day the TWU still does not show what it means to work in a union shop rather it does show the membership How to Be a SCAMMER and screw over your fellow workers.