If AA was smart they would offer the employees a years salary like Southwest is. A years salary will get people to take it. Just offering 25K + 17 weeks will not cut it for most, albeit some will take it that were ready to go anyways. We even had several (over 2 dozen) guys NOT take the 75K offered in Freedom 09. reason being by the time they remove deductions, and taxes it would basically amount to about 1/2 that and maybe 40-45K take home. The best results and the most fair would be a full years salary. Whatever each employee makes at the time they leave should be hourly rate times 2080= buyout amount. Throw in the health ins. for say 1-2 years with cobra options after that and lifetime flight bennies if age and time meet required amount. At our co. if you have less than 10 years you would only get a partial buyout offer, much, much less. I think it was 4 months salary, with 4 years F/B and then they go away.I know exactly what it will take to get me to leave and do not expect this mngt team to get to that number. I hope that I am wrong but do not expect to be wrong. I expect to have to work till 65 but do not expect to work past that date.
When you all get the details please share the offer so we can all compare how the industry compares. In hopes that all airlines run about the same offers across the board. If AA sticks to their contractual offers I would be willing to bet they don't even get 10% of what they really want. IF AA really wants their numbers to be reached they will have to offer something worth thinking about. Most will be looking at medical coverage more than just the $$$. But the more $$$ does help to entice people into thinking about doing it more and figuring out ways to be ABLE to do it. Heck, there is a lot of us nowhere near retirement but even we were discussing ways we could possibly do it with the years salary being offered.
At any rate I hope most guys get an offer they can live with, otherwise here comes the layoffs and rifs and just hate to see it again in our industry.