American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

Everyone here is in some way trying to figure out what type of reduction of force will happen ON/BEFORE Sept. 30th.
For the people that don't know cuts in this industry have been going on forever, it usually does happen in the 4th quarter of the yr as well.
Just like losing your days off, vacation, shift, station, job loss in the airline industry just happens. How it Happens will depend on the BARGAINING Group that represents your particular work group. Pilot, F/A, Gate agents, Maintenance/Fleet.

It is NOT the end of the world, there is life after AA, just like any other airline. You take the education and work experience you have and apply it to make what ever changes that are required to feed your Families/ Yourself.

At some point in your life whatever company you work for is going to come to you and say we need you to take cuts, They don't care about you at all. You are just an Employee Number.

5 Airlines into my 41 yr career and I have seen this in some fashion from all of them. Just pull up your BIG Boy pants and move on. Either you are vested and can move your 401k to the next companies plan or MAYBE the next employment you get is the change you should of made long ago.

The TWU/IAM ASSociation is just like the company (AA) they are just concerned with $$ theirs, NOT you and yours. CV19 has hurt many others outside of our industry, we are all getting paid still. Think about That.

As ground workers of AA we have given up much in the last 17 yrs. Think about all of what you have lost. Not just $$$ but family functions and stuff outside of work. Time that can't be gotten back.

I for one have been dis-satisfied with the job performance of the TWU, SO I WANT THEM GONE. Others within AA have found ways to change or create a bargaining unit that they feel will do better for them. Waving the AA flag saying we are #1 does what? Nothing, Just as if you look at what each employee has given up what happen when the guys at the top go? BIG $$$ and stock...

How about telling your Union, and work group leaders you are done trying save the airline & industry. FULL PAY TILL THE LAST DAY......

If you get called Back then you should come back at the rates you had not stuff you bargained for 15 yrs ago.

I'm confused about all of this. Will the furloughees be released immediately, but with a paycheck until 9/30/20? or will they simply be told that they will not have a job after 9/30/20, then sent back to their work station?

If & When any cuts get announced there are rules on how they do that, letters need to be sent to each employee effected, that must be done by a certain time frame as well. MGMT are at will employees, and can be cut any time. ASK you UNION Reps, and keep asking what is going on. They can't duck you forever even though most will tell you nothing.
I'm confused about all of this. Will the furloughees be released immediately, but with a paycheck until 9/30/20? or will they simply be told that they will not have a job after 9/30/20, then sent back to their work station?
I thought it said july 31st would be tge last day paid till the end of sept
I'm confused about all of this. Will the furloughees be released immediately, but with a paycheck until 9/30/20? or will they simply be told that they will not have a job after 9/30/20, then sent back to their work station?
Ok these are only management and support staff.
These numbers are not for contract employees.
Yes for those get laid off they will be paid till Sept 30
So where are you getting 4800 needs to go? Is that number a figure at the 30% mark?? Just curious if ya heard of a certain amount or something like that???


Throughout the yrs of negotiation here at AA the TWU reps talked about getting M&R cut down by approx 3000, to get to United/Delta numbers. (total)
AA has Historically figured out ways to shed employees. There are LOOP holes in out current contract which will allow them to do just that no matter what it says about station/system seniority and farmout of work. The TWU will then come back with THEY can do that Brother.

There is a rumor or talk on the floor that they are thinking about another package to help get down to the numbers they want. This makes sense since cutting jr guys will not help them. The older guys can't no matter what they think do the work nor do they want to either. No one with time want to go back to Midnight shift.
That would be the result if AA has a layoff. IMHO a package makes the most sense for ALL the airlines. Cuts out the numbers, drops payroll and vacation numbers by removing the Sr. guys and AA can hire as needed, so payroll projections can be made by those who do that.

Throughout the yrs of negotiation here at AA the TWU reps talked about getting M&R cut down by approx 3000, to get to United/Delta numbers. (total)
AA has Historically figured out ways to shed employees. There are LOOP holes in out current contract which will allow them to do just that no matter what it says about station/system seniority and farmout of work. The TWU will then come back with THEY can do that Brother.

There is a rumor or talk on the floor that they are thinking about another package to help get down to the numbers they want. This makes sense since cutting jr guys will not help them. The older guys can't no matter what they think do the work nor do they want to either. No one with time want to go back to Midnight shift.
That would be the result if AA has a layoff. IMHO a package makes the most sense for ALL the airlines. Cuts out the numbers, drops payroll and vacation numbers by removing the Sr. guys and AA can hire as needed, so payroll projections can be made by those who do that.
AMFAinMIAMI.......You can't push employees out the door unless they are truly ready to go. Yes....There are some out there waiting for AA to "sweeten" the pot; Is that what you're doing with your 41 years? I'm not looking to cause any problems but I'm 60 with 35 years Company and if AA doesn't pay for my insurance until Medicaid kicks in, I'm not going anywhere! That's the hard reality!
Oh really? I must have missed that announcement.
And did this announcement say that the 5000 were from maint.? All ground workers?? of which group(s)???
It was 5000 mgmt and admin only. Although in my station most admin are working from home.
Im more concerned about how many real workers like MTR FSA etc will be affected come Fall. The unknowns is what makes it scary. Although Ive been furloughed once I try to educate my younger peers to expect worse n hope for best.
AMFAinMIAMI.......You can't push employees out the door unless they are truly ready to go. Yes....There are some out there waiting for AA to "sweeten" the pot; Is that what you're doing with your 41 years? I'm not looking to cause any problems but I'm 60 with 35 years Company and if AA doesn't pay for my insurance until Medicaid kicks in, I'm not going anywhere! That's the hard reality!

Paul Too I NEVER said anything about pushing anyone out the door, I did say it would be better if AA sweetened the pot allowing some guys who are close to think about it. If your 60 and NOT yet set/ready to go then stay but there are guys who are 62-65+ that could take a package and go. I did say that with all the talk about how AA and the TWU/IAM will figure a way to cut heads it is just part of the industry. It Happens and there is no need to worry, there is life after the airlines. If your time in the industry is ALL with AA then you sir have in some way unless you VOTED NO on every contract you have been involved in here screwed the men/women who have hired on since you. 6yrs to be vested, 5 & 5, just to name a couple. You have every right to vote as you want but most of the BLUE BLOOD AA mechanics vote for themselves instead of the group/class & craft. So to answer your Question "NO"
Paul Too I NEVER said anything about pushing anyone out the door, I did say it would be better if AA sweetened the pot allowing some guys who are close to think about it. If your 60 and NOT yet set/ready to go then stay but there are guys who are 62-65+ that could take a package and go. I did say that with all the talk about how AA and the TWU/IAM will figure a way to cut heads it is just part of the industry. It Happens and there is no need to worry, there is life after the airlines. If your time in the industry is ALL with AA then you sir have in some way unless you VOTED NO on every contract you have been involved in here screwed the men/women who have hired on since you. 6yrs to be vested, 5 & 5, just to name a couple. You have every right to vote as you want but most of the BLUE BLOOD AA mechanics vote for themselves instead of the group/class & craft. So to answer your Question "NO"
The 5&5 was during the Koziatec? years at AA and we'll probably never see that again! I've always voted with the betterment of our group in mind with the exception of this last contract. There are mechanics at ORD approaching 70 that aren't going anywhere, I'm guessing it's that way throughout the system and no amount of pot sweeteners will change their minds......The new hire young mechanics will have the option to wait for recall, or look elsewhere for jobs.....they are resilient! By the way, I am an AMFA supporter!
The 5&5 was during the Koziatec? years at AA and we'll probably never see that again! I've always voted with the betterment of our group in mind with the exception of this last contract. There are mechanics at ORD approaching 70 that aren't going anywhere, I'm guessing it's that way throughout the system and no amount of pot sweeteners will change their minds......The new hire young mechanics will have the option to wait for recall, or look elsewhere for jobs.....they are resilient! By the way, I am an AMFA supporter!
Paul Too

No Matter who was in the Unions leadership back then the guys who have since replaced them have NOT really done any more for our class and craft. YOU Guys up in ORD if that is where you are have plenty of guys who said I sign after we get a contract but due to RD, & JB and a few others that have now drank the coolaid have pushed NOT to sign cards. They were big AMFA Guys at one point as well. Many guys in our industry stay way longer than they should of it's been that way since I first started. Multiple marriages, chemicals, kids, work hrs, all take the toll on us all.

The new hires if cut should get recalled at the current wages NOT cut and then the rest of the Sr. guys agree to concessions on top of it. That is a slap in the Face specially when the Sr. guys work all the O/T they can get. That has been the AA mechanics way of doing things since I started in this industry. AA sets the BAR Lower than anyone. Which hurts our Class & craft. I have heard that if you don't like it hear at AA leave, that is because there is NO UNIONISM here.
It was never taught to the new guys it has always been taught I GOT MINE. If you preach or say anything you get labeled as a trouble maker, your rockin the boat screwing up our deals. Unless you are in the right click.
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Paul Too I NEVER said anything about pushing anyone out the door, I did say it would be better if AA sweetened the pot allowing some guys who are close to think about it. If your 60 and NOT yet set/ready to go then stay but there are guys who are 62-65+ that could take a package and go. I did say that with all the talk about how AA and the TWU/IAM will figure a way to cut heads it is just part of the industry. It Happens and there is no need to worry, there is life after the airlines. If your time in the industry is ALL with AA then you sir have in some way unless you VOTED NO on every contract you have been involved in here screwed the men/women who have hired on since you. 6yrs to be vested, 5 & 5, just to name a couple. You have every right to vote as you want but most of the BLUE BLOOD AA mechanics vote for themselves instead of the group/class & craft. So to answer your Question "NO"
Blue Bloods? You mean Jimmie" Rainwood (Tom Selleck) is still working for AA? I thought he moved on to a career change in Law Enforcement? Wow I need to keep up with the times. LOL... :)
Blue Bloods? You mean Jimmie" Rainwood (Tom Selleck) is still working for AA? I thought he moved on to a career change in Law Enforcement? Wow I need to keep up with the times. LOL... :)

Blue Bloods are the guys who by luck have never worked any where else than AA, so they don't know what it means to be out on the street or looking for a job. The reason they don't is because the TWU has bent over and sold these few a bill of goods saying it's better for us all to keep numbers. To this day the TWU still does not show what it means to work in a union shop rather it does show the membership How to Be a SCAMMER and screw over your fellow workers.
The 5&5 was during the Koziatec? years at AA and we'll probably never see that again! I've always voted with the betterment of our group in mind with the exception of this last contract. There are mechanics at ORD approaching 70 that aren't going anywhere, I'm guessing it's that way throughout the system and no amount of pot sweeteners will change their minds......The new hire young mechanics will have the option to wait for recall, or look elsewhere for jobs.....they are resilient! By the way, I am an AMFA supporter!

i believe he just passed away.

you got it, there are FSCs over 70 that will die at work. they aren't going anywhere, regardless of any buy-out sweetener. they found a chair and believe they can sit in a chair the rest of their natural born lives.

why retire and collect aa pension at $2,500 a month when you can come in and earn double that while sitting in chair?

this is a different era. those that retired comfortably at age 62 in 1988 were in a different galaxy than today's 62 y/o aa employee. there is no way these people will leave, unless the company is able to get them to take a rigged physical fitness test which they will easily fail.

this is why you rarely see older workers file workman's comp claims. the company can and will send them for a fitness test to come back to work.

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