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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

I just called Fidelity. A customer service advisor informed me that AA has not yet made the funds available for my account and I am assuming many others. He also stated that AA claims the employer contribution will be deposited as soon as possible and that could be as soon as tomorrow. LOL

Please people. Sign a card already.
Information I'm hearing on the floor is AA is still figuring things out since this is all new to them and the dysfunctional association. Supposedly the funds should be deposited into our Fidelity account before the business day today. We should see it tomorrow some time on fidelity web site. And there you have it folks. Another first brought to you by the joint efforts of the AmericaWest/Association of the new American Airlines.
Information I'm hearing on the floor is AA is still figuring things out since this is all new to them and the dysfunctional association. Supposedly the funds should be deposited into our Fidelity account before the business day today. We should see it tomorrow some time on fidelity web site. And there you have it folks. Another first brought to you by the joint efforts of the AmericaWest/Association of the new American Airlines.
you cant make this up! we waited four years for a contract so this would be all be clear as mud!
There are about to be 15,000-30,000 pilots out on the street just between the big four airlines, not including the regionals. Guaranteed there are people who'd fly just about anything to avoid working at Home Depot (no offense, Jim).

The reality is that those airplanes are coming. Pilots who don't want to fly the airplane can stay FO's on the A320 until they're senior enough to upgrade on the A320 or bid something else.
There are about to be 15,000-30,000 pilots out on the street just between the big four airlines, not including the regionals. Guaranteed there are people who'd fly just about anything to avoid working at Home Depot (no offense, Jim).

The reality is that those airplanes are coming. Pilots who don't want to fly the airplane can stay FO's on the A320 until they're senior enough to upgrade on the A320 or bid something else.

Riiiight, " Those airplanes are coming ". SO IS CHRISTMAS !!

ANOTHER, Know-IT-ALL statement ERIC !!!!!!!!!
Information I'm hearing on the floor is AA is still figuring things out since this is all new to them and the dysfunctional association. Supposedly the funds should be deposited into our Fidelity account before the business day today. We should see it tomorrow some time on fidelity web site. And there you have it folks. Another first brought to you by the joint efforts of the AmericaWest/Association of the new American Airlines.
Not quite understanding WHY it is so difficult. Fidelity is fully supporting our 401K at SWA. Should be a no brainer on their end. It also should be a no brainer on AA's end too in the finance departments. BTW; Doesn't the Pilots already get 401K matches as well as F/A's?? Sounds to me as AA is just dragging their feet...
Information I'm hearing on the floor is AA is still figuring things out since this is all new to them and the dysfunctional association. Supposedly the funds should be deposited into our Fidelity account before the business day today. We should see it tomorrow some time on fidelity web site. And there you have it folks. Another first brought to you by the joint efforts of the AmericaWest/Association of the new American Airlines.

Hey, now. Did you just assume that business day meant today or yesterday? I heard the company is using the Turkmenistan time zone for accounting convenience (not). (Before any of you decide to attack IT'S A JOKE.)
I heard somewhere around 300.
So it’s going to be a sad day for the other 4500 that will be walked out
So where are you getting 4800 needs to go? Is that number a figure at the 30% mark?? Just curious if ya heard of a certain amount or something like that???
There are about to be 15,000-30,000 pilots out on the street just between the big four airlines, not including the regionals. Guaranteed there are people who'd fly just about anything to avoid working at Home Depot (no offense, Jim).

The reality is that those airplanes are coming. Pilots who don't want to fly the airplane can stay FO's on the A320 until they're senior enough to upgrade on the A320 or bid something else.
I never said that the MAX a/c would not ever be placed in service. But, look at the behavior of the average citizen in regards to the pandemic. My neighbors are younger than I, but within the "vulnerable" age group (65+). I've been trying ever since the restaurants here in Dallas have been allowed to use their dining rooms to take them out to eat as a thank you for a recent favor. Their response is "later. I don't think it is safe yet." I think we will see similar behavior in regards to the MAX a/c. I said there is a PR problem with this airplane.

Working at Home Depot ain't all that bad. You just go in the back where the customers are not allowed and wait for the "Customer Assistance needed in Aisle 15" announcements to cease. (This knowledge comes via my own experience as a customer, not as an employee. I have no skills that Home Depot could use. I'm from the "Measure twice. Cut once. Pound into place" group.)
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So where are you getting 4800 needs to go? Is that number a figure at the 30% mark?? Just curious if ya heard of a certain amount or something like that???
AA announced when they talked about the layoffs it would be approximately 5000
AA announced when they talked about the layoffs it would be approximately 5000
Oh really? I must have missed that announcement.
And did this announcement say that the 5000 were from maint.? All ground workers?? of which group(s)???
I heard somewhere around 300.
So it’s going to be a sad day for the other 4500 that will be walked out
I'm confused about all of this. Will the furloughees be released immediately, but with a paycheck until 9/30/20? or will they simply be told that they will not have a job after 9/30/20, then sent back to their work station?

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