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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

I know there are many guys here who work the RAMP/Fleet, my comments have nothing to do with you and your positions here at AA.

To The MECHANICS who comment here and those who just read what's being said it's time to make a stand for what most of you have said either here or in your break rooms around the system. There is NO RIGHT SIzing for us. If at any time before the end of September when the payroll protection by the US Government is up and you hear other mechanics talking about taking any Pay concessions you ALL need to say whoa on that. Through out the yrs the TWU has made those back room deals we talk about with AA and the Union leaders don't take the concessions we take. We all know they DON'T look out for our best interest and have seen it happen over and over. Your Families future wage earning potential is in your grasp. There has not been a snap back clause to protect what we spent years of negotiations attempting to get. The companies layoff even after they get what money from us they can. Promises were made by the TWU but after all is said and done, they come back with we kept as much as we could and we just have to wait until next contract to get it back.

AA filed BK and our Pension is frozen, the LUS guys went 2X into BK with the IAM, Now they have a IAMPF which is a joke from what many of us have seen.
This current contract has language in it that we wanted but yet guys don't insure they get what they deserve. $1.00 per hr for runup/Taxi.

This CV19 that is hurting our industry has hurt our efforts to bring to AA a NEW Bargaining unit that will separate us from the Stores/Fleet Service. Nothing against those workers they have a job to do as well. AA and the rest of the airlines when in trouble cut heads that usually happens in the 4th Quarter of the yr. AA also hires in 15 yr spurts. WE have given up so much in the last 17 yrs its time to JUST SAY NO MORE. Many in our industry have had to start over more than once,
when that happens we NEVER catch up. It's time for the Title 1&2 mechanics to stand as ONE, take NO pay cuts. Ask yourself with what is going on just how often do you see any Union guys on the floor insuring your safety and your contractual rights are being maintained? How many Holidays do they work? Do they actually have the seniority to hold weekend slots. Just how many meetings in a week do they really go too, so they never work a crew.

It is Time for ALL of the Mechanics to remember what we have lost in the time we have been here at AA, and Time to tell the Association we have had enough of ALL your lies and NON-Representation. So before the end of the 3rd Qtr I ask you to SIGN an AMFA Card lets bring an election from the NMB and set a new standard of Professionalism here. AA is changing the way we do things, both with parts handling and maintenance procedures. Even the crew chiefs are passing more and more responsibility onto us. The company wants them to be more of a MGMT member, The FAA and airlines has put it all on us so Don't roll over and take any cut in wages or benefits.

Lets make AMT Day mean something, your career, your Future, is in YOUR hands.
I think I already can predict some responses to this, but, what IF DP is really looking for ways to avoid as many furloughs as possible? Might he follow Southwest image and make some decent EO offers as well as some other "better enticing" offers for voluntary leaves for longer lengths? And maybe better pay options like SWA did? At least SWA doubled the amounts for the leaves from 6-12-18 months.
Hopefully this asso will not go behind your memberships backs and come to some sort of agreement with no vote from the members. Will be interesting to hear the details when they are all done "nego".
I know there are many guys here who work the RAMP/Fleet, my comments have nothing to do with you and your positions here at AA.

To The MECHANICS who comment here and those who just read what's being said it's time to make a stand for what most of you have said either here or in your break rooms around the system. There is NO RIGHT SIzing for us. If at any time before the end of September when the payroll protection by the US Government is up and you hear other mechanics talking about taking any Pay concessions you ALL need to say whoa on that. Through out the yrs the TWU has made those back room deals we talk about with AA and the Union leaders don't take the concessions we take. We all know they DON'T look out for our best interest and have seen it happen over and over. Your Families future wage earning potential is in your grasp. There has not been a snap back clause to protect what we spent years of negotiations attempting to get. The companies layoff even after they get what money from us they can. Promises were made by the TWU but after all is said and done, they come back with we kept as much as we could and we just have to wait until next contract to get it back.

AA filed BK and our Pension is frozen, the LUS guys went 2X into BK with the IAM, Now they have a IAMPF which is a joke from what many of us have seen.
This current contract has language in it that we wanted but yet guys don't insure they get what they deserve. $1.00 per hr for runup/Taxi.

This CV19 that is hurting our industry has hurt our efforts to bring to AA a NEW Bargaining unit that will separate us from the Stores/Fleet Service. Nothing against those workers they have a job to do as well. AA and the rest of the airlines when in trouble cut heads that usually happens in the 4th Quarter of the yr. AA also hires in 15 yr spurts. WE have given up so much in the last 17 yrs its time to JUST SAY NO MORE. Many in our industry have had to start over more than once,
when that happens we NEVER catch up. It's time for the Title 1&2 mechanics to stand as ONE, take NO pay cuts. Ask yourself with what is going on just how often do you see any Union guys on the floor insuring your safety and your contractual rights are being maintained? How many Holidays do they work? Do they actually have the seniority to hold weekend slots. Just how many meetings in a week do they really go too, so they never work a crew.

It is Time for ALL of the Mechanics to remember what we have lost in the time we have been here at AA, and Time to tell the Association we have had enough of ALL your lies and NON-Representation. So before the end of the 3rd Qtr I ask you to SIGN an AMFA Card lets bring an election from the NMB and set a new standard of Professionalism here. AA is changing the way we do things, both with parts handling and maintenance procedures. Even the crew chiefs are passing more and more responsibility onto us. The company wants them to be more of a MGMT member, The FAA and airlines has put it all on us so Don't roll over and take any cut in wages or benefits.

Lets make AMT Day mean something, your career, your Future, is in YOUR hands.
I really hope you guys can get this done before the hammer falls. But it appears this asso. is already "talking/nego" with the company on ways to avoid involuntary layoffs. This scares me knowing what all this asso and or u two unions have done to their members in the past. I was in great hopes that you guys would have replace this representational organization before Oct. gets here, otherwise it will be the same ole crap it's been in the past, concessions-concessions, layoffs still come and then the BK filings with yet even more concessions. It's NOT too late fellas... Please think about what is coming and what has always happened in the past. Do you really want this asso. taking this membership thru what is about to come this fall??? I wouldn't think so-----But, most of you just continue to accept what this industrial unions dish out to you year after year after year. If you all don't get smart enough to get this asso. replaced prior to any cuts, layoffs, rifs etc... Then you will just have to deal with what is FORCED upon you and deal with it for the next 20 years. Hope you guys are successful AIM. I would just hate to see yet another contract just brought in go to the waste side like it did last time for 17 plus years, sad, very sad indeed. ""Thank you sir! May I have another!!""
the association cant even get the company to make timely contributions into the 401k.
they said that the match would be in the 401k on 6/11 has anyone got their match showing up yet from last month
I really hope you guys can get this done before the hammer falls. But it appears this asso. is already "talking/nego" with the company on ways to avoid involuntary layoffs. This scares me knowing what all this asso and or u two unions have done to their members in the past. I was in great hopes that you guys would have replace this representational organization before Oct. gets here, otherwise it will be the same ole crap it's been in the past, concessions-concessions, layoffs still come and then the BK filings with yet even more concessions. It's NOT too late fellas... Please think about what is coming and what has always happened in the past. Do you really want this asso. taking this membership thru what is about to come this fall??? I wouldn't think so-----But, most of you just continue to accept what this industrial unions dish out to you year after year after year. If you all don't get smart enough to get this asso. replaced prior to any cuts, layoffs, rifs etc... Then you will just have to deal with what is FORCED upon you and deal with it for the next 20 years. Hope you guys are successful AIM. I would just hate to see yet another contract just brought in go to the waste side like it did last time for 17 plus years, sad, very sad indeed. ""Thank you sir! May I have another!!""
Honestly, the guys made excuses not to sign to get the organizers off their backs. Such as wait until we get a contract. Wait until its signed.
Now we see the true colors. Same spineless people who complain and want others to correct the problems. They want you to do all the work and they won't make a minimal effort to improve the workplace culture by signing a card. Less than 30 seconds to fill one out. It's the same old ignorance that has plaque us drive after drive. You can only educate a closed mind so much until you hit the door. Title 2 guys are the biggest mystery. We are currently dealing with the affects of Covid-19. Then the next issue will be after summer reduction in force. Then come the financial reports for the 2020 year. In between all that will be the 2020 presidential election. Whether it has any direct affect or not you will hear those excuses to not sign or let's wait until things improve. Relevance? I don't see any except the dysfunctional association will be dealing with it in a form of the usual back door non membership inputs.
Says you.

There are about to be 15,000-30,000 pilots out on the street just between the big four airlines, not including the regionals. Guaranteed there are people who'd fly just about anything to avoid working at Home Depot (no offense, Jim).

The reality is that those airplanes are coming. Pilots who don't want to fly the airplane can stay FO's on the A320 until they're senior enough to upgrade on the A320 or bid something else.
There are about to be 15,000-30,000 pilots out on the street just between the big four airlines, not including the regionals. Guaranteed there are people who'd fly just about anything to avoid working at Home Depot (no offense, Jim).

The reality is that those airplanes are coming. Pilots who don't want to fly the airplane can stay FO's on the A320 until they're senior enough to upgrade on the A320 or bid something else.
Time will tell all.
they said that the match would be in the 401k on 6/11 has anyone got their match showing up yet from last month
I just called Fidelity. A customer service advisor informed me that AA has not yet made the funds available for my account and I am assuming many others. He also stated that AA claims the employer contribution will be deposited as soon as possible and that could be as soon as tomorrow. LOL

Please people. Sign a card already.
I just called Fidelity. A customer service advisor informed me that AA has not yet made the funds available for my account and I am assuming many others. He also stated that AA claims the employer contribution will be deposited as soon as possible and that could be as soon as tomorrow. LOL

Please people. Sign a card already.
"Due to the extensive manual process and validation efforts related with this first transaction post-ratification, the funds will be deposited today, June 11, and you should be able to see them in your Fidelity account tomorrow, June 12. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding."
Big Tex, do I sense a touch of sarcasm and disbelief in your post? Oh ye of little faith!
I just called Fidelity. A customer service advisor informed me that AA has not yet made the funds available for my account and I am assuming many others. He also stated that AA claims the employer contribution will be deposited as soon as possible and that could be as soon as tomorrow. LOL

Please people. Sign a card already.
I'm done with the TWU! I'm done with the ASSOCIATION! I'm done with expecting AA to abide by the terms of the contract and do the right thing! It's unfortunate that there are those still drinking the cool-aid and are afraid to make changes that would positively impact their professions! Now is the time......We've never been in a better position!
"Due to the extensive manual process and validation efforts related with this first transaction post-ratification, the funds will be deposited today, June 11, and you should be able to see them in your Fidelity account tomorrow, June 12. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding."
Sorry but i dont understsnd the delay. I think it means screw you association. A week late last month now a day late so far this month....
I'm done with the TWU! I'm done with the ASSOCIATION! I'm done with expecting AA to abide by the terms of the contract and do the right thing! It's unfortunate that there are those still drinking the cool-aid and are afraid to make changes that would positively impact their professions! Now is the time......We've never been in a better position!
Paul we are are a couple hundred cards of cushion away. Get a few cards signed

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