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American Airlines issued WARN letters to the TWU International

The Judge abrogates. That's it. Then AA can enforce the term sheet in parts or its entirety. Still no guarantee AA would have enforced the entire term sheet or go through with the number of lay offs on the term sheet. This has been discussed before here on other topics. I'm not going to open this can of worms again. FACT is the TWU sold us out! Fight Like Hell went to Hell as far as I'm concerned.
You will most likely be given the test in your Base. What are you afraid of? Pull up the test. You studied for your A&P by reading the ACME books with all the questions didn't you and you passed that.

Hey genius, Why don't you pull up the line test, sign up for the prequalification test and see if you can pass it? When you took the ACME test you know exactly was coming on the test. It's not like if you pull up the A25 test and take it on some computer. Your at the at the mercy of the person giving the test. He can make your life simple or he can make it a living hell and make sure you won't pass it.

You should know better to make these comments, wait, thats right, you voted yes for the LBFO, so that doesn't make you very smart!!

It may be a joke to you but it’s not to the affected AMTs

With the AMFA and vote no bloggers like you gloating over the layoffs at Tulsa, your response to the pending RIF is both juvenile and reflects your self-serving AMFA philosophy.

Although it follows the AMFA stereotype of reducing overhaul staffing as a way of possibly raising line AMT wages, many of the RIF'd AMT's will be displacing junior line AMT's in the process. You may be protected yourselves because of your seniority or location, but they won't be. So quit acting like it’s a joke.

Also, contrary to Owens theory of rejections leading to continually improved contract offers, you've shot yourselves in the foot. The fact that you succeeded in getting the 2010 T/A rejected is something you can certainly take credit for, and the members won’t forget it.
The Judge abrogates. That's it. Then AA can enforce the term sheet in parts or its entirety. Still no guarantee AA would have enforced the entire term sheet or go through with the number of lay offs on the term sheet. This has been discussed before here on other topics. I'm not going to open this can of worms again. FACT is the TWU sold us out! Fight Like Hell went to Hell as far as I'm concerned.

Much like the arguments surrounding the TWA purchase 11 years ago, which continue to this day, whether the court would have abrogated the M&R contract and whether AA would have imposed the term sheet or the LBO or a mixture of both will be argument fodder until the participants are all in old folks homes. And even then, some will continue the debate in their state of senile dementia with their fellow residents of the old folks home.

Sadly, jobs would be reduced no matter which path was chosen. I hope that enough can choose the early out so that involuntary reductions are minimized. And then, each and every person possessing skills that are transferrable should be considering whether to transfer their skills to another employer. And obviously, there is some measure of job security and decent income in fixing things that DON'T HAVE WINGS and thus can't be flown away to somewhere else for their scheduled maintenance.
It may be a joke to you but it’s not to the affected AMTs

With the AMFA and vote no bloggers like you gloating over the layoffs at Tulsa, your response to the pending RIF is both juvenile and reflects your self-serving AMFA philosophy.

Although it follows the AMFA stereotype of reducing overhaul staffing as a way of possibly raising line AMT wages, many of the RIF'd AMT's will be displacing junior line AMT's in the process. You may be protected yourselves because of your seniority or location, but they won't be. So quit acting like it’s a joke.

Also, contrary to Owens theory of rejections leading to continually improved contract offers, you've shot yourselves in the foot. The fact that you succeeded in getting the 2010 T/A rejected is something you can certainly take credit for, and the members won’t forget it.

I guess you failed to read the language and that ALL JOB PROTECTION was removed.

Go piss up a tree of another YES voter.
You wanted this, now comes the living with it.

I voted YES on the 2010 T/A so go pound sand with your blame of others for that which you are responsible.....

Now that you completed your next version of the Anti-AMFA rant about this photo, you might check the facts on where images like this come from before you start ranting about my beliefs.

By the way, for the record, I got the photo from the TWU ATD Facebook page website

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.....

IDIOT's like you have no idea what the TWU stands for.
Here is this humorous photo that I obtained from the TWU-ATD Facebook page.
I share it here, and you twist it into an anti - AMFA event. Just like everything you turn into an AMFA problem that comes at the hands of TWU representation.
Hey genius, Why don't you pull up the line test, sign up for the prequalification test and see if you can pass it? When you took the ACME test you know exactly was coming on the test. It's not like if you pull up the A25 test and take it on some computer. Your at the at the mercy of the person giving the test. He can make your life simple or he can make it a living hell and make sure you won't pass it.

You should know better to make these comments, wait, thats right, you voted yes for the LBFO, so that doesn't make you very smart!!
You don't sound very confident in your own abilities. When I took my O&P I did not know exactly what was coming.

It's a basic skills and knowledge type test. Most should be just fine. They have how many tests to give? Hundreds? You are assuming AA has their act together and will be able to screw up the people they don't want. Also, you have the right to have a rep present. I suggest everyone do that.
You don't sound very confident in your own abilities. When I took my O&P I did not know exactly what was coming.

It's a basic skills and knowledge type test. Most should be just fine. They have how many tests to give? Hundreds? You are assuming AA has their act together and will be able to screw up the people they don't want. Also, you have the right to have a rep present. I suggest everyone do that.

Did you really ask that question? Didn't you observe how AA hosed there own management and support staff? and they are not union.

I am very confident in my abilities, but is that revelant? I can be the best prepared person for the A25 and the instructor throws me a curve ball, then what?It's really not about what you know, it's the ability to find the information you need. I totally agree. if someone feels that they have been had or have taking an unfair test, they need to speak up, I have a feeling its not going to be easy for many. Best of Luck to All!!!
Thanks to YOUR lovely TWU they allowed the company to rewrite the Line maintenance qualifying test. It is not a shoe in anymore. If one fails the test twice he goes back to overhaul unless his position is eliminated. Then he hits the streets with more seniority than others still on the job. Another failure of the TWU. Way to go TWU Stooges. So tell me this. If one fails the test twice and hits the streets when does he get recalled? If overhaul is gone he has no where to go. Did the union think about this situation?
Very sad. So you could have a 30 year guy who has been in engine overhaul for 20 years and has never troubleshot a new generation aircraft and he could get the boot over the slick 5 year hot shot hired to the line.

The test should be whether or not you have an A&P Certificate and a date of hire earlier than the guy you are bumping.

If someone needs refresher training, the TWU should have negotiated that as part of the layoff deal.
Jim Little and Don Videtitch should be the ones getting WARN notices! But seriously, I feel for you guys I really do. Must not be fun to give up so much to find out weeks later that the company is pursuing more layoffs than planned. Its a difficult time right now especially at AA. Best wishes for all impacted.

Very sad. So you could have a 30 year guy who has been in engine overhaul for 20 years and has never troubleshot a new generation aircraft and he could get the boot over the slick 5 year hot shot hired to the line.

The test should be whether or not you have an A&P Certificate and a date of hire earlier than the guy you are bumping.

If someone needs refresher training, the TWU should have negotiated that as part of the layoff deal.

They couldn't even keep job security! What makes you think they can negotiate that? and I agree with you on that, The A25 test should be waved and the guys should take training and learn how to work the the line by actually working the line. No one knew how to work the line when they first started out. So yes A&P and Date of Seniority, that's it!!
They couldn't even keep job security! What makes you think they can negotiate that? and I agree with you on that, The A25 test should be waved and the guys should take training and learn how to work the the line by actually working the line. No one knew how to work the line when they first started out. So yes A&P and Date of Seniority, that's it!!

Have they actually stated they are requiring the test to bump?
Have they actually stated they are requiring the test to bump?

In the past you could take the test and have it in your quals, or take the test at the station you are rewarded if they request it. Everyone would take the test at thier exit station becouse of the good ol boy factor.
You don't sound very confident in your own abilities. When I took my O&P I did not know exactly what was coming.

It's a basic skills and knowledge type test. Most should be just fine. They have how many tests to give? Hundreds? You are assuming AA has their act together and will be able to screw up the people they don't want. Also, you have the right to have a rep present. I suggest everyone do that.

Word out of AFW on the A25 line test, is that the guy giving the test is taking up to 5 hours per test, and two out of three AMTs taking the test fail. They are then given one week to prepare for a re-test. If they fail the second time, it's game over.
You don't sound very confident in your own abilities. When I took my O&P I did not know exactly what was coming.

It's a basic skills and knowledge type test. Most should be just fine. They have how many tests to give? Hundreds? You are assuming AA has their act together and will be able to screw up the people they don't want. Also, you have the right to have a rep present. I suggest everyone do that.

Take Hewit and Mullings with you. This is not a multiple choice test. they can make it as hard as they want. If they can screw you they will, is there is any doubt about this? We can not be foolish they will control this, AA do not went to BK to play soft.