It may be a joke to you but it’s not to the affected AMTs
With the AMFA and vote no bloggers like you gloating over the layoffs at Tulsa, your response to the pending RIF is both juvenile and reflects your self-serving AMFA philosophy.
Although it follows the AMFA stereotype of reducing overhaul staffing as a way of possibly raising line AMT wages, many of the RIF'd AMT's will be displacing junior line AMT's in the process. You may be protected yourselves because of your seniority or location, but they won't be. So quit acting like it’s a joke.
Also, contrary to Owens theory of rejections leading to continually improved contract offers, you've shot yourselves in the foot. The fact that you succeeded in getting the 2010 T/A rejected is something you can certainly take credit for, and the members won’t forget it.