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Teamster Organizer caught forging Authorization Cards


You know exactly what I am saying. You are holding office in one union and accepting dues money from those members and at the same time actively campaigning to have this union thrown out. To me, that is wrong. Voice your right to change unions all you want, but resigning your current position first would be the respectable thing to do. .

Justify it any way you want but you are a traitor in the eyes of many. http://www.airlinefo...s/page__st__240
You are a coward and an idiot.
You continue to obfuscate, deflect, lie and etc... all under an alias while trying to defame a Man that speaks his heart under his real name. Change from within was tried under the iam at ua. Didn't work. AMFA was voted in but the iam 'die hards' did everything in their power to discredit AMFA. They did not embrace the new union and try to work with it, but undermined it at every opportunity. Now your same iam leadership abanded the iam and jumped on the ibt ticket. Most are holding appointed positions with the ibt. What about loyalty? I would have respected these ass clowns more if they campaigned for the iam instead of jumping ship. I really would have respected them if they 'even' tried to work with AMFA. But they didn't.
Don't talk about 'unionism' and 'loyalty' when you have neither.
Loyalty does not mean blind obedience like you ibt thugs demand.
So grow a set and talk man to man with your real name and not some nome de plume.

B) xUT
anamoly, cio, overspeed, and the other industrial mantra spewing, undemocratic and unaccountable lovers will NEVER identify themselves. Just like twu atd appointed officials will NEVER put the membership first.

To use xUT's terms these "ass clowns", "cowards" and "idiots" can not defend the concessionary ways of the industrial unions that are founded on unaccountability and undemocratic structures. All that is spewed from their posts are their fears and hatred for our craft belonging to a craft union.

Someone has posted that the teamsters were gonna file at end of this month (April). Has anyone else heard or can verify the same thing? You would think the teamsters would be gloating and celebrating out loud, but we don't see that. Hmmm, I wonder why?? Could it be that it's just yet another lie about filing? (number 4 that I know of) Or could it be they are still trying to cover up the fraudulent and forgery problems with their side of the card drive??? Just funny how we have heard nothing else about the teamsters going to file within the next 3 weeks. The teamsters supporters have been very quiet since the pension collapse as well as the fraudulent and forgery of cards has been brought to light. Maybe they know that if they file now, that the NMB will then have to investigate the forgery and fraud claims if they were to try and include such cards for their numbers to file. This could very well get very interesting. Go for it teamsters, file... Let's go head to head with AMFA and the TWU. Don't be scared!!!
Leaving the TUL base today had about 20-30 or so teamsters holding big banners. The only problem with what I saw is they didn't work for AA. Ok sure maybe one or two did but I promise you the majority of people standing out there don't work at AA. Point being another organization that pays people out of dues money to do do pointless crap. At least when AMFA guys come here most work for AA or used to and all come on there own dime not dues money
Paid organizers isnt this the same thing that team twu was acussing the AMFA of in 2004. Why isnt the twu raising hell about this? At least they would be telling the truth for once. The AMFA has no paid organizers like the industrial catch all unions like the twu,ibt and iam. Everybody that is organizing for the AMFA does it on there own dime for the soul reason of getting out of the industrial catch all unions.
Subject: The Teamsters’ New Low
The Teamsters seem to have forgotten what solidarity is all about. They are attacking our union, the Transport Workers Union (TWU), just when we need support from the entire labor movement.

Our employer, American Airlines is using the bankruptcy process to cut jobs and benefits. This is no time for the Teamsters to be dividing our members and attempting to weaken our union.

Tell Teamsters President James Hoffa and Organizing Director Jeff Farmer to stop trying to take away our union and, instead, spend their resources to organize the millions of workers who don’t already have a voice on the job.

That's why I signed a petition to James Hoffa, Teamsters President and Jeff Farmer, Teamsters Organizing Director.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:

Subject: The Teamsters’ New Low
The Teamsters seem to have forgotten what solidarity is all about. They are attacking our union, the Transport Workers Union (TWU), just when we need support from the entire labor movement.

Our employer, American Airlines is using the bankruptcy process to cut jobs and benefits. This is no time for the Teamsters to be dividing our members and attempting to weaken our union.

Tell Teamsters President James Hoffa and Organizing Director Jeff Farmer to stop trying to take away our union and, instead, spend their resources to organize the millions of workers who don’t already have a voice on the job.

That's why I signed a petition to James Hoffa, Teamsters President and Jeff Farmer, Teamsters Organizing Director.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:

Why is the TWU always playing the victim and you always right along with them? Maybe it has something to do with the TWU sucks and not that all other unions are evil. You are a victim alright, but not from other people or other unions. You and the TWU are responsible for your victim status.
Why is the TWU always playing the victim and you always right along with them? Maybe it has something to do with the TWU sucks and not that all other unions are evil. You are a victim alright, but not from other people or other unions. You and the TWU are responsible for your victim status.

Not only is the TWU playing victim, but why wasn't this brought out from the very beginning? Now it looks more and more like desperation. The TWU now can see the very highly probable nature of losing the AA mechs in the near future. What was once the combined effort to deflect the AMFA card drive has completely backfired on the TWU and they are now in complete defense and repair mode. The teamsters won't even file at end of this month. It would bring too much light onto the forgery and fraudulent cards they have collected.
Not only is the TWU playing victim, but why wasn't this brought out from the very beginning? Now it looks more and more like desperation. The TWU now can see the very highly probable nature of losing the AA mechs in the near future. What was once the combined effort to deflect the AMFA card drive has completely backfired on the TWU and they are now in complete defense and repair mode. The teamsters won't even file at end of this month. It would bring too much light onto the forgery and fraudulent cards they have collected.
Never underestimate the Political Trickery and Manipulation of despreate industrial unions. I don't think or believe they are enemies, I believe they involved in a smoke screen to cover up their true intentions. These Unions do not enough political influence to protect and advance your profession, but they do seem to enough political influence to get the NMB to prevent the will of the members from ever being tallied via a neutral party ballot.
Had enough of the TWU and the Teamsters?

Both sides accusing each other of every trick in the book.
I said, he said, they said and so on.

Teamsters are NOT going to file because they have been exposed or accused of wrong doing.

If they do file they will be short by a large margin and they know it.
Yet more Teamster corruption: http://www.startribune.com/business/202134741.html
It will never end with the teamsters.

I’m sure no-one will be surprised that Jeff Farmer, the Teamster’s Director of Organizing and the leader of the IBT campaign at American, comes out of this Local and is friends with the two “leaders” found to have embezzled membership money.
I’m sure no-one will be surprised that Jeff Farmer, the Teamster’s Director of Organizing and the leader of the IBT campaign at American, comes out of this Local and is friends with the two “leaders” found to have embezzled membership money.

It would not surprise me at all. I would expect nothing less from the teamsters.

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