I guess you failed to read the language and that ALL JOB PROTECTION was removed.
Go piss up a tree of another YES voter.
You wanted this, now comes the living with it.
I voted YES on the 2010 T/A so go pound sand with your blame of others for that which you are responsible.....
Now that you completed your next version of the Anti-AMFA rant about this photo, you might check the facts on where images like this come from before you start ranting about my beliefs.
By the way, for the record, I got the photo from the TWU ATD Facebook page website
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.....
IDIOT's like you have no idea what the TWU stands for.
Here is this humorous photo that I obtained from the TWU-ATD Facebook page.
I share it here, and you twist it into an anti - AMFA event. Just like everything you turn into an AMFA problem that comes at the hands of TWU representation.