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American Airlines issued WARN letters to the TWU International

Take Hewit and Mullings with you. This is not a multiple choice test. they can make it as hard as they want. If they can screw you they will, is there is any doubt about this? We can not be foolish they will control this, AA do not went to BK to play soft.

Have they said if they are requiring the test? I would think at least in afw knowing its closing they have to start testing
When I took mine several years ago it was only about a hour and he ask me to look up a couple of things in the ipc, take a logbook and kd a item, cdl a item, and a couple of verbal questions. If it is 100 questions they are some ipc items that take a long time becouse the manuals are not that friendly to use, and yes if they want to screw with you it would be easy.
Have they said if they are requiring the test? I would think at least in afw knowing its closing they have to start testing

That is what the people comment. We will know for sure soon.
I guess you failed to read the language and that ALL JOB PROTECTION was removed.

Go piss up a tree of another YES voter.
You wanted this, now comes the living with it.

I voted YES on the 2010 T/A so go pound sand with your blame of others for that which you are responsible.....

Now that you completed your next version of the Anti-AMFA rant about this photo, you might check the facts on where images like this come from before you start ranting about my beliefs.

By the way, for the record, I got the photo from the TWU ATD Facebook page website

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.....

IDIOT's like you have no idea what the TWU stands for.
Here is this humorous photo that I obtained from the TWU-ATD Facebook page.
I share it here, and you twist it into an anti - AMFA event. Just like everything you turn into an AMFA problem that comes at the hands of TWU representation.

You are one dumb AMFA clown if you think the majority of Tulsa AMT's don't know who you are, and what you are. If you think by insulting us you are going to get more AMFA cards signed you are more of an idiot then I thought you were. From all of us to all of you KOA!

BTW, the photo came from between the vote NO photos. You can't walk and chew gum and you think your BS is going to impress us. Man do you have a lot to learn.
I'm surprised that no one has noted the extreme sensitivity demonstrated by the company. I'm talking about the Nov. 12 and Dec. 12 layoff dates. Just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas! And you all say that the company never gives you anything. This way you won't have to bid to have those days off.
Does anyone else think that AA is trying to self destruct?

Look, I know my score and all, but please believe me when I tell you AA is not going to self destruct. They will end up on top out of this thing. Corporations always do.

This is not any type of political endorsement, just a friendly heads up that you are all in danger of being sacrificed in order to save the wealthiest at your airline. I hate to put it that way, but ultimately, this is what will happen. It did with us at UAL and you all seem to be in a similar scenario.

Save money where you can, stay informed, keep your options and your opinions open, but by all means, support each other and stick together. If all your unions and non union employees (they are affected too) work together you can minimize the injuries to you who have created the profits for the ones at the top.

Labor creates ALL wealth.

I wish you all the best.
Does anyone else think that AA is trying to self destruct?

No; on the contrary AA is doing just the opposite, it started the process that allows it to go into bankruptcy and resurrect itself as a viable competitor. Thousands of AAers will lose their jobs in the coming months, and join the staggering numbers in the unemployment offices of this once great nation. Still AA is doing what all the others had done before it, abrogated union contracts, stiffed the creditors all with the backing of the US law. So you see my friend, it's you not AA who will self destruct, because you didnt heed the warning signs. You've seen all the other airlines fold and reborn with many people losing their jobs in the process yet you stayed. Why I ask? To watch your once proud profession go in the toilet ? Now you're upset, so you write on this forum to soothe yourself. You hope to rally who? The fight is over AMR won hands down, because thats what the US law allows. AA will be reborn and will continue to lose money as will the others in this industry and in a few years they'll all go to bankrutcy court once again, because that's what US laws provide.

So run to the nearest exit door and don't look back, this industry is finished providing good pay and benefits.

Best wishes..
I'm a former employee and current stockholder. Just looking in from the outside. Never fly AA anymore. I can't wait to see the senior mangt. rewards for successfully taking a company into bk, abrogating decades of contracts then immediately sending out WARN notices to those who goose stepped through the sham of a term sheet, ticked off the pilots until they are forced to become the "safest" employee in the sky and demoralized a once proud group of f/as. It always makes good business sense to **** off your front line employees because God forbid that AA would follow the successful business philosophy of "you need to to take care of the internal customer if you expect them to care for the external customer".... Much easier to bastardize the bk system.
I'm a former employee and current stockholder. Just looking in from the outside. Never fly AA anymore. I can't wait to see the senior mangt. rewards for successfully taking a company into bk, abrogating decades of contracts then immediately sending out WARN notices to those who goose stepped through the sham of a term sheet, ticked off the pilots until they are forced to become the "safest" employee in the sky and demoralized a once proud group of f/as. It always makes good business sense to **** off your front line employees because God forbid that AA would follow the successful business philosophy of "you need to to take care of the internal customer if you expect them to care for the external customer".... Much easier to bastardize the bk system.
Upper Management WILL give themselves a HUGE Bonus for Saving The Company Money on It's Employees Backs....Employees LOSE Again..Management ALWAYS WINS!!! Who is The Sucker NOW!!!!
I'm surprised that no one has noted the extreme sensitivity demonstrated by the company. I'm talking about the Nov. 12 and Dec. 12 layoff dates. Just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas! And you all say that the company never gives you anything. This way you won't have to bid to have those days off.

Sadly Jim, none of the companies care about the timing of an issue like this. I will never forget when US led by the idiot from Alabama Pension group threatened to liquidate US if the employees didn't agree to further concessions just a few weeks prior to Christmas. They failed to realize that their threat drove away thousands of passengers during the busiest time of the year.
No; on the contrary AA is doing just the opposite, it started the process that allows it to go into bankruptcy and resurrect itself as a viable competitor. Thousands of AAers will lose their jobs in the coming months, and join the staggering numbers in the unemployment offices of this once great nation. Still AA is doing what all the others had done before it, abrogated union contracts, stiffed the creditors all with the backing of the US law. So you see my friend, it's you not AA who will self destruct, because you didnt heed the warning signs. You've seen all the other airlines fold and reborn with many people losing their jobs in the process yet you stayed. Why I ask? To watch your once proud profession go in the toilet ? Now you're upset, so you write on this forum to soothe yourself. You hope to rally who? The fight is over AMR won hands down, because thats what the US law allows. AA will be reborn and will continue to lose money as will the others in this industry and in a few years they'll all go to bankrutcy court once again, because that's what US laws provide.

So run to the nearest exit door and don't look back, this industry is finished providing good pay and benefits.

Best wishes..

I wouldn't double down on that bet if I were you. See also..Pan Am, Eastern Airlines, Braniff, and numerous others. Management does not always succeed in their plans for additional bonusses.