So, you're justifying your lack of class by calling it the truth, now?...
Unlike those who place judgement on others, I am humble and classless if you will.
To have "class" in this society, is basically to be as others want you to be. SO the answer to your question is an equivocal YES! I would rather seek and know the truth than to have "class" in any of your elite eyes.
Thus, I can only assume that I must be "classless".
So What? I am actually proud to admit that
To walk this planet worrying what others think of you is utterly a complete waste of time. If you and others fill your egos and stand taller than me by calling me classless, then please indulge yourselves. I can handle it.
Unless either of you work side by side with those that are suffering, how would you even begin to know why these tragic events take place? Me, on a daily basis I speak with fellow workers who have suffered, personal bankruptcy, divorce, and I know a substantial number on anti-depressent medications, not to mention the daily dose of fear propagated by the company and the company union. You tell me, was there a scientific lunar adjustmnet from those with class of some kind that caused all of this, or could it be economic pressures that are directly related to fincancial burdens of concessions combined with individual irresponsible credit acquisition? I think struggles to have "Class" could be a direct cause of despair in this society and you are an excellent flame thrower of such ideas. Congratulations on your superiority to those of us at lower end of the economic social structure of this society.
Pronunciation: (klas'lis, kläs'-), [key]
1. of or pertaining to a society in which there are no economic or social distinctions.
2. (of an individual) not having membership in a social or economic class or group.
Yep, that describes me no doubt. Funny thing though, some call this as a character flaw. Me I find it to be a compliment to my individualism. Thank You
Which would you rather be, classless or humble?
Pronunciation: (hum'bul, um'-), [key]
—adj., -bler, -blest,
—v., -bled, -bling.
1. not proud or arrogant; modest: to be humble although successful.
2. having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservience, etc.: In the presence of so many world-famous writers I felt very humble.
3. low in rank, importance, status, quality, etc.; lowly: of humble origin; a humble home.
4. courteously respectful: In my humble opinion you are wrong.
5. low in height, level, etc.; small in size: a humble member of the galaxy.
1. to lower in condition, importance, or dignity; abase.
2. to destroy the independence, power, or will of.
3. to make meek: to humble one's heart.
Chalk me up as a classless, humble, failed union organizer. And damn proud of it too!
And I will chalk you all up as superior human beings, I am unworthy to even debate each of you. Question though, how does a reader that may wish to join your elite status and group of beings with such high class apply for acceptance? There may be a few readers in despair, and belonging to your superior social elite status may just save them from a tragic end to their precious lives. Having one of you confirming they have "class" could be the answer to all of their woes.