Had cooler heads prevailed, during mediation,....
Now is the time to prepare for the future and it will take a wholesale rejection of the past strategy to make it a future worth pursuing.
"Had cooler heads prevailed..." "If cooler heads had prevailed after Nicolau,.." "Had" and "If" play no actual part in ANY aspect of reality, and we could argue endlessly over the proprtionate numbers of "cooler heads" anywhere, at anytime...much less any you might properly note the utter absence of within the Alpa groups of brilliant "negotiators" from both west and east..who, collectively, couldn't find ANY common ground...or even their arses with a compass/GPS/Field map and months to do it. Spare me any/all fantasies that the same people would have magically delivered the imaginary "Great Contract" within your fantasized time frame...or EVER after Nic.
"divesting the divisive issues like DOH" Hmmm..I can't seem to find any magic wand lying around that makes any immense seniority conflicts dissapear, via uttering the magic word "divesting". What's meant by "divesting" herein? Ah...nevermind = "A pragmatic solution that includes Nicolau and provides some protection for the east"..."Divesting" actually translates to mean: Swallow Nic wholesale, but have...ummm....."some" protection for the east? How very kind. 🙄
I'm impressed. This is clearly a very "pragmatic", and fully rational thought provided by "cooler heads". 🙄
Ummm...are you/can you possibly be, even remotely serious? :blink:
Nevermind, I see otherwise, and appreciate the intended chuckles contained = "There would have been no Nicolau decision. if USAPA had not used the fear of west integration to wedge itself into power." So...now?..the Nic's actually USAPA's fault???..... :blink: 🙄

Speaking of "cooler heads" though: I'm fine with wagering that you've not joined USAPA, which is your legal Union, and sought to voice your concerns and feelings.
Have a fine and safe Holiday weekend All...and let's not ever forget all those for whom the Holiday exists/Take Care.