For those posters who think we have a seniority based contract look at the RSV seniority was given away in favor of a LTO system. For you BH who cant understand the impact this had....imagine the AIL going according to time flown and NOT seniority. Yep, take a moment an imagine how that would impact your life.
What is amazing to me........
LTO was implemented as a "stop-gap" for the PBS system when the powers that be came to the determination that "it was not cost effective" or "didn't want to spend the money"
Or what Tempe calls: "COST NEUTRAL".
The fact that this system is even being allowed by the union to still be utilized in our contract is inexcusable.
It speaks volumes about the current MEC leadership: throw the RSV's under the bus "we can't negotiate anything that benefits only one segment work group". WTFO? Really?
But it's OK to try to sneak out a LOA during the holidays - and because Christmas and New Year's happened in the same month as a snow storm...better crank out an LOA to give the company some more latitude to violate the contract.
Wow, we used to just call that December.
For someone who is now currently a BH (just barely), but sat RSV for 17 years (only 3 under LTO), I find it unconscionable that the union has effectively given up fighting for the RSVs and pursuing a seniority based RSV system.
A great deal of us are one "pen stroke" away from being back on RSV - and most aren't even aware of that fact.
It is surprising to me why the membership hasn't begun lighting bonfires and collecting pitchforks? Is it apathy or just laziness? The MEC elites are too busy concentrating on splitting from the pilots and implementing a PBS (PURE BS) system in the JNC.....if and when that ever happens.
Somehow they didn't get them memo that for the past 4 years a great number of F/As on the East (and West) are living at or below the poverty level. But, no one is willing to confront the Union, or the "Emperor" (wearing his new clothes from all the bonuses handed out for reinventing the wheel and padding flight times ) and his army of corporate suck ups. The F/A group gave up quality of life issues a long time ago under duress, now it is time for reparations.
What happened to the pension (that was fully funded)?
What about social security off set?
Could these be the reasons that many are still here and still can't retire (even if they want to)?
When your already getting PBGC and Social Security and only working the best 3-4 T/A trips a month, WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO QUIT?
This issues should not result into a BH vs. RSV battle, because after all
(unless your a US Airways pilot) it's still all about seniority.
But it is definitely time for something to give only if the membership wants it to. Tempe knows that the F/As are their own worst enemy. As we say in TX "BIG HAT - NO RANCH"
If the F/As are content in being regarded as "the least educated labor group" and "one step above a waitress", then by all means sit back and watch what happens or better yet just put your transfer in for CLT or PHX
your really going to like it.
I actually heard people say "Doug Parker saved our airline"..... Really, at what cost? Your financial well being, your marriage, your career, your health? I actually had someone tell me "I had to file bankruptcy due to the pay cuts but I still have a job". No you just have paycheck that is above minimum wage.
I have also heard people say (ad nuseum) "if you don't like it here you can always quit", better yet why don't YOU do US ALL the rest of us a favor and QUIT. Your too stupid, and you will never get it because it's not spelled out for you on FOX NEWS. We all can quit at anytime - that's not the point. No one should have to quit, they should be able to retire. God knows after 20-30-40 years of service we have thousands that would love to do just...... YESTERDAY!!!!!
You want something to change for the better? Then just like Gordon Bethune said: "you are going to have to negotiate it" and you are going to have to get involved and make your voice heard so "they" are tired of hearing it and actually DO SOMETHING about it. Elect someone into the union that is going to negotiate something tangible for you and a long term
solution for this dilemma. One thing is obvious - It's something that TEMPE and the Union still haven't (or wanted to) been able to accomplish 4 + years.
DO YOU really think this is best you deserve in a contract (at the bottom of the barrel) - then it is and will be.
Regardless of your seniority, or how you came to US Airways.......think about this:
A great deal was made about "corporate culture" during the merger (did we actually have one?), think about "corporate culture" that Doug Parker and Company
HAVE CREATED here in the past 4 years and are you happy with the results?
If your not, this is your wake up call.
Be a shareholder, not just an employee.....
[rant mode off]