AA - NWA - SWA - Mechanic Pay Comparison

When you negotiate contracts, sometimes, old work rules become obsolete and new ones replace them.
When you agreed to changes in your contracts, you also got something in return. What that was, you would know better than I. If not new work, more pay to offset what was given up. It could have been new stations or a number of things.

In the early 80s they received pay raises that brought them back up to where they once were in exchange for massive concessions. It’s a bad deal. It’s like the farmer who keeps selling land to buy seed. Pretty soon he has nothing left. Pay raises lose value over time due to inflation. Giving up language and benefits for raises it a bad move.

As far as Title I goes it has been give -give to the company and other work groups. Work was taken away from us and given to them. The Union received the benefit at the expense of the mechanics. Mechanics were removed from stations across the system and much of their work is now done by fleet service. The Unions lack of initiative at addressing FAR 66 and 145 reveal that they have little concern over the craft. The benefit that the Union received was that it put AA in a better competitive position and swelled the ranks of TWU members. In the early 80s there were around 10,000 AA-TWU members, it’s now over 30,000.

One thing you guys always had working against you was Bob C.
He was a sharp guy who influenced so much of what all the airlines did.

I recall a quote that was used by Jim Larkin, an Irish Labour leader- (I don’t think he is the originator) “Our enemies appear large because we are on our knees. Rise people! Rise!â€
Perhaps Crandall appeared so sharp because his opponents were so dull.

The market place has a way of changing how business is done everywhere. What happen to workers who made products that went out with change. The workers adapted or were out of work.

The problem with that logic is that this industry, overall, despite the current economically driven setback, is still expanding. Our workers, especially mechanics are more productive than ever, have embraced new technologies and innovations and in return have seen their living standards decline. The problem is not that the industry or technology is becoming redundant, it’s that the representatives of the workers are unwilling to challenge Capital.

Maybe it is time for unions to become involved in their company. That means you and you and you, and you. If you guys have been taking this crap from yourselves for 20 years, and you are the union. The union doesn't stink unless you guys do because you are one and the same.

Give me a break.
One and the same. It sounds nice but it simply is not true.
Union members fail to get involved because they have no real input into the organization. They are so deeply insulated from the levels of power that to them it does not exist. The members cannot vote for Sonny Hall. They cannot vote for the head of their division and they cannot even vote for their International reps. Members vote out their Local leaders only to see them get appointed to higher positions within the organization. How should a member respond to such practices?
Members can only vote for leaders of their Locals. The local’s power is very limited. The locals do not have rights to the contract. Jim Little and Sonny Hall have those rights and Sonny appoints Jim. Neither of these guys is accountable to the members. It would be like letting the President of the United States appoint all the Senators and Governors and then letting the state legislators vote on who becomes President. The public would be so excluded from the process that it really could not be called a democracy. The people could only elect those with the lowest levels of power and only on a local level. Accountability beyond the local level is non-existent. Without accountability there is no Democracy. The members really only are left with two choices, acquiesce or revolt.

This latest deal where we gave up more than other airlines did in BK can only be explained as a continuance of what was started back in 1983. Concessions for dues. The union grants concessions far and above the industry standard in an effort to put its host company in a superior competitive position. This leads to further consolidation of the industry as other airlines are put out of business. This allows AA to expand further and swell the TWU ranks. Over the last twenty years the TWU has been the leader in concessions. We have many concessionary firsts for the industry, and it has swelled the ranks of dues payers at AA from 10,000 to over 30,000.

In fact, aren't you one-step up from the normal employee?

I’m an elected as opposed to appointed representative. So in other words since I’m elected and not appointed I’m actually accountable to members, thus I’m on one of the lowest rungs of the organization. Accountability to the members is cut off beyond the local level.

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  • #62
On 5/17/2003 2:28:44 PM atabuy wrote:

Maybe it is time for unions to become involved in their company. That means you and you and you, and you. If you guys have been taking this crap from yourselves for 20 years, and you are the union. The union doesn't stink unless you guys do because you are one and the same.

Maybe it is time for the internet bulletin board experts to learn more about the TWU.

Notice the comment about the "role of the Communist" in the organization of the TWU!

It is wrong to say we are the union, when the history of the TWU is tainted by "Cummunist" influence, and the current dictatorship cannot be removed because the original Constitution written by the "Communist", still leaves us powerless today. This is not to say that every TWU supporter is a Communist, it just remains a fact that gaining membership control of this organization is not within our grasp because the heritage of the TWU prohibits such acts.

On 5/18/2003 8:05:16 AM KCFlyer wrote:

On 5/18/2003 7:35:54 AM Bob Owens wrote:


One thing I will ask you as a good union man. When you have any kind of work done on your house, car, plumbing, or electrical, buying products, do you always go to a union backed operation or do you find the cheapest price?

When I purchase products I do try to buy Union, as far as my house I do it myself or it does not get done. I cant afford to hire someone else. Besides what is the point of the question?


Because there are union remodlers and non-union remodelers.  Home remodeling can be rather pricey. 


When we as mechanics under the TWU have given so much in concessions over the years, adding inflation to that, then those like Bob Owens living in a high cost of living area, the cost of something like home repair or car repair is expensive. So expensive that even non-union labor is too expensive.
On 5/18/2003 7:35:54 AM Bob Owens wrote:


One thing I will ask you as a good union man. When you have any kind of work done on your house, car, plumbing, or electrical, buying products, do you always go to a union backed operation or do you find the cheapest price?

When I purchase products I do try to buy Union, as far as my house I do it myself or it does not get done. I cant afford to hire someone else. Besides what is the point of the question?


Because there are union remodlers and non-union remodelers. Home remodeling can be rather pricey.

On 5/18/2003 7:28:03 AM atabuy wrote:

Up until recently, all negotiations involved concessions and advancements in the contract negotiated.
When something was given up, you got something in return.

Yea, we gave up diamonds in exchange for coal.

No company likes unions and will make the union fight for everything it gets.

Didnt both Carty and Crandall make statements about how much they like the TWU? The last time this Union fought for anything was 1969.

If you owned a business, would you want control of it, or let your employees tell you what you will pay them and what they will do for you?

Thats a dumb question. The question is why do we join unions? To give us a better shot at improving our bargaining position.

If you go back 20 years and figure cost of living, you might be surprised that you are well above that.

That is a flat out lie. Where are you getting your information from? We have much much less than we had twenty years ago.

Some advancements were due to others having them. Some advancments you have no one else had.

Such as?

No one likes change, and that is what is happening in this industry.
How it all shakes out, who knows.

I like change. I like it when my paycheck goes up.

One thing I will ask you as a good union man. When you have any kind of work done on your house, car, plumbing, or electrical, buying products, do you always go to a union backed operation or do you find the cheapest price?

When I purchase products I do try to buy Union, as far as my house I do it myself or it does not get done. I cant afford to hire someone else. Besides what is the point of the question?

On 5/18/2003 8:05:16 AM KCFlyer wrote:

Because there are union remodlers and non-union remodelers. Home remodeling can be rather pricey.

Yea, and?​
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  • #67
TWU International Sonny Hall - "Put Bread & Butter First"


James C. Little just removed 50 Years of Bread & Butter from the tables of 35,000 of your union members. You and others like yourself want us to be concerned that the Republicans are our enemy. You want us to quit being concerned about "the right to life"?

There were no Republicans twisting Little Jim's arm, there were no conflicting issues involving Gun Control, Abortion, and "so many other issues", the issue was BREAD & BUTTER or jobs/dues payers. And you and the other dictators totally disregarded the Bread & Butter.

We have tired of your two-faced politcal rhetoric. It is not the Republican Party that has stolen the Bread & Butter, it is the Dues Collection Agency that left us with crumbs from the bread!


WHOSE SIDE ARE ON? You asked this in your article, now we ask you?

Who the hell needs to worry about baseball arbitration or loss of the right to strike, when we endure sellout union leaders removing the BREAD & BUTTER on a volunteer basis, and without credible ratification by the membership?



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  • #68
On 5/18/2003 11:25:32 AM Checking it Out wrote:

I do believe amfa at Alaska is one of the First to Install the Baseball style Arbitration! And it is also true the Arbitrator aligned with Alaska Instead of amfa position during their Negotiations this Year!

I beleive amfa was advised not to do this several years ago! and Thanks to them this is another example of a Union busting tactic!

Just think amfa did not even have to Negotiated this Year at Alaska! How much money did they save and cost the Employees of Alaska?


Yeah, and AMFA at Alaska was awarded 5% Payraise over a 2 Year Agreement!

What did you get? -17.5%, -Holidays, - Vacation, - Sick Time, Minus Skill/License Pay....

...Hell!!!! Give me the Arbitrator.
I do believe amfa at Alaska is one of the First to Install the Baseball style Arbitration! And it is also true the Arbitrator aligned with Alaska Instead of amfa position during their Negotiations this Year!

I beleive amfa was advised not to do this several years ago! and Thanks to them this is another example of a Union busting tactic!

Just think amfa did not even have to Negotiated this Year at Alaska! How much money did they save and cost the Employees of Alaska?

On 5/18/2003 11:25:32 AM Checking it Out wrote:

I do believe amfa at Alaska is one of the First to Install the Baseball style Arbitration! And it is also true the Arbitrator aligned with Alaska Instead of amfa position during their Negotiations this Year!

I beleive amfa was advised not to do this several years ago! and Thanks to them this is another example of a Union busting tactic!

Just think amfa did not even have to Negotiated this Year at Alaska! How much money did they save and cost the Employees of Alaska?



Thats right, Mandatory Arbitration sucks. If they want it removed, along with those who recommended it they can. Can we remove Little? Did Alaskas mechanics lose half their sick time, half pay for the first two days of sick time, half their holidays, double time and all the things we lost through negotiations? We probably would have been better off under arbitration. I could not imagine a arbitrator stripping us as badly as Little and his boys did.

How much did the TWU save by doing negotiations at Corporate HQ? How much did AA pay to the TWU to cover costs associated with the concessions? Is the company going to forward us recordings from the sessions? Do you doubt that they were listening in?

Meet the Number!

Meet the Number!

That is the TWU version of Negotiations!

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  • #71
On 5/18/2003 11:25:32 AM Checking it Out wrote:

I do believe amfa at Alaska is one of the First to Install the Baseball style Arbitration! And it is also true the Arbitrator aligned with Alaska Instead of amfa position during their Negotiations this Year!

I beleive amfa was advised not to do this several years ago! and Thanks to them this is another example of a Union busting tactic!

Just think amfa did not even have to Negotiated this Year at Alaska! How much money did they save and cost the Employees of Alaska?



Here is the link to the full Arbitration Award:

It appears that the TWU had the first "Interest Arbitration" case at Alaska Airlines, and that case was used to determine the Wages and Premiuims for the AMFA Mechanics. In fact it appears that the "CARRIER" used the TWU case as an exhibit (Carrier Exhibit 2) against the AMFA.

It is also a fact, that the Dunsford TWU Award and Findings are cited by the Arbitrator in the AMFA Mechanics Award, just read page 23 and 24 of the AMFA Alaska Mechanic Award linked above.

Checking it Out, tell us again how AMFA led the way with arbitration at Alaska, Tell us again why the Arbitrator "sided with the company" as you claim.


Just like the TWU is now leading the other carriers into concessions!

Checking it Out, the documented facts are taking your lies to a new level.

Care to try again?
Jim asked:

One thing I will ask you as a good union man. When you have any kind of work done on your house, car, plumbing, or electrical, buying products, do you always go to a union backed operation or do you find the cheapest price?


Jim, that''s a fair question. I do most of my own work, out of both preference and necessity. When I do hire it out, I go on recommendations first, American citizenship second, and a bunch of other, more subjective things next. Price enters in also, but I know better than to let it rule me. I am willing to pay for quality. Sometimes it seems impossible to get quality, even at a higher price. My preference is not to patronize businesses that exploit their workers, so, yes, union membership does enter in to the formula. I particularly avoid Wal Mart. I also avoid Red Chinese products for exploitation reasons as well as the abysmal quality of that nation''s products.
What Delle promised is not what amfa delivered

Amfa has been telling prospective mechanics for years that they would be able to elect their own representatives if they would only elect amfa to represent them. You would have elected officers in every local, and every National officer would be elected too.
The problem amfa is having is they cannot live up to their promises in fact. Like most sales pitches the old saying “ if it sounds too go to be true it probably is.
Since the elections in 2002 amfa members are finding out that most officers that represent them are appointed or not elected at all. In fact, the majority of all amfa representatives are either appointed or never had to stand elections at all.

Starting with the National Director Delle-Femine, who has never been elected in over 30 years ,down to the shop representative.
Below is a list of all the amfa local and how they handled elections in 2002.

Amfa local 2


In the 2002 elections for the President, Secretary and Safety and Standards positions NEVER STOOD ELECTION. That’s right not a single vote, not a single ballot just the good old boys of amfa local 2. [url="http://pages.prodigy.net/cgi-bin/redirect?nexturl=http%3A%2F%2Fpages.prodigy.net%2Fsoxman%2Fprespage.htm&submit=Go%21"]http://pages.prodigy.net/cgi-bin/redirect?...tm&submit=Go%21[/URL]

Amfa local 5


Here is a fine example of local autonomy. This local posted notice that over 25 leadership positions were open for election in 2002. Out of the more than 25 amfa jobs open the membership could only vote on 1, that’s right 1 out of 25. APPOINTMENT OR UNELECTED representatives filled the remaining 27 jobs with a good old boy network of amfa cronies. The Vice President, Treasurer, Cleaners Committee, Airline Representatives from NWA and MASABA DID NOT HAVE TO STAND ELECTION. [url="http://www.amfa5.org/Election/Election"]http://www.amfa5.org/Election/Election Results.htm[/URL]

Local 14
No elections were conducted this year.

local 19 Atlanta

This was the second amfa local placed under the National trusteeship in 2002. The maintenance base in ATL was closed so no need for election here.

Local 19 (ATL)
- "Due to the closing of ATL, Local 19 has lost all of its membership. The NEC has approved placing the local in a state of trusteeship until all outstanding bills have been paid and all grievances have been accounted for. Remaining local funds will be escrowed until disbursement to the members’ new locals in accordance with Article VIII, Section 8 of the AMFA Constitution."

Local 33
Local 33 gerrymander election


This local held elections, however the total number of members voting was less then the total number of ballots cast. Somehow, the candidates received a higher number of votes then what the members cast. The teller committee did not sign off on this one because of the improprieties.

Local 35

local 33 trusteeship
This was the first local to be placed under the National trusteeship when the good old boys were recalled. This way the National controls the local, so much for local autonomy.

Local 34

Did not hold elections in 2002

Local 37
2 elections held out of 18 openings


Of the 18 open positions up for election, only 2 of the 18 will have elections. The remaining 16 positions were either be appointed or never have to stand election.

Horizon Contract negotiations committee

amfa could not even get enough people to come forward to put together a negotiation committee. Amfa had to appoint people just to get enough to meet with the company.


All the rhetoric that was spewed to get amfa on at NWA has subsided and now the members are left with a majority have been appointed and never stood election. In many cases, the members are unrepresentative because people are not willing to risk their jobs for an organization that cannot protect them.
Steve McFarland, former President of local 33 stepped down in 2002 because it was too much to handle, one of the biggest amfa pushers ever to come down the pike and he steps down.
Just for Your Information The IAM is making progress in collecting cards at NW! Ask yourself why?

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  • #74
Checking it Out,

Are you as good at investigating the TWU?

Show us the election results of:

Sonny Hall
James C. Little
Gary Yingst
Gary Drummond
Bob Gless
Dennis Burchette

Is that really the best response you could generate about your lies regarding the AMFA being the first to use "Interest Based Arbitration"?

That TWU fact really stung, and you come forward with another issue which the TWU is dirty?

You not only getting desperate, you are also losing your mind and crediblity to boot!

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