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Attention AA Mechanic and Related - Letter from Delle

On 8/8/2003 8:36:48 PM Checking it Out wrote:

Oh Buy the way their has been alot of good comments about the International stepping up to the plate against the darkside of the Industry!

Why dont you post those comments with names and pictures in the "informer", most of us would like to know how many anti-worker, pro-dictators, there are and WHO they are?
I like the idea knowing the TWU cares more about its Members and is not afraid to step up to the plate and defend their position. And involvement in the loxal is great to see! The percentage of returned surveys shows this along with the high percentage of member participation at work!

TWU SOLIDARITY is alive and well in Tulsa! Have a Great Weekend all you TWU Brothers and Sisters!

Oh Buy the way their has been alot of good comments about the International stepping up to the plate against the darkside of the Industry!
RV4 (a reference to a homebuilt aircraft)

Please tell us what you do at your airline. Are you a line mechanic who can fix a B-777 and make sure it gets its 250+ passengers to LHR on time? If you are, then you should not have taken a pay cut. If you are some non -licensed lackey in the hangar, or an A&P that sits on his ass, then you should thank God every day you make over 20 dollars an hour. Who makes sure you make this money? A union----any union----yet you #### and #### and ####.

You should thank your lucky stars, every day, that your Union (any Union) protects your jobs. Because if left up to the free market of labor----I would have your job.
On 8/8/2003 11:38:10 PM flaptrack wrote:

RV4 (a reference to a homebuilt aircraft)

If you are some non -licensed lackey in the hangar, or an A&P that sits on his ass, then you should thank God every day you make over 20 dollars an hour. Who makes sure you make this money? A union----any union----yet you #### and #### and ####.
Yeah, go tell that to the Mechanic at Delta, who by the way has a better pay and benefit package than you do and they are non-union. I bet Delta Mechanics dont have to subsidize worthless sit on your ass mechanics that you talk about. It is the TWU however, that continues to save the jobs of those that steal, cheat, and disrespect authority on a daily basis. What say you about that?
On 8/9/2003 6:34:17 AM RV4 wrote:


On 8/8/2003 11:38:10 PM flaptrack wrote:

RV4 (a reference to a homebuilt aircraft)

If you are some non -licensed lackey in the hangar, or an A&P that sits on his ass, then you should thank God every day you make over 20 dollars an hour. Who makes sure you make this money? A union----any union----yet you #### and #### and ####.


Yeah, go tell that to the Mechanic at Delta, who by the way has a better pay and benefit package than you do and they are non-union. I bet Delta Mechanics dont have to subsidize worthless sit on your ass mechanics that you talk about. It is the TWU however, that continues to save the jobs of those that steal, cheat, and disrespect authority on a daily basis. What say you about that?


Dave you are a fool. You obviously as always don't read between the lines and you have to have ecerything spelled out in detail. For as long as I have been in aviation, and that predates my AA days going back to around '66, it was accepted that the reason Delta paid more was to keep the unions out. Stop trying to put a spin on something that should be obvious to you. Just because it is not stated verbatim in the Delta employees handbook "we pay union scale or better as protection money against union organizing".

Why didn't you answer the man about what you do at AA?
On 8/8/2003 5:13:12 PM RV4 wrote:


On 8/8/2003 9:01:10 AM AAmech wrote:

This is an outrage!!  Amfa has brought charges against their own members, hold's membership trials and punishes them?  This can't be democratic!!!  I bet they have non-dues payers fired too!!


What would be an outrage is a union signing a labor agreement "without further ratification" that allows for a 32% increase in payroll deductions for employee health insurance while only giving a 1.5% raise per year.

THAT's 32% Increase in OUT-OF-POCKET!


Dave why don't you stop and think before you post? Stop mixing apples and oranges. Your medical went up 32% so your pay should have gone up 32%?

One figure has mo direct relation to the other. For one thing how about giving the numbers the percentages are applied against?

On 8/9/2003 9:41:17 AM j7915 wrote:

Why didn't you answer the man about what you do at AA?

The answer has been posted many times by you and the other personal attack stooges of the bus drivers union.
I will answer that question if you will answer the one about "what has the TWU done to advance the profession of AMT's over the last 20 years"? And I'm not talking about an advancement in reverse direction either.
On 8/9/2003 9:32:54 AM j7915 wrote:

Dave why don't you stop and think before you post? Stop mixing apples and oranges. Your medical went up 32% so your pay should have gone up 32%?

One figure has mo direct relation to the other. For one thing how about giving the numbers the percentages are applied against?

What calculator are you using? When my payroll deduction for my medical goes up 32%, my pay doesn't go up as well, my net pay goes DOWN accordingly. Nobody said anything about a 32% increase in pay. What is your take? That the worker should absord ALL of the cost of medical and fund the Executive Retention Plans?
I am telling you this, the "me too" Pilot Cap/Limit on our medical deduction increases was removed from the labor agreement "without further ratification", and you and everyone else with heads up their arsses are about to be shocked when the flex enrollment package arrives this fall and see waht you will pay for equal coverage.
Go take a look at attchement 41.1 Date April 10, 2003 of Article 41 of your contract.
Tell what this means to you?
Wow! The Delta AMT's making 3 or 4 dollars more an hour, More sick days, More vacation, More holidays, bigger shift differential. I thought Delta was non union. If so, with all of their superior benifits that they have. Why am I paying union dues, and for what? Sounds like we need a new union, or no union.


The TWU Advantage...

On 8/9/2003 11:48:10 AM F4ams wrote:

Wow! The Delta AMT's making 3 or 4 dollars more an hour, More sick days, More vacation, More holidays, bigger shift differential. I thought Delta was non union. If so, with all of their superior benifits that they have. Why am I paying union dues, and for what? Sounds like we need a new union, or no union.

According to the industrial union stooges, the company would pay us more in pay and benefits to keep a union out, than they are willing to pay with a lapdog union already on the property? Must be so they can fire Shop Stewards and Union Officer type of employees that show their nutsacks and expose themselves to management when told to put up the video games and go to work, or they just have someone clock them in and out and never show up for work period. I say lets get rid of the lapdog union and see what happens, it can't get any worse than sellouts and dictators.
There is an old saying among unionists "The only thing a boss loves better than no union is a sweetheart deal making union".