Wrong again,
You have us confused with the TWU under Jim Little Leadership.
This man went to the meeting by his own choice, he was NOT SENT. Unlike the TWU faithful, AMFA supporters think and act on their volition. Impossible for you to grasp, but that is the truth.
You can try all you want to attack and call names, but the fact still remains...
Checking it Out is a proven LIAR just like James C. Little, and the man was required to turn his video camera OFF.
You guys are still complaining about the information that proves a fraud was being committed, and yet you never address the truth, which is both the TWU and AA were and are attempting to inflate the list to protect the incumbent union from facing a democratic vote of the membership.
BTW, the TWU list of deceased now exceeds 34 and the combined AA/TWU list of deceased equals over 50. How do you explain that Bill?
And yes Bill, we are informing our supporters of what has and is still is taking place. I would say the information provided is very legitimate. Why do you call exposing the truth anything other than a legitimate fight? You are just sore because you are about to be publicy exposed as a supporter or
leader of a union that can only survive by attempting to fraud the members and the Federal Government.
Somebody call 911, because the truth about the TWU is going to be made public, and there is nothing they can do about it!