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Twu At Aa Over Manned

Buck said:
Remember Eagle mechanics are represented by the TWU and their contract proposal pushed their wages better than $28 an hour.
What's your point? Don't Eagle mechanics deserve to make that?
I dont desire to listen to a pathetic proven and known liar like Jim Little, so I can walk around claiming I have had my questions answered. I seek facts, not rhetorical anti-something communications you claim are your answers.

And then to top the fact that you still trust a known and proven liar like Jim, you also appear here to make a half-witted attempt at removing my free speech rights on a public internet bulletin board.

Do you have a hammer and sicle tattoo on your chest or your deltoid?

BTW, I have an audio tape of the meeting and we will soon prove more lies the Little Jim told everyone.

You listen to your daddy delle..."wait for FM1!" You seek facts, you wouldn't know a fact if ya ate one with your Big Mac. Davey boy the only peeps that give you any creedence at all are the ones in your Jenny Craig class, very supportive of you.

And you mentioned "organizers" made statements about the TWU being overmanned at AA...I thought you were the only dummie that spoke that rhetoric....you mean there were more? Please show that video too will ya biggun'?
Decision 2004 said:
I dont desire to listen to a pathetic proven and known liar like Jim Little, so I can walk around claiming I have had my questions answered. I seek facts, not rhetorical anti-something communications you claim are your answers.

And then to top the fact that you still trust a known and proven liar like Jim, you also appear here to make a half-witted attempt at removing my free speech rights on a public internet bulletin board.

Do you have a hammer and sicle tattoo on your chest or your deltoid?

BTW, I have an audio tape of the meeting and we will soon prove more lies the Little Jim told everyone.
I have an audio tape of the meeting

You are quite the man aren't you Stewart. You admit that one of your spy-cronies was snuck in to video tape the meeting (standing in the back like a frightened little girl), NOW you admit to another one of your spy-cronies sent in with a tape recorder in his pocket! What?? Too scared to do it yourself???

This behavior is nothing but pathetic and desparate. You organizers have to use information that was illegally obtained because you (and amfa) weren't smart enough to figure things out on your own (goes to the incompetency of Seham no less!!) and now you admit to sending in spies so that you can edit some more amfa lies and rhetoric!!!! How in the hell do people take you seriously???? You're a complete joke!!!

My question is this.......have you informed all of those folks who did sign cards throughout the system, thinking that this was a legitimate fight, the truth of amfa's actions??

will fix for food said:
What's your point? Don't Eagle mechanics deserve to make that?
The Eagle mechanics deserve whatever they can negotiate. If you agree to that, then logically you agree that it applies to the American mechanics as well. So that being the case, then why do you believe that it is ok for the TWU to negotiate in the wrong direction? The TWU has negotiated concessionary contracts at American since 1983. The last Little de-negotiation cost labor gains that were fought for for many years. In fact I believe that mechanics across the system should be paid equally. The TWU on the other hand would rather degrade the profession by allowing concessionary contracts and specifically the OSM classification or "Farming Out In House". It does not matter that traditionally the wages of majors have always been higher than the feeders. In fact raising the wage of the Eagle mechanic is a step in the right direction, but not by lowering the wages of the AA mechanic to achieve that goal. So yes the Eagle mechanic deserves what they can negotiate, including the deluding of AA line stations into Eagle stations. But then the TWU will go ahead and help their AA members by scabbing work that could be negotiated for the Eagle mechanics. Yes, Eagle mechanics deserve what they can negotiate, but not at the expense of the AA mechanic nor the AA mechanic at the expense of the Eagle mechanic. But hey, were all TWU brothers and sisters, right?
Bill said:
You are quite the man aren't you Stewart. You admit that one of your spy-cronies was snuck in to video tape the meeting (standing in the back like a frightened little girl), NOW you admit to another one of your spy-cronies sent in with a tape recorder in his pocket! What?? Too scared to do it yourself???

This behavior is nothing but pathetic and desparate. You organizers have to use information that was illegally obtained because you (and amfa) weren't smart enough to figure things out on your own (goes to the incompetency of Seham no less!!) and now you admit to sending in spies so that you can edit some more amfa lies and rhetoric!!!! How in the hell do people take you seriously???? You're a complete joke!!!

My question is this.......have you informed all of those folks who did sign cards throughout the system, thinking that this was a legitimate fight, the truth of amfa's actions??

Wrong again,

You have us confused with the TWU under Jim Little Leadership.

This man went to the meeting by his own choice, he was NOT SENT. Unlike the TWU faithful, AMFA supporters think and act on their volition. Impossible for you to grasp, but that is the truth.

You can try all you want to attack and call names, but the fact still remains...

Checking it Out is a proven LIAR just like James C. Little, and the man was required to turn his video camera OFF. :shock:

You guys are still complaining about the information that proves a fraud was being committed, and yet you never address the truth, which is both the TWU and AA were and are attempting to inflate the list to protect the incumbent union from facing a democratic vote of the membership.

BTW, the TWU list of deceased now exceeds 34 and the combined AA/TWU list of deceased equals over 50. How do you explain that Bill?

And yes Bill, we are informing our supporters of what has and is still is taking place. I would say the information provided is very legitimate. Why do you call exposing the truth anything other than a legitimate fight? You are just sore because you are about to be publicy exposed as a supporter or leader of a union that can only survive by attempting to fraud the members and the Federal Government.

Somebody call 911, because the truth about the TWU is going to be made public, and there is nothing they can do about it!
Buck said:
The Eagle mechanics deserve whatever they can negotiate. If you agree to that, then logically you agree that it applies to the American mechanics as well. So that being the case, then why do you believe that it is ok for the TWU to negotiate in the wrong direction? The TWU has negotiated concessionary contracts at American since 1983. The last Little de-negotiation cost labor gains that were fought for for many years. In fact I believe that mechanics across the system should be paid equally. The TWU on the other hand would rather degrade the profession by allowing concessionary contracts and specifically the OSM classification or "Farming Out In House". It does not matter that traditionally the wages of majors have always been higher than the feeders. In fact raising the wage of the Eagle mechanic is a step in the right direction, but not by lowering the wages of the AA mechanic to achieve that goal. So yes the Eagle mechanic deserves what they can negotiate, including the deluding of AA line stations into Eagle stations. But then the TWU will go ahead and help their AA members by scabbing work that could be negotiated for the Eagle mechanics. Yes, Eagle mechanics deserve what they can negotiate, but not at the expense of the AA mechanic nor the AA mechanic at the expense of the Eagle mechanic. But hey, were all TWU brothers and sisters, right?
"So that being the case, then why do you believe that it is ok for the TWU to negotiate in the wrong direction?"

Who said I believed that? I have been careful not to comment on your concessionary agreement because frankly I think it would be wrong for ME to be telling YOU what you should or should not have done when I didn't have first hand knowledge of the situation. That being said, please quote my post where I said that it is "ok for the TWU to negotiate in the wrong direction" I am curious where I wrote that.

"In fact raising the wage of the Eagle mechanic is a step in the right direction, but not by lowering the wages of the AA mechanic to achieve that goal. "

"Yes, Eagle mechanics deserve what they can negotiate, but not at the expense of the AA mechanic......"

So obviously you believe that your concessions are going to fund my (hypothetical)pay raise. That is quite the explosive statement. What facts do you have to back that up? I can think of a couple of good reasons why that would absolutely not be the case, but I'll wait and let you present me with your proof first.
Bob Owens said:
Dont you think they deserve more?
I sure hope you were joking.

Actually, I am not even sure that the TWU is asking for as much as the Teamsters just TA'd at Expressjet which would put them over 30/hour in three years if I remember right. More than one Eagle mechanic believes that this TWU approach to negotiating on our behalf is an attempt to massage the bruised egos of all the little Buck's out there. I have to admit I think there is something to that.
will fix for food said:
"So that being the case, then why do you believe that it is ok for the TWU to negotiate in the wrong direction?"

Who said I believed that? I have been careful not to comment on your concessionary agreement because frankly I think it would be wrong for ME to be telling YOU what you should or should not have done when I didn't have first hand knowledge of the situation. That being said, please quote my post where I said that it is "ok for the TWU to negotiate in the wrong direction" I am curious where I wrote that.

"In fact raising the wage of the Eagle mechanic is a step in the right direction, but not by lowering the wages of the AA mechanic to achieve that goal. "

"Yes, Eagle mechanics deserve what they can negotiate, but not at the expense of the AA mechanic......"

So obviously you believe that your concessions are going to fund my (hypothetical)pay raise. That is quite the explosive statement. What facts do you have to back that up? I can think of a couple of good reasons why that would absolutely not be the case, but I'll wait and let you present me with your proof first.
I asked you a question, do you believe it is ok for the TWU to negotiate concessions? Your belief in the TWU who has negotiated these concessionary contracts since 1983 is why the statement was made. I never said that you made that statement directly. I took it for granted that the TWU is one entity. I did not know the two unions (TWU at AE and TWU at AA) were competing against one another.

The concessions negotiated by our TWU/AA company including the dilution of AA stations in favor of AE RJ service has caused the passenger traffic to divert to AE. Look which airline is grasping for air. Less revenue produces more attempts at negotiating lower costs. Then the TWU jumps in and AA wages go down and AE wages are rising. I never claimed to have proof, only an opinion developed over years of watching the TWU in action. If they are doing a good job for you, then stay with them.

You do make the statement that you have refrained from commenting on my concessionary agreements, but you do comment about my choice in union representation. Why is that?
Fact is Dave..you are to spineless to face Jim Little..or even a debate panel of fellow members. Instead you wait until the event passes and then scurry everywhere requesting info from members who had the gumption and desire to ask Mr. Little questions. You are worse than a bottom feeder...they have a mission. You can rest now though Davey, there will be no more requests for you or your idol to debate the TWU, you're off the hook! Now go figure how you're going to repay your loan to Delle...oooopsy.
Buck said:
I asked you a question, do you believe it is ok for the TWU to negotiate concessions? Your belief in the TWU who has negotiated these concessionary contracts since 1983 is why the statement was made. I never said that you made that statement directly. I took it for granted that the TWU is one entity. I did not know the two unions (TWU at AE and TWU at AA) were competing against one another.

The concessions negotiated by our TWU/AA company including the dilution of AA stations in favor of AE RJ service has caused the passenger traffic to divert to AE. Look which airline is grasping for air. Less revenue produces more attempts at negotiating lower costs. Then the TWU jumps in and AA wages go down and AE wages are rising. I never claimed to have proof, only an opinion developed over years of watching the TWU in action. If they are doing a good job for you, then stay with them.

You do make the statement that you have refrained from commenting on my concessionary agreements, but you do comment about my choice in union representation. Why is that?
"I asked you a question, do you believe it is ok for the TWU to negotiate concessions?"

No, you made a statement, but since you asked me directly, I am disappointed that it happened to say the least. Despite your view that your concessions are going to pay for our raise the fact is our committee just appears to want to get back to the level of 90% of your pay. There is a significant difference between 90% of your pre and post concession pay. So when your pay dropped, so did ours. Other than that aspect, I can't comment on your concession package and whether it was right for the TWU to negotiate it because I don't have enough first hand knowledge to make an educated decision.

"Your belief in the TWU who has negotiated these concessionary contracts since 1983 is why the statement was made."

Please quote me where I make supportive comments about the TWU. I think that since I challenge you and Dave over much of the things you say about the situation at Eagle you equate that to support for the TWU. Not correct. And to even think that seems a little simplistic.

"I never claimed to have proof, only an opinion developed over years of watching the TWU in action."

I have more than a couple years in also and I can say with confidence that Eagle comes after American as far as the TWU goes. You guys have the numbers, we don't. As far as your concessions funding our raise goes, stop and think about it. How many mechanics do you have? Multiply that by the pay cut and calculate the dues hit to the TWU. Now multiply our hypothetical pay raise by 1100 to find out the dues gain. Do you actually think that they took that big of a dues hit to make 1100 Eagle mechanics happy? I doubt it.

"You do make the statement that you have refrained from commenting on my concessionary agreements, but you do comment about my choice in union representation. Why is that?"

Please quote me where I tell you what union you should have representing you. That is another area that I believe is important enough that people should be making a decision for themselves and not have other people tell them what they should do. And if and when the time comes for an election at Eagle I would hope that you and Dave and CIO etc, would extend me the same courtesy.
Decision 2004 said:
Wrong again,

You have us confused with the TWU under Jim Little Leadership.

This man went to the meeting by his own choice, he was NOT SENT. Unlike the TWU faithful, AMFA supporters think and act on their volition. Impossible for you to grasp, but that is the truth.

You can try all you want to attack and call names, but the fact still remains...

Checking it Out is a proven LIAR just like James C. Little, and the man was required to turn his video camera OFF. :shock:

You guys are still complaining about the information that proves a fraud was being committed, and yet you never address the truth, which is both the TWU and AA were and are attempting to inflate the list to protect the incumbent union from facing a democratic vote of the membership.

BTW, the TWU list of deceased now exceeds 34 and the combined AA/TWU list of deceased equals over 50. How do you explain that Bill?

And yes Bill, we are informing our supporters of what has and is still is taking place. I would say the information provided is very legitimate. Why do you call exposing the truth anything other than a legitimate fight? You are just sore because you are about to be publicy exposed as a supporter or leader of a union that can only survive by attempting to fraud the members and the Federal Government.

Somebody call 911, because the truth about the TWU is going to be made public, and there is nothing they can do about it!
So, tell us Dave, did you or did you not tell all (or even some) of those unsuspecting amfa card signers that the "list" you obtained was obtained illegally, that amfa decided to make up their own rules of how to play this "game"????? Can you answer that specifically??? Yes or no answer!

My guess is NO!!!!!! But it's just a guess!!!

TWU and AA were and are attempting to inflate the list to protect the incumbent union from facing a democratic vote of the membership.

That is merely your opinion. I think the ones who are mad are you amfa supporters who got caught!! Do you have proof that AA or the TWU committed any "crime"?? All you have is a poorly put together list, submitted by the company, of AA employees (past or present). (How often do you think they update this list Dave?? It may surprise you!! The way the company does things it's a wonder there weren't 1000 dead people on their list!!) Point being, amfa chose to step outside the box and play by their own rules and when things didn't start going their way they got mad and cried foul!!!! And continue to do so!!!

Just accept the fact that you are going to lose this fight and get on with your life Dave!!! Will you be running for any TWU position in the upcoming elections? Or will you even vote at all??? We have some good (new) people running!!! Don't be a spoiled sport now Dave!!
twuer said:
So, tell us Dave, did you or did you not tell all (or even some) of those unsuspecting amfa card signers that the "list" you obtained was obtained illegally, that amfa decided to make up their own rules of how to play this "game"????? Can you answer that specifically??? Yes or no answer!

My guess is NO!!!!!! But it's just a guess!!!

TWU and AA were and are attempting to inflate the list to protect the incumbent union from facing a democratic vote of the membership.

That is merely your opinion. I think the ones who are mad are you amfa supporters who got caught!! Do you have proof that AA or the TWU committed any "crime"?? All you have is a poorly put together list, submitted by the company, of AA employees (past or present). (How often do you think they update this list Dave?? It may surprise you!! The way the company does things it's a wonder there weren't 1000 dead people on their list!!) Point being, amfa chose to step outside the box and play by their own rules and when things didn't start going their way they got mad and cried foul!!!! And continue to do so!!!

Just accept the fact that you are going to lose this fight and get on with your life Dave!!! Will you be running for any TWU position in the upcoming elections? Or will you even vote at all??? We have some good (new) people running!!! Don't be a spoiled sport now Dave!!
I did not obtain anything, and there is no proof of "illegal" activity. That is simply your opinion. So the answer is NO I did not tell anyone a "list" was obtained illegally because to my knowledge that didn't happen. Do you have proof of your allegations? Or is this another one of the TWU lies?

To my knowledge no AMFA organizers/supporters or anyone associated have not been "caught" doing anything. Do have information that proves otherwise?

You should read the TWU and AA letters before claiming we are mad and cried foul.

You are absurd to say the least, you accuse us of that which the TWU is guilty.

I heard about a couple of "new people" running for office:

I heard "Les Munney" is running for office as well as "Nomar Holiday"

As in Less Money and No More Holiday. So What?

BTW, the TWU list has more deceased on it than the AA list, what does that say about the way TWU "runs things"?
Okay, whatever Dave! I guess you don't want to incriminate yourself here publicly and that is respectfully understood!!

Let's just say that I DO have the information that says otherwise.

So, does that mean you're not running?? You claim amfa is the majority, maybe you could win??!!

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