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AA employees get 4% raises

CMH_GSE said:
Yup, Parker can increase our pay anytime he wants to, regardless of contract status, has nothing to do with if its a JCBA or not.

I'm sure our union will accept any and all NSA raise.

When we do get the increase, is it retro to this announcement? If not, why not?
This is a Union busting technique by the company. Don't blame the Union for the games Parker is playing. I'm sure you learned how to play games over the years, if not you'd better learn.
Remember Parker is the one who made this decision, he is the one who should feel the consequences. Its up to every person on the floor who isn't getting the 4%. The APFA, in order to maintain a relationship with other Unions should respond that since this is something outside of the collective bargaining process either everyone gets it or they must decline because their members have to work with these people on a daily basis.  The APFA should say that they recognize that all employees made sacrifices and contributed to AA's success and insist that we all get the 4% since as Parker himself said thats success is why he is giving the raise. But that would mean acting like a labor Union. Lets see. 
This move is a slap in the face to everyone. Its meant to get members in the other Unions mad at their Union and other Unions mad at the APFA. Most employers wouldn't do this because of the obvious dissent such an action causes, he is doing this because he has ZERO respect for YOU, he is cocky and thinks that members will blame their Unions for something he is doing. Sad to see people falling for it. 
Parker is the enemy I see, typicla union BS! The same guy that just gave the FA's a beter deal after they lost in arbitration, he didn't have to do that and then on top of that he went and added another 4%. If you guys cannot work with this management team you cannot work with anyone. Time to look in the mirror. Good grief some p[eople will never be happy.
Parker is the enemy I see, typicla union BS! The same guy that just gave the FA's a beter deal after they lost in arbitration, he didn't have to do that and then on top of that he went and added another 4%. If you guys cannot work with this management team you cannot work with anyone. Time to look in the mirror. Good grief some p[eople will never be happy.
 If you cant see this as a Union Busting tactic then you should be grounded, you are too stupid to be flying and a hazard to the flying public. 
Parker said this raise is in recognition of the unexpected additional success the company has seen but he is only giving the increase to one of the groups that are Unionized. Why should we be happy when our concessions are funding this success and he decides to pick and choose which workers get some back? 
Now I'm starting to see what the US east pilots were dealing with. 
A company gives a union industry leading wages and instead of getting your act together and getting to the table to get your piece, you all b@#$% & moan about it being a union busting tactic. So when you get your industry leading contract will that be just another union busting tactic aimed at another union? Give me a break.
It would be stupid to give it to you before a contract is reached, this is now leverage to put some fire under you to get 'er done!
A company gives a union industry leading wages and instead of getting your act together and getting to the table to get your piece, you all b@#$% & moan about it being a union busting tactic. So when you get your industry leading contract will that be just another union busting tactic aimed at another union? Give me a break.
This raise was supposedly due to AA's success, its not due to the JCBA, Parker just arbitrarily decided to exclude those groups that do not have a JCBA and the Unions have no control over how long it takes for the NMB to decide to enforce the rules, or not. 
Spin away, its classic Union Busting, and the APFA appears to be willing to take part in it. 
Parker is the enemy I see, typicla union BS! The same guy that just gave the FA's a beter deal after they lost in arbitration, he didn't have to do that and then on top of that he went and added another 4%. If you guys cannot work with this management team you cannot work with anyone. Time to look in the mirror. Good grief some p[eople will never be happy.
Well said, it's hard for these hard corps Union people to graciously accept a pay raise. They would rather complain that they're not getting more. It appears to me that DP has made the nice gestures but it's our own Union standing in the way.

, it's not good enough to take a vote for either iam or twu, which all our dues will stay in the afl-cio. It's turned into a scheme where both unions get our dues and weaken the speak as one voice theory.
It would be stupid to give it to you before a contract is reached, this is now leverage to put some fire under you to get 'er done!
So you are admitting its a Union Busting move.
bigjets said:
Well said, it's hard for these hard corps Union people to graciously accept a pay raise. They would rather complain that they're not getting more. It appears to me that DP has made the nice gestures but it's our own Union standing in the way.

, it's not good enough to take a vote for either iam or twu, which all our dues will stay in the afl-cio. It's turned into a scheme where both unions get our dues and weaken the speak as one voice theory.
You can graciously accept the raise you didn't get if you like. 
Bob Owens said:
This is a Union busting technique by the company.
And an admittedly effective one as well. See below:

bigjets said:
Well said, it's hard for these hard corps Union people to graciously accept a pay raise. They would rather complain that they're not getting more. It appears to me that DP has made the nice gestures but it's our own Union standing in the way.
So, those of us represented by the TWU, or IAM, or the "Association", is our 4% going to retro back to today's announcement date??
Thank you for the laugh today.
Kev3188 said:
And an admittedly effective one as well. See below:
He has repeatedly stated he would rather be non-union. So no surprise there.
Bob Owens said:
So you are admitting its a Union Busting move.
Now how is it union busting? Wil you vote to not have a union? Are you not going to reach a new deal (at some point) that most likely will be industry leading?
You are a brainwashed fool!
Kev3188 said:
And an admittedly effective one as well. See below:
So everyone has to goose step to the hardcore union propoganda or otherwise it is union busting?

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