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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

Considering the ease with which Covid-19 moves from person to person (infects others), I'm not sure I would want to visit a family member who has sheltered in and is safe. Both my parents have died 10 or more years ago; so, it's not really an issue for me, but I have a new grand-nephew who was born 2 weeks ago. Even though I've sheltered in for over 2 weeks and I have no symptoms, and I haven't been in the company of anyone (in the last 2 weeks) who has been found to be infected (that I know of), I would not under any circumstances go to meet my grand-nephew at this time.

Think of all the places I would have to go into/through and people I would have to encounter that I would just have to trust were not infected with the virus--cab to the airport, airport terminal its self, the airplane, the baggage claim, cab driver, baggage check personnel, ticket counter agent (no longer a company employee BTW), the gate agents, the flight attendants, the other passengers and on and on). Having the proud grandfather, aka my younger brother, send me daily photographs is the preferred solution.

Good call Jim. Don't take the chance on a newborn who doesn't even have a built up immune system as of yet. I know how bad you would love to go see him, but I too would choose the pics and maybe even video face to face for a bit. Great choice.
Cranky just answered the question at a system level.

Thanks. I'll get over there and check it out. His latest series on cuts have been really interesting- tough to read, but strangely compelling.

96,000 booked on AA friday.

Total TSA throughput yesterday (5/7) was 190,863, or 7.5% of the same date last year. Steady as she goes.
Finding it hard to believe half the people flying are on AA, but good for you if true.
Does anyone know if MGMT is taking over the Lead/Crew Chief for ABR an LAV system wide? As of June 1st DCA it will occur. Understandably some folks are p..off.
Finding it hard to believe half the people flying are on AA, but good for you if true.
I'm taking the numbers from aaportal ,that's all I could tell you.And even those numbers are off it's almost double what they were reporting weeks ago.I know the situation is dire but there is a dim light at the end of the tunnel.Maybe another AA employee with access could check it out.Im a dinosaur and dont know how to post on here I dont even have a computer
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Thanks. I'll get over there and check it out. His latest series on cuts have been really interesting- tough to read, but strangely compelling.

Total TSA throughput yesterday (5/7) was 190,863, or 7.5% of the same date last year. Steady as she goes.
Over double than it was several weeks ago, told you one day at a time
Over double than it was several weeks ago, told you one day at a time
if you look at airportal dfw has 148 scheduled. thats down from what 700 a day mainline? could be a long recovery...
if you look at airportal dfw has 148 scheduled. thats down from what 700 a day mainline? could be a long recovery...
I see 300 + there are 4 pages of departure flights ,yes you're right a long haul but that's NOT my point, is there more passengers in the airport than 4 weeks ago? We have to wait for the country to open up and see what happens no one is flying to NYC to see a Broadway show or to Chicago to see the Cubs play. Lets see how it goes.The lockdown isn't sustainable for the airlines or for any business
I see 300 + there are 4 pages of departure flights ,yes you're right a long haul but that's NOT my point, is there more passengers in the airport than 4 weeks ago? We have to wait for the country to open up and see what happens no one is flying to NYC to see a Broadway show or to Chicago to see the Cubs play. Lets see how it goes.The lockdown isn't sustainable for the airlines or for any business

Which is why we need to get the nation back to work.
Destroying careers for millions and tens of thousands of companies is justified as long as it saves one life.
96,000 booked on AA friday.I get out everyday drive around a bit, pick up a friend to take grocery shopping we both have masks.Here in NY the last few hundred who were confirmed all sheltered in and conformed to social distancing Govenor Cuomo said he was baffled ( im.baffled by some of the chit he does but that's for the water cooler).I do know staying home till there is a vaccine isn't sustainable.Sombody got a plan B or C or......?

I wish someone has a plan.....and fast. This is miserable coming to a near empty airport (in the hot zone), only flying hub to hub flights only (all of the connecting flights went elsewhere in the system) It's kind of difficult breathing & working with a mask on. You have to wear it all day, from the employee bus; to the check in area (where we get temp. check & asked about our condition - you get mask & gloves if you don't have them); to the breakroom; and on the ramp. We all try to find areas away from each other to "socially distance". At least the flight schedule will increase some, and we are even loading mail inside the cabin of aircraft. This is very new for me - putting mail and small boxes inside the overhead bin. This is going to be one weird summer.

Well other than my job could be in jeopardy, my dad being locked away in his assisted center, no I don’t personally know anyone that died or had the virus

Unfortunately I lost 3 of my co-workers due to this. All on the job, and the complications afterwards. Someone you work side by side with, it kind of hurts........

I really rather be working every day than being SIP. But unless things pick up, it feels like coming to work feels like SIP. Hell, I'll take the reduced hours schedule, but I can't go anywhere till everything opens up so to speak. Just to get my mind off things. If I had something to do or something planned out, this would be perfect for me. I can't worry about what's going to happen on Oct. 1.
Destroying careers for millions and tens of thousands of companies is justified as long as it saves one life.
That's the big question 30 million filed for unemployment how many will get their jobs back and for how long?
That's the big question 30 million filed for unemployment how many will get their jobs back and for how long?

i believe he's trying to say that statement isn't about the virus. it's about one side believing it has discovered that it has the moral authority to crash the economy to get 'their' candidate in the white house to appoint 'their' supreme court justices and elect 'their' candidates to congress.
Anyone know how many stations now are doing the 4 day workweek and paid 5 ?
Just curious

not in my station. i saw the email for lax 4 for 5, i believe dfw is doing 4 for 5 and isn't jfk/lga doing 1 for 5? not sure about mia or lus hubs.

my station is giving us one paid day off for month of may..depending on your days off. some get a 3 day weekend and others get a paid day off in the middle of the week.

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