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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

It’s true AA did buybacks but all the carriers did it as well.
It’s been a common practice over these good years of profits
SW also did it and is just behind AA in how much they spent on buybacks
It was a stupid practice that’s for sure. I’m betting since the senior executives get paid in stock is the biggest reason for it
That is the drastic failure of your union to negotiate any type of snap back provisions when they negotiated that concessionary deal.

Good job TWU......You Suck!
Exactly! And I tried to explain that back in the days, but NO, I knew nothing about what was going on at AA, right? Get a clue people!!!

It was a stupid practice that’s for sure. I’m betting since the senior executives get paid in stock is the biggest reason for it
BINGO! Of course that's the biggest reasons. Where the heck you been???
It’s true AA did buybacks but all the carriers did it as well.
It’s been a common practice over these good years of profits
SW also did it and is just behind AA in how much they spent on buybacks
You are an apologist, parker was way more aggressive with stock buy backs. Remember doug saying "its good debt at a good rate" this company is a house of cards everything has been mortgaged. Very few assets left
This is just wrong! WHY are they offering the Pilots 55 hours pay or 50 hours pay to stay home on their butts? Even still building sick and vac banks with it. Do the mechs and fleet also build sick and vac.?
I say no one take it unless it's the same offer as the pilots. UNless of course you just want to take the time off. This asso. should be up in arms with the co. about how they treat all the groups differently as they are all the same employees of American Airlines.

OverKill I say.

So, no pay for ANY of the employees? As long as it's the same for all employees and they know this up front. Not like AA's offer to stroke the Pilots with 2/3rds pay to stay home, or 5 hours less than 2/3rds pay but still building up sick and vac banks. I would take that in a heartbeat. Give me 2/3rds pay while still building sick and vac. I'd never come back, I would take the longest leave possible... 🙂

Kev., be aware of these companies saying they will not contest any unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are approved for anything out of the employees controls. And by them titling these leaves as "voluntarily leaves of absences" some states may not "approve" since the employee had a choice to stay at this time. Now some might forgo some restrictions due to the issues at hand, BUT, I would check into it heavily before signing on the dotted line taking ANY airlines words that they won't contest. Just by an employer making that statement, "we will not contest any unemployment benefits that the employees file for", In a nutshell this is code language by the co. to entice more to take the "Voluntarily Leaves of Absences" Yea, they won't contest it, but they know most all will not get any unemployment benefits approved if they voluntarily take the leave. Now if you wait and get layoff or furloughed, then that would be considered "out of the employees control" as it was not volunteered for by the employee.

Just words of caution people, know all the details before pulling the trigger. Don't just believe what ya hear. Good luck to all in this time of crisis. It would really suck if one thought they would receive benefits to get them by temp. and they ended up getting denied.
The company made the same statement before but the state of Ok denied the unemployment claims. You are 100% correct. They can say they won’t contest the claims because they know the state will do it for them.
It’s true AA did buybacks but all the carriers did it as well.
It’s been a common practice over these good years of profits
SW also did it and is just behind AA in how much they spent on buybacks
The other carriers paid their debt down before they pissed their money away on stock. Parker’s trying to run with the big dogs but his business sense is pissing like a puppy. You repurchase stock with excess liquidity not your bill money.
You are an apologist, parker was way more aggressive with stock buy backs. Remember doug saying "its good debt at a good rate" this company is a house of cards everything has been mortgaged. Very few assets left
No I’m not I’m just pointing out that while AA was more aggressive in the buybacks we should not be left out to dry because of it.
All of the airlines are just as guilty of it and don’t deserve a pass on it just because they didn’t risk as much.
Trust me the bailouts or loans from the feds will have lots of restrictions and hopefully it will save all our jobs
Trust me the bailouts or loans from the feds will have lots of restrictions and hopefully it will save all our jobs

what will save everyone's job is an anti-viral, to save the lives of those most at risk and to end the panic and fear.

apparently, that's right around the corner - hopefully sooner than later.

looks like it won't come soon enough to stop layoffs. i'm hearing the layoffs for fleet will cut deep.
You are an apologist, parker was way more aggressive with stock buy backs. Remember doug saying "its good debt at a good rate" this company is a house of cards everything has been mortgaged. Very few assets left

Dude. They have more cash and more assets than at any time in their history.
I just want all the Republicans on this form that is looking forward to Trump giving you money for free


Smile. You are now ok with it.

They only consider it welfare of they give it to someone else, not when they get it.
Dude. They have more cash and more assets than at any time in their history.
your dreaming chief. every airplane is sold and leased back. all engines have been sold and leased back, parker sold and leased back all the parts. this airline has 7 billion in cash and no assets why do you think they are selling miles? its the only thing left. why do you think our aa stock has not performed like ual and dal? the analyst know the truth, aa has been legally looted for the stock buy back plan. this could be very bad for aa like going the way of pan am and twa bad.
The company made the same statement before but the state of Ok denied the unemployment claims. You are 100% correct. They can say they won’t contest the claims because they know the state will do it for them.
I do believe Ok and Tx have the same rules on unemployment benefits, if not extremely close to the exact same. The reason why is because Tx has a huge number of Okies that drive into North Tx for employment. Not sure which state they are suppose to file with but I think it is where your perm. residence is.
scorp picked up on what I was laying down. Just because the company says, "we will not contest or fight any unemployment benefit filings", does not mean you will automatically be approved and far, far from it. #1-- They will be looking at more deserving cases where they were or are actually furloughed or layoff not voluntarily leave. Companies love throwing these "quotes" or "phrases" out there in order to get more employees to take the leave on a voluntarily basis thinking they will get partly paid for the leave, just later to find out, oh shite, I gotta go get a job. And guess what? NO one is hiring right now, probably not even Wal-Mart to get you by for a short term. Think about all this folks before you pull that trigger for taking the leave options.

what will save everyone's job is an anti-viral, to save the lives of those most at risk and to end the panic and fear.

apparently, that's right around the corner - hopefully sooner than later.

looks like it won't come soon enough to stop layoffs. i'm hearing the layoffs for fleet will cut deep.
Crema, are you really hearing of "layoffs"? First I have heard this word being used even within a rumor. I hope you are mistaken. WoW! Less than a week to vote and already hearing the dramatica "layoffs" coming to the fleet boys. Hope you guys have a good rainy day fund saved up. But, at least if you are laid off, then unemployment benefits would be much more attainable.
your dreaming chief. every airplane is sold and leased back. all engines have been sold and leased back, parker sold and leased back all the parts. this airline has 7 billion in cash and no assets why do you think they are selling miles? its the only thing left. why do you think our aa stock has not performed like ual and dal? the analyst know the truth, aa has been legally looted for the stock buy back plan. this could be very bad for aa like going the way of pan am and twa bad.

Good Lord. OK, man. The sky is falling. 😵

Think you're about 15 years behind the rest of us. Catch up, we'll wait.
I just want all the Republicans on this form that is looking forward to Trump giving you money for free


Smile. You are now ok with it.
YES it is. The difference is that the Trump administration steps up in a time of "NEED" for the American people during a "CRISIS" and NOT given or handed out on an everyday basis like the Dems and these millennials and all other lazy a$$ people want just because they do not want to earn it when there is no time of "NEED" or a "CRISIS" on hand. A very big and HUGE difference. The trouble is, as you just made with your comment, you don't "SEE" the difference, YOU just think it is well deserved for everyone to be on welfare and NEVER try to do better for themselves and their families. Pathetic way of thinking. FREE-FREE-FREE-FREE!!!

They only consider it welfare of they give it to someone else, not when they get it.
Wrong NY'er. Who is they? The Rep's? They do consider it welfare. Just not as a tool or hand out to lazy freakin people who have no intentios of getting off their arses to go get educated enough to get a job to support themselves and their families. Oh no, they just wanna take the easy road and suck up all the gov's freebie money, they want everything just "HANDED" to them.

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