This is just wrong! WHY are they offering the Pilots 55 hours pay or 50 hours pay to stay home on their butts? Even still building sick and vac banks with it. Do the mechs and fleet also build sick and vac.?
I say no one take it unless it's the same offer as the pilots. UNless of course you just want to take the time off. This asso. should be up in arms with the co. about how they treat all the groups differently as they are all the same employees of American Airlines.
OverKill I say.
So, no pay for ANY of the employees? As long as it's the same for all employees and they know this up front. Not like AA's offer to stroke the Pilots with 2/3rds pay to stay home, or 5 hours less than 2/3rds pay but still building up sick and vac banks. I would take that in a heartbeat. Give me 2/3rds pay while still building sick and vac. I'd never come back, I would take the longest leave possible... 🙂
Kev., be aware of these companies saying they will not contest any unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are approved for anything out of the employees controls. And by them titling these leaves as "voluntarily leaves of absences" some states may not "approve" since the employee had a choice to stay at this time. Now some might forgo some restrictions due to the issues at hand, BUT, I would check into it heavily before signing on the dotted line taking ANY airlines words that they won't contest. Just by an employer making that statement, "we will not contest any unemployment benefits that the employees file for", In a nutshell this is code language by the co. to entice more to take the "Voluntarily Leaves of Absences" Yea, they won't contest it, but they know most all will not get any unemployment benefits approved if they voluntarily take the leave. Now if you wait and get layoff or furloughed, then that would be considered "out of the employees control" as it was not volunteered for by the employee.
Just words of caution people, know all the details before pulling the trigger. Don't just believe what ya hear. Good luck to all in this time of crisis. It would really suck if one thought they would receive benefits to get them by temp. and they ended up getting denied.