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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

We could've had a contract 3 years ago and earning 9% company match in our 401K's all these years but the union(s) felt it was more important to secure future AA employees as dues paying members.
I'm sure the association is now concerned. Loss of union dues is their only nightmare.
We could've had a contract 3 years ago and earning 9% company match in our 401K's all these years but the union(s) felt it was more important to secure future AA employees as dues paying members.
And they will be more then happy to bend over backwards to help
they will sell us out like they did in 03
17.5% off the top
strap in its happeningg all over again
Way before that, look at the bookings.No revenue coming in.Before they hit us however they better get rid of the obscene number of managers they have

I’m sure the vote is being postponed and besides after what UA is doing we will be laying off soon anyway so might as well get ready.
This crap is going to cripple us and there will be job losses
Yes, it is getting worse as we speak. UAL just announced this below, as VO said what UAL is doing. Even warning that the employees checks will see a hit as well. Buckle up boys, here we go...

For people that like to harp on history, it's amazing how they leave out details from the story.

Concessions were given in 2003, by all unions, to avoid bankruptcy. The Airline filed 8 years later after almost every major airline in the industry did file bankruptcy and lowered their costs to less than AA. By the end of those bankruptcies by UA, DL, NWA, USAir and everyone else, AA once again had the highest costs in the industry.

That, didn't have anything to do with today's situation.
Didn't need to add any more than what I posted NY'er. You stated exactly what I posted. The co. pulled concessions that the TWU totally agreed to and allowed even threatened if they did not it would go through anyway. Then after those concessions they did in fact file for the BK anyways (hence the double dip) comments. The other airline that also had a double dip was US Airways with the two BK's they had. And now these two airlines are combined as one, ironic huh?
I know it didn't have anything to do with today's sits. I even stated that in my comment. Not even sure why you responded as you just reinstated what I originally said. But that's ok I guess.

Now what? CDC recommending no gathering of crowds larger than 50 excluding schools and businesses for the next eight weeks. Do we now phone in a vote, or is it put on a two month freeze?
The asso. will more than likely move forward because they already know they will never have 50 people in a group at one time for this vote. 🙂
Matter fact they are hoping for no more than 5 at the same time.
But seriously; YES the asso should revamp this vote to electronic, and over the phone because of the C-19 issues at hand. You know, do their part in keeping themselves as well as the membership safer. But they won't do that, they want to keep it as hard as possible for a good turn out. The vote is 10 days away, maybe, just maybe they will do the right thing and revamp it to electronic and phone in. Yea right!!!
I guess the IAM still plans on briefing their members.

  • 3-15-2020

    CONTRACT : Good evening everyone. I know much is on everyones mind about what is going to happen. I will address some things on here to update you, and also to educate some of our members that maybe have never faced some rough times like we are going through now. But first a couple things about the contract.
    We will still be conducting our clt info meetings the next two days, Monday & Tuesday in the B11 conference room from 10am - 6pm both days.
    We will break for lunch each day from 12:00Pm - 1:00 pm.
    Please bring all your questions about the contract.

    The company has made no mention of wanting to pull the contract back, or delay the vote. It is my personal opinion that the company wants to get this done and get everyone under one joint agreement in case furloughs are needed. It will be much easier for them to deal with one agreement and one seniority list, than two separate ones.

    So as of now, we still must prepare to vote on the 26th. Which means we must continue to educate everyone about the agreement, so our members can make a educated decision on how they want to vote.
    If your reading this email and you are not in clt, the IAM reps have been told to limit their flying except in necessary situations. And while I don't want to speak for every district officer doing station visits, I can say that even though we still as of now, plan on making our scheduled meetings that are set across the system, please keep informed, because things are changing with air travel daily.
    If things change to where we are not able to make it to all of our stations, please direct your members to a Facebook address that is " I AM FLEET SERVICE CHARLOTTE NC " Just send a request to join, and we will get you on so you can ask your questions. I will be on this site daily to answer as many questions as possible. This will be the best way I know to inform our members if we aren't able to make it to all of our stations because of the travel. But as of now, please continue to read the agreement and get your questions answered and prepare to vote on the 26th of this month.

    GET PREPARED : This information while very important is not intended to scare anyone. It is meant to inform you of some things , and hopefully get our members as ready and prepared to face whatever comes down the road with this virus.
    First, it doesn't matter one bit, if you think this is being over blown, or not. The fact is, the airlines are facing the biggest crisis since 9/11. In fact they say the financial damage has already surpassed 9/11.
    Many are saying things are going to get much worse before they get better. The good news is that it will at some point get better.
    We should not panic, but there are some things that our members can and should be doing just to prepare.

    But first let me talk about " FORCE MAJEURE " language, and what does it mean. This is language that is in every contract. Its in our current contract, and will also be in our next contract. Long story short it is language that protects the company basically when certain conditions happen, that gives them the right to not comply with the job protections or scope of our current contract. Just a couple of those conditions are 1. A national emergency 2. A grounding of a substantial number of the companys aircraft. 3. an act of God.

    As you can see just by these 3 issues, the company does have grounds to invoke the " force majeure" contractual language. If or when they will? I don't know as of the time of this email. However be prepared in case furloughs do take place.
    One of the most important things you can do, is to call your creditors NOW. Don't wait until something happens and you are behind on your payments. They are much less likely to help you then. Call them now, while your still on time, and in good standing with them. Creditors like your mortgage, auto, credit cards, or anything else. If you call them and tell them that you work for the airlines, and you are possibly facing being furloughed from your job for a period of time, and you would like some help with your payments, many of them will help you when the time comes, because you cared enough to call in advance. They can let you skip payments. or they can reduce your payment, or they can just have you pay interest only for a few months and just extend your loan.
    They will normally help you, but again, you must call them before you get behind.

    Hopefully the spread of this virus will start slowing down and maybe if we are lucky the cases start going down instead of going up. But we must prepare for things to get worse before they get better.
    Again, this info isn't meant to piss anyone off, or to frighten you. It is intended to inform you and hopefully help you a little bit, in what can be a very stressful time for our members. Lastly, if your someone that is doing ok, and don't have to worry to much financially, then please, talk to each other. Lets make sure to help our brothers and sisters as much as we possibly can, and maybe together, we can get through this, and get back to some normalcy for our work group.

    Again, I will be on the Facebook page as much as possible going forward to answer as many questions as I can. Hope to see many of you the next two days at our info meetings.


Gee, let's agree with the company (once again) to make it easier on the company to furlough and lay people off by getting this contract through so it will be easier for the company to furlough and layoff with rif's when they need too. Really WTF?? Wow!!
Yes gentlemen, let's rush this through to make EVERYTHING easier on the company when they do concessions once again... Here's the quote from the posting:

"The company has made no mention of wanting to pull the contract back, or delay the vote. It is my personal opinion that the company wants to get this done and get everyone under one joint agreement in case furloughs are needed. It will be much easier for them to deal with one agreement and one seniority list, than two separate ones."

Yea let's get a JCBA done to make it easier on the co. to do their rifs, layoffs, furloughs and concessions. God forbid we make it any harder for them. Or, get a JCBA done to get everyone into one contract with better improvements, nope, just to make it easier on the co. to get rid of employees by one seniority list instead of two.
Wat to go asso. for looking out for the membership, this just speaks volumes...
We could've had a contract 3 years ago and earning 9% company match in our 401K's all these years but the union(s) felt it was more important to secure future AA employees as dues paying members.
Although good numbers for new 401K matches and contributions, a bad time for the stock market. I hope you guys can make it thru without any furloughs and rif's. And that goes for everyone.
Although good numbers for new 401K matches and contributions, a bad time for the stock market. I hope you guys can make it thru without any furloughs and rif's. And that goes for everyone.
thankyou for your knowledge ob one .....I think I hear swa forum calling for you.
thankyou for your knowledge ob one .....I think I hear swa forum calling for you.
Your welcome avi. Anytime. Your wrong about the SWA forum, hasn't been active for a while since we voted in our contract.
Oh, wait avi some more news for ya.
Apparently APA and AA has come to an agreement for leaves of absence. Do the mechanics and related and/or fleet and other groups have these same offers? They should. An AA employee is an AA employee.


The agreement between American Airlines Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: AAL) and the Allied Pilots Association, which represents nearly 14,000 company pilots, provides three different types of voluntary leave options, according to a copy of the agreement viewed by the Dallas Business Journal. Here are the different options:

  • Voluntary Extended Leaves of Absence: an unpaid absence that can last up to 12 months. Pilots will still accrue length of service, but not sick leave or vacation. Pilots who take this option will continue to have benefits.
  • Voluntary Short-Term Leaves of Absence: will be offered in one-, three- and six-month options, according to the agreement. Pilots who opt for this will be paid and credited with 55 hours in each month, which is equivalent to approximately two-thirds of a pilot's usual pay, said Captain Jason Goldberg, APA spokesperson. Pilots still receive benefits and will accrue sick leave, vacation leave and seniority under this option.
  • Voluntary Permanent Leave of Absence: will be offered to pilots 62 or older. Once accepted, this option cannot be revoked by the company or the pilot. This option pays pilots for 50 hours per month from the start of the leave until the pilot reaches the mandatory retirement age of 65.
I wouldn't mind being offered the 2/3rds pay per month and still accrue sick and vacation.
And I would really like if I were 62 to take the 50 hours (which is only 5 hours short of 2/3rds monthly pay) until full retirement age at 65.
Are any other groups being offered these 3 options? I know, Pilots are "required to retire" but a similar offer could be drummed up to equal the same details. 2/3rds pay each month still accruing sick and vac. or just a bit less to carry you all to retirement?
Your welcome avi. Anytime. Your wrong about the SWA forum, hasn't been active for a while since we voted in our contract.
Oh, wait avi some more news for ya.
Apparently APA and AA has come to an agreement for leaves of absence. Do the mechanics and related and/or fleet and other groups have these same offers? They should. An AA employee is an AA employee.


The agreement between American Airlines Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: AAL) and the Allied Pilots Association, which represents nearly 14,000 company pilots, provides three different types of voluntary leave options, according to a copy of the agreement viewed by the Dallas Business Journal. Here are the different options:

  • Voluntary Extended Leaves of Absence: an unpaid absence that can last up to 12 months. Pilots will still accrue length of service, but not sick leave or vacation. Pilots who take this option will continue to have benefits.
  • Voluntary Short-Term Leaves of Absence: will be offered in one-, three- and six-month options, according to the agreement. Pilots who opt for this will be paid and credited with 55 hours in each month, which is equivalent to approximately two-thirds of a pilot's usual pay, said Captain Jason Goldberg, APA spokesperson. Pilots still receive benefits and will accrue sick leave, vacation leave and seniority under this option.
  • Voluntary Permanent Leave of Absence: will be offered to pilots 62 or older. Once accepted, this option cannot be revoked by the company or the pilot. This option pays pilots for 50 hours per month from the start of the leave until the pilot reaches the mandatory retirement age of 65.
I wouldn't mind being offered the 2/3rds pay per month and still accrue sick and vacation.
And I would really like if I were 62 to take the 50 hours (which is only 5 hours short of 2/3rds monthly pay) until full retirement age at 65.
Are any other groups being offered these 3 options? I know, Pilots are "required to retire" but a similar offer could be drummed up to equal the same details. 2/3rds pay each month still accruing sick and vac. or just a bit less to carry you all to retirement?
As a FSA i haven't heard anything yet. Though they did post a sign up for anyone wanting to sign up for the vto. So far no takers.
I’m sure the vote is being postponed and besides after what UA is doing we will be laying off soon anyway so might as well get ready.
This crap is going to cripple us and there will be job losses

Easier to layoff after the vote. They'll probably let it be voted on.

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