I will gladly help myself to a extra serving of that Texas BBQ crow, but just spitballing here, as we all know Trump used BK as a tool. And using a few quotes from boy wounder (Doug Parker), "as long as I'm here, your pensions are safe", "we will never loose money again", these are the two that stick out in my mind. What better way to get a forward alignment with all the other airlines. Why pay off debits when to can get rid of them in BK and give the rank and file a real hair cut to guarantee that "we will never loose money again". In this day and age, with fake pandemics, market manipulation and big box corps that are allowed to do as they wish, all done under the ruse of, "it's our fiduciary responsibility to maintain the health of the company". I don't think another trip to BK is out the realm of possibility in today's world.