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2015 Fleet Service thread

NYer said:
If I'm not a liter, then am I a gallon?
Aw c'mon. I know you have a better sense of humor than that. Hell I even see you smile every 3 years.
WeAAsles said:
You're right again. Talking down to people is a failing of mine and I got what I deserved for it. I accept that failing of mine and will work on correcting it. But at least I'm not a liter, cheater and a man with no integrity or honor.

That falls on you.
Man you bounced back quickly, to think I was actually feeling sorry for you. Funny how a man with  such a fine character only mustered 90 votes. I guess everybody else is the  A/H What did the leadership think of the turnout?
NYer said:
Yes, the lawyers you profusely defended and held in high esteem during and after the bankruptcy. An opinion that only changed after your ill-fated attempt to run for office.
I think there should be a recount, you know those hanging chads and all.I guess some people can't be embarrassed. His attempt is on par with the Edsel , "New Coke" and one of those new football leagues. My lord what was he thinking. He was humbled for about a half a minute.
Tim Nelson said:
can we move forward now? Weaasles you sound like a sore loser. Give it a rest.
If anyone thinks I'm about to let up on that Garbanzo bean, they really haven't figured me out yet. I'm really tired of how many people think he's a tough guy but he never stands up and fights his own battles. It's amazing how many people he has duped.

I've said it before and I'll say it for the next 3 years. If he ever wants ME to think he has a set of his own, I'm on D 24 afternoons. We don't even have to have an audience so he might be embarrassed? I'm always up for a coffee and I'm always willing to buy?

Oh and same goes for his little gang of rock throwers as well. I want to see this tough MIA that everyone keeps thinking it is out there? Still waiting.

Coffee NYer?
Tim Nelson said:
can we move forward now? Weaasles you sound like a sore loser. Give it a rest.

Sounds like ? Is and he has the nerve to question someone elses character.
WeAAsles said:
If anyone thinks I'm about to let up on that Garbanzo bean, they really haven't figured me out yet. I'm really tired of how many people think he's a tough guy but he never stands up and fights his own battles. It's amazing how many people he has duped.

I've said it before and I'll say it for the next 3 years. If he ever wants ME to think he has a set of his own, I'm on D 24 afternoons. We don't even have to have an audience so he might be embarrassed? I'm always up for a coffee and I'm always willing to buy?

Oh and same goes for his little gang of rock throwers as well. I want to see this tough MIA that everyone keeps thinking it is out there? Still waiting.

Coffee NYer?
D back off on the coffee I think your blood pressure might be through the roof.If you look at yesterdays results it would only be a one car funeral.
Worldport said:
Sounds like ? Is and he has the nerve to question someone elses character.

D back off on the coffee I think your blood pressure might be through the roof.If you look at yesterdays results it would only be a one car funeral.
See what I mean. This is between me and NYer but he always has to have a few cronies to defend him or send out a knock or two so he can back off?

Someone a few months ago compared this guy to Mike Tyson? What a joke. Tyson never needed someone to jump in the ring and help him fight his battles back in the day.

Back then he was one real bad mo fro.
WeAAsles said:
See what I mean. This is between me and NYer but he always has to have a few cronies to defend him or send out a knock or two so he can back off?

Someone a few months ago compared this guy to Mike Tyson? What a joke. Tyson never needed someone to jump in the ring and help him fight his battles back in the day.

Back then he was one real bad mo fro.
There's another quality you lack loyalty, you proved that in the last few posts. 1200 people voted, only 90 for you and large portion of that on  coattails . Time to look in the mirror, or  are 1100 people wrong
WeAAsles said:
If anyone thinks I'm about to let up on that Garbanzo bean, they really haven't figured me out yet. I'm really tired of how many people think he's a tough guy but he never stands up and fights his own battles. It's amazing how many people he has duped.
I've said it before and I'll say it for the next 3 years. If he ever wants ME to think he has a set of his own, I'm on D 24 afternoons. We don't even have to have an audience so he might be embarrassed? I'm always up for a coffee and I'm always willing to buy?
Oh and same goes for his little gang of rock throwers as well. I want to see this tough MIA that everyone keeps thinking it is out there? Still waiting.
Coffee NYer?
Well, he isnt my favorite but he wont just be a yes man either, which ill give him points for. That may allow the MIA leadership to make sure the Association is accountable.

Worldport said:
There's another quality you lack loyalty, you proved that in the last few posts. 1200 people voted, only 90 for you and large portion of that on  coattails . Time to look in the mirror, or  are 1100 people wrong
Loyalty should never be blind either. People were loyal to David Koresh and look where that got them.

The smart ones jumped out the window and survived.
Tim Nelson said:
Well, he isnt my favorite but he wont just be a yes man either, which ill give him points for. That may allow the MIA leadership to make sure the Association is accountable.
We'll see? I'll reserve my judgement on that one for a much later date.

He certainly isn't going to be welcomed back like the prodigal son that's for sure.
Tim Nelson said:
they also agreed to a concessionary clause that if any other union negotiated away profit sharing then it would be eliminated for the ramp. The contract is absolutely horrible and is a clear indicator that they wont be organizing delta.
The Delta guys would no doubt be scared having representation that does give backs at a time when record profits are made. Be better off having Moe Larry and Curly represent you. I would think that kind of deal will get voted to the garbage can, and have the members questioning or perhaps screaming at the negotiating committee.
Talos said:
The Delta guys would no doubt be scared having representation that does give backs at a time when record profits are made. Be better off having Moe Larry and Curly represent you. I would think that kind of deal will get voted to the garbage can, and have the members questioning or perhaps screaming at the negotiating committee.
Anyone read their current contract? How are the comparisons? SCOPE wise is this deal a step up, or a step backwards?

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