I am unsure if you are confused or if you are disingenuous... when I say "cost neutral", I am not saying within the total CBA, but rather as the cost of the options as being equal compared against each other. If the pension costs the same as the 401K and both having the same sizable increase compared to the current respective CBA, then they are still "cost neutral" compared to each other, and thus, still cost the same. If one was more expensive, then I would like to know which way the Association was leaning with the idea of some increase in the overall CBA. So would it be with furlough and recall obligations as whatever "costs" would be from the Company's perspective would be the ability to remove topped-out workers from the payroll, but between the respective CBAs those costs should be the same.
I guess I just want to know after all the closed door discussions for which I understand some things cannot be discussed publicly as not to tip one's hand to the Company, what are the Association's objectives in terms of a pension vs. a 401K or even the furlough rights which could be done so without mentioning dollars?
I don't think that is too much to ask.