This is how I see this news for us. First let's put aside the fact that Doug Parker has been saying Delta or United plus 3% whichever one is greater, that will now bring us to $30.77. That's $4.23 per hour over where we would have been had we signed a deal last year that locked us in at $26.54.
The BIG factor is that on Dec 30 of this year UAL management had the option to go down to 7 staffed stations for ramp. Our guys if the talks had begun earlier would have had to compete against that fact. AA absolutely would have brought up what their competitor could do and would have wanted the same option. A very difficult position to negotiate against.
Now the IAM at UAL have secured 30 permanently staffed Stations and get to keep another 17 stations until 2024 that can be renegotiated to be held even longer in the future.
This is why waiting was the best option for us no matter what anyone might want to tell you otherwise.