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2015 Fleet Service thread

700UW said:
This is a Fleet Service thread not mechanics and not about AMFA.
And you all complain about fleet posting in a maintenance thread.
but yet you do it everyday
Jester said:
I don't think that one is legal... maybe before employment, but afterwards?  Either way, my credit score is nearly 800, and I am content enough to wait for a contract which doesn't lose a station (maybe even gains some), no outsourcing, provides for sizable raises, no increase in benefit costs, 401K matching option, and furlough/recall protections.  I have the luxury to vote "No" if any of those aforementioned issues aren't included in the TA (just in case anyone from corporate is reading).
Ditto! My credit score is over 800 AA. Hope that may save some time. You hit the nail on the head. Every member has the luxury and ability to vote "No" to any TA that does not meet their expectations. When a work group rallies around other key issues in the TA, besides hourly wage, it makes it difficult for the company to accomplish their goal in negotiations. Throws them off their game plan and shifts the momentum in negotiations. Their game plan is offer good money up front, make it cost neutral by taking back in other Articles, and wait for the membership to take the bait. You can't blame them. It has worked effectively in the past with members at AA, LUS, UA and LCO. The floor is open to suggestions on how we avoid another repeat of history. At some point we must stand our ground! 
any concessions should be an automatic rejection of any TA    plain n simple    just look at the yearly profits and the projected ones.      how about having admin personell being held accountable for their mistakes...believe me ours in my station really makes so many mistakes etc      how about enhancing scope   wages  benefits etc    increase in pension    may be 401K with match   etc 
robbedagain said:
any concessions should be an automatic rejection of any TA    plain n simple    just look at the yearly profits and the projected ones.      how about having admin personell being held accountable for their mistakes...believe me ours in my station really makes so many mistakes etc      how about enhancing scope   wages  benefits etc    increase in pension    may be 401K with match   etc 
Agreed Robbed. The question is how do you rally, the collective membership, behind such a selfless front? This is the key to breaking the past trend of concessionary agreements. 
ograc said:
Agreed Robbed. The question is how do you rally, the collective membership, behind such a selfless front? This is the key to breaking the past trend of concessionary agreements.
This in my opinion, will be the main issue with negotiations. Yes, the company does read these sites regularly. They also listen to break rooms. I was briefing break rooms a couple weeks ago, and the one thing that amazed me was that the only question or comments people were making was about the money they are losing or not getting. Not on anything else. The company will count on that attitude as we move forward. And what was most surprising was that these comments came from mostly more senior people that has already been through the wars and should know that it's about more than just the money. But you are correct ograc, it's a selfless front that we are portraying for sure. It is a concern!
charlie Brown said:
This in my opinion, will be the main issue with negotiations. Yes, the company does read these sites regularly. They also listen to break rooms. I was briefing break rooms a couple weeks ago, and the one thing that amazed me was that the only question or comments people were making was about the money they are losing or not getting. Not on anything else. The company will count on that attitude as we move forward. And what was most surprising was that these comments came from mostly more senior people that has already been through the wars and should know that it's about more than just the money. But you are correct ograc, it's a selfless front that we are portraying for sure. It is a concern!

CB let me tell you. You have far more support then you might think. The second people started hearing the C word (concessions) my phone started ringing off the hook and lots of people were talking about it where I work. They WERE NOT happy at all.

I laid out a few hypotheticals to gauge the attitude how they felt (call it an independent poll) to see if they would be ok with it (money wise) It won't pass.

They know the Profits our company just made and also know they were shut out from that. Frankly they were very offended by that C word.

Stand tough Brother.
Well from what Parker said at various town halls and such, it didn't sound like they were going to ask for concessions. Thats why the union updates have been such a disappointment. My own fault for being naive
WeAAsles said:
CB let me tell you. You have far more support then you might think. The second people started hearing the C word (concessions) my phone started ringing off the hook and lots of people were talking about it where I work. They WERE NOT happy at all.
I laid out a few hypotheticals to gauge the attitude how they felt (call it an independent poll) to see if they would be ok with it (money wise) It won't pass.
They know the Profits our company just made and also know they were shut out from that. Frankly they were very offended by that C word.
Stand tough Brother.
That's good to hear WeAAsles. It's not that I don't think that we have the support. It's that people need to realize the company feeds on the negative. While I respect everyone's opinion on a open forum, because that's what makes a open forum enjoyable for most. it just surprises me that so many people that have been raped through two bankruptcies, still can only focus on the money, even people from closed stations that are now in hubs, only focus on the money. You would think they would be the first to recognize how important scope is.
Thats another point I thought they took everything they wanted when we were in bankruptcy
Worldport said:
Thats another point I thought they took everything they wanted when we were in bankruptcy
Good point, they pretty much did. Don't know if you are LAA, or LUS, but on the LUS side, we have been through two of them. It's pretty much a lose lose situation. Your faced with a piece of crap agreement that the company and union works out, or you get a much bigger piece of crap imposed on you by the judge. So yea, the company pretty much takes what they want.
Three rounds of concessions in two bankruptcies.
700UW said:
Three rounds of concessions in two bankruptcies.
Correct!! Rough times for sure!! That's why it surprises me that some people that have lived that, still only focus on the money.
It amazes me it took us three years after the blood bath of 92 to organize your group.
That's why I have made it known in Dallas, on here and to the Association that it would be totally unacceptable to even entertain the thought of bring back a T/A with any concession. Do not give in. I have school loans, auto payments, other obligations, but I'm in it for the long haul. I refuse to be a corporate whore anymore!

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