NYer said:
You've always been told to your face.
Good morning Nyer:
Yes quite awhile back I was told things to my face by a group of people who didn't want me to listen to the other side and hear what they had to say. Once I did start listening to them I realized that they weren't exactly the "hate posse" that some people wanted me to believe they were. You have to be willing to listen to all sides of things to make up your own mind.
NYer said:
How does someone fulfill a "personal vendetta" with the International or any of its Officers?
Very easy actually. By undermining. Plant seeds in people's heads and let them grow. Make phone calls, write E-mails, ignore initiatives they're involved in, and never point out anything they may have done right. Paint a picture that there's is nothing they can or have done right and then support an opposition candidate.
Tim Nelson does it with the IAM. Just not very subtly. And also the AMFA supporters as well.
NYer said:
Is it similar to calling other candidates names, like liars and cheats? Is it similar to going to members of management and warn them of the duly elected Officers?
Actually what I said was "Liar, cheater and a man with no integrity or honor" to be specific. And since you want to know precisely what I said here it is. I said
"If Sidney decides to go to war with you for no reason, count me out. I'm Switzerland" Now that doesn't mean in any way that he might not have very good reasons to go to war with Local management at times and in the future and if he does have good reasons I will support him.
NYer said:
Jump off the fence and look in the mirror.
The fence you keep talking about means to support someone that I don't think at the moment deserves my support. He isn't doing anything to deserve it right now and that's for sure.
NYer do you know if TWU Local 568 President Sidney Jimenez has reached out to current ATD Director and International Financial Secretary Alex Garcia yet?
Alex Garcia is also the COPE director for the TWU. That involves REAL politics. Do you know if Sidney has or will appoint a new Political Coordinator for Local 568? I know that when I asked Sidney about the position and what he thought about it when I was considering it his response was
"I'll shut it down, I won't help Alex" So Sidney will have no direct relationship with any Local political leaders or assist his Union as a whole in any Political fashion because (his enemy) runs the office. That told me a lot about the man who is now once again President here.
Once again another Union officer who cares more about himself then the members he's supposed to be serving.