To the LUS brothers and sisters,
To Entire Membership: If you are a participant in the IAMPF, I need your help. It appears that the Plan trustees have not had our best interest in mind. In fact, they are defendents in a federal case where they are accused of blowing our money.
That said, I believe the members of that plan have been damaged. I am not an attorney so I don't really know. However, I contacted Eric Nelson, a excellent attorney who has helped airline people before, successfully against the IAM and won millions for airline members. During my conversation with Eric, he seemed really interested in the case, however, he does cost money. I'm not fronting my own money for this as the dollar amount is $495 an hour. Therefore, I need to know how many solid union brothers and sisters are willing to sacrifice maybe $100 a piece? The more money we can get, the more hours and maybe we can have more than a half baked class action suit. PM me, don't put anything on this site. PM me so I know if this is something you all are willing to support, i.e., go after damages from our IAMPF.