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2015 Fleet Service thread

WeAAsles said:
Nevermind. It wouldn't link directly.
Okay D  I got it, there is absolutely no corruption at unions, Everything is above board, I'm still living "On the waterfront"
Worldport said:
Okay D  I got it, there is absolutely no corruption at unions, Everything is above board, I'm still living "On the waterfront"
People are corrupt and Unions have people in them. And people are also stupid and when they get too stupid they get caught.

First you steal a role of quarters out of the register and you get away with it. How long before you're trying to steal 20's?
it's hard not to see that many unions in general have a history of corruption strong arm tactics etc
Kev3188 said:
Corruption isn't limited to the hall, ya know...
Where there is money... there is usually corruption.
WeAAsles said:
Good point/ counterpoint Cargo. And why I miss you here. But I'm really not too concerned with being replaced internally. As long as I follow that company rule book that should never step on the toes of my CBA I know I'll be ok. As a matter of fact I'm just about 100% positive we'll eventually be going with that point system they have over where you are and when that's implemented we're all going to stand on equal footing. At least I'll know where my points stand even if they bend the rules for a lower wage kid. Document and file that grievance or complaint with HR for unfair treatment if need be.

I support a National airport minimum of $15 but think it's a little crazy to expect the company to top these kids out in 6 years like I'm sure they'd love. To get what you "deserve" has to come from somewhere. And I am more concerned about taking care of you frankly then a kid who hasn't even walked in the door yet. You EARNED your stripes. They'll EARN there's.
As you lose senior members to attrition they will be replaced by newly hired employees and the work ethic that comes with it. Keep in mind, there are many with LUS who currently have 30 + years and aren't getting any younger. Unless starting and lower scale wage increases we can expect the work ethic, of the newly hired, to be that of someone who would work for a vendor or countless minimum wage employers. You get what you pay for. If AA wants a committed, dedicated and productive workforce, long term, they need to attract better candidates with a more attractive entry level compensation package. Both the company and the union would benefit. AA does want to be the industry leader right? Just some long term thinking and, of course, opinion. 
ograc said:
As you lose senior members to attrition they will be replaced by newly hired employees and the work ethic that comes with it. Keep in mind, there are many with LUS who currently have 30 + years and aren't getting any younger. Unless starting and lower scale wage increases we can expect the work ethic, of the newly hired, to be that of someone who would work for a vendor or countless minimum wage employers. You get what you pay for. If AA wants a committed, dedicated and productive workforce, long term, they need to attract better candidates with a more attractive entry level compensation package. Both the company and the union would benefit. AA does want to be the industry leader right? Just some long term thinking and, of course, opinion.
I couldn't disagree with more! You can't attract a higher educated, work ethic minded workforce. A person with a degree or some sort of certificate will never resort to blue collar labor job. You can't attract quality with money!
you hardly need a college degree to have a good work ethic that's asinine
The solution to this one is easy but it's not popular for some reason that I can't fathom? This is a great job still for those with little education. It has a career path that people can build a family on.

So here's the solution. A one year probationary period and we support an honest periodic evaluation of that employee until he receives the full protection of our CBA. There are plenty of Union jobs in this country that have a 5 year probation so what is wrong with us having one year?

We devalue our job when someone can pass probation and be basically impossible to get rid of in only a few weeks. Anyone can tough it out for a few weeks and fake being a good worker but I doubt they can fake it for a year.

And as older guys who know and appreciate our jobs we tell these kids to put their phones away when they are supposed to be working.
I'd have no issue with a longer probationary period myself
cltrat said:
I'd have no issue with a longer probationary period myself
Especially if the company is going to pay them higher than minimum wage to start with benefits and reaching at least 65k at TOS.

It should be a job you need to prove you deserve and earn keeping it.

In my opinion.
by the same hand if they are subject to a longer probationary period they shouldn't be paying union dues if they are not under union protection just my .02

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