Fairness being a relative term. To the West, the NIC was fair because the process was followed. For us, the result, which we view as patently unfair puts the process in question.
I've said before that I view the NIC and straight DOH as equally toxic. I hope the arbitrators view it the same way. We have literally begged for participation from the West for years and yet they claim they are not represented. It's their own fault at this point. IMO, this SLI starts with three lists and the paradigms that existed on December 9th 2013. If I understand it, USAPA will have to provide two lists, one East and one West, and their vision of what the three lists will look like in the end. That does not disadvantage the West, but treats them exactly the same way the East pilots are regarded on the list IF you take the NIC out of the equation. Based on testimony at the recent arbitration, it sounds more like the United/Continental SLI is the way this is leaning. That is a LONG way from DOH.