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US Pilots Labor Discussion 5/13- STAY ON TOPIC AND OBSERVE THE RULES

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Easy for you. Says it all "Enough with the MDA issue...." For someone who purports to not work here, you certainly throw them under the bus rather quickly. I think the active east pilots and MDA will make that decision. Not you. Thanks for your concern, again.

🙄 Typical Soap Opera :lol: You can come back in a day, week, year, or half decade, and you didn't miss a beat for the most part! So what did I miss? Did USAPA cease to exist or are they still on their God Syndrome? B)
Ahh, But thats where your wrong. Show me where it says you had to be furloughed to work at MDA.

Geez Enough with the "MDA issue". Newsflash...there is NO "issue" with MDA. This is just another boogey man....a figment of the East imagination. That's been resolved years ago. You had to be on furlough to work there. It's really that simple. I some like to throw up a lot of chaff and misdirection but unfortunately for them, the world isn't as stupid as they'd like to believe. Most have the ability to spot a lie by omission when they see one. Every furloughee that worked at MDA was issued a furlough letter. End of Story.

Do you realize that even if the stars aligned and the MDA guys won their lawsuit it wouldn't change a single thing regarding list position? They're wasting their time and money...apparently some form of popular past time on the East coast.
So now they are chaff?

No, your hyperbole, misdirection, and intentional omission of facts regarding the MDA pilots is just more chaff to attempt to disguise the fact that they were FURLOUGHED pilots. There was no grand conspiracy and you types aren't convincing anyone there is no matter how much chaff you spew into the air attempting to confuse matters. The East pilots will decide nothing. It's in court. Best case scenario for them is to be awarded 175mil. from ALPA.

If you think they have a snowballs chance in hell in getting that kind of money from ALPA I've got some ocean front property in Tempe to sell you.
No one has been able to do this yet.

Someone needs to explain the legal steps exactly how this MDA thing will change anything with the Nicolau.

This law suit is against ALPA. ALPA has no standing here.

Nicolau has control of the list. The MDA pilots have no standing to go to Nicolau.

Explain your work.
Prove that Nicolau is senile, otherwise its libel.

Prove that the jurors knew west pilots, otherwise that's a lie.

Prove that there was collusion.

Man, the sour grape harvest is a big one this week...

If you have paid any attention to any of my previous posts, you would have realized that my post was intended in jest.

Thanks for being such a good watchdog.
What a twisted world the east is. First they allow an alter-ego airline Midlantic which threatens the jobs of the most junior, then it purports to help them be reclassified as active pilots, just so long as it helps them cast doubt on the Nicolau List's validity.

"Sorry guys but full pay to the last day, and all. Hope you find something. Hey I hear a new airline is starting up called Midlantic, give 'em a call tell 'em a mainline guy sent you. Hey I wish they'd lower the line average (ooh, a juicy 3-day in open time. Come to Papa!!) but , hey we were all junior once."

"Um, we want to um stand shoulder to shoulder with our , um, brothers who proudly, um served USAirways as Midlantic crewmembers. They are entitled to their rightful, um place on the seniority list. And let's, um, let bygones be bygones, okay? That 3 day wouldn't have helped you anyhow..."

Yeah, let's let these guys run the union a little longer.

"Whoop! Whoop! Terrain! Terrain!"

As a long-time reader here I understood your sarcasm right away. Readers need to pay closer attention sometimes.
That is quite a list of grievances. According to you it was a senile arbitrator not the fault of the east pilots that presented the case. Now you make unsubstantiated charges that randomly selected jurors would lie to a federal court to spend two weeks of their time listening to a case because you think the might know a west pilot.

You do know that one of the jurors was from PHL don’t you?

The east pilots didn’t have a chance because you guys were wrong on the law and did not represent the west fairly. No other reason.

Take some personal responsibility for your actions. It is the east pilots fault no one else.

Quite a group that colluded against you. Everyone. Any reason why the entire world is against the east pilots?

Lets see. The arbitrator, ALPA for not reversing arbitration, most of the posters here, a federal judge, a jury, and very soon the appeals court. Pretty short list of supporters.

It's really funny when guys on here attack people that agree with them! You guys really need to keep track of the players.
If you have paid any attention to any of my previous posts, you would have realized that my post was intended in jest.

Thanks for being such a good watchdog.

Sorry, hard to tell the sarcasm from the real thing lately!

Thanks for the much needed laugh
OK, time for a new thread. I will remind you all to refrain from personal comments/insults/remarks.
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