December 31,2014
Brian O'Dwyer O'DWYER & BERNSTIEN, LLP 52 Duane Street, 5th Floor New York, NY 10007
Dear Brian,
I wanted to get this letter to you before 2014 is behind us. It is precipitated by the Joint CLT, PHL, DCA USAPA Update from December 27, 2014.
In that Update, the eight former East Pilots, who are now BPR members, clearly state that "USAPA exists almost exclusively to represent the interests of our pilots during the seniority integration process..." The West Pilots reject the suggestion that USAPA, the nonprofit association, exists to represent them in the SLI process.
As the West Pilots have stated on numerous occasions in the past, and most recently in the arbitration in Washington, DC earlier this month, they do not want or recognize the East Pilots as representing them in any seniority process. Nor do they want any of their excess USAPA Union dues used for this purpose. So, as we have requested repeatedly in the past, please make sure that the four National Officers take all appropriate steps to ensure that the excess West Pilot dues money is not used against the seniority interests of the West Pilots.
Very truly yours,