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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Metroyet said:
I believe the West pilots have made all of this abundantly clear already. ........There is no level low enough for these usapa people.
No argument that Hummel and his immediate ilk are complete losers, but kindly explain the moral bankruptcy and personal depravity required for ANY supposed "human being" to wish themselves artificially, magically and instantly advanced in "seniority" 17 or more years over any other person who's actually WORKED those years? How well did both your "intelligence" and "judgement" work out for you on even that?
In any case; shouldn't "you'se" be busy trying to sell out everyone's future and "righteously" advocating for the acceptance of a grossly concessionary contract anyway?
Metroyet: "Yearning for the "lowest pay til the last day" LOA93 era? Only a fool would want this to goto arbitration at this point."
Run along kid, and btw; No. "You'se" ain't "Smarter than a 5th Grader" by even a very long shot.
P.S. WTF's "Metroyet" really mean? Does it involve anything requiring pink wigs and purple tutus?...Nevermind. I don't think I really want to know...
EastUS1 said:
 Make the choices you think best for the long run.
I see the "minus voters" have knocked down the previous tally considerably. Oh well, guess I'll have to just stick with "Hey, if enough want to vote this BS in, well, I suppose I should thank you in advance for your foolishness and the extra few coins it would profit me in my remaining time, but I'd surely and sadly leave campus just shaking my head. You folks will be the ones left to live with your decisions."
EastUS1 said:
 Make the choices you think best for the long run.
Long run?  How many of us have a "long run"?
Of course I don't have access to the company's proposed language, so I need to use the Kirby letter of December 23 and I fail to see how the seven items that the company proposes which APA has not agreed to will trash the working conditions of the pilots who actually do have a "long run" to anticipate.

Company Proposals the APA Has Not Agreed To
1.) One Year Extension (God help us...one whole year!   auth.to the Duration of the Contract – The Company proposal extends the duration of
the current contract by one year to 12/31/2019
2.) Vacancy Bids/Hold from Training – Proposal to allow vacancy bids to cover multiple months to improve
efficiency in training plans for pilots moving to new equipment types and provide pilots better flexibility in
planning bids and training
3.) Combining of International and Domestic Divisions – The Company proposes combining the separate
international and domestic bids into a single bid4.) Short Call Report Time – The Company proposes changing the “reasonably available” language to the
“available promptly” which is the same language as in the Delta contract
5.) Overnight Simulator Sessions for Landing Currency – The Company proposes overnight simulator
training sessions for pilots who are close to losing his/her landing currency or need to regain landing
currency. These training sessions would only be utilized if no other simulator time is available during the
6.) Benefits Excise Tax – Proposal to define a process that creates a structured review of medical plans
that may be subject to the 2018 excise tax under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
7.) Elimination of Home Based Time (HBT) exception from FAR 117 – Eliminate the exception that HBT
does not align with FAR 117. The FAR 117 limitations require that a pilot is scheduled for duty periods
based on the theater in which they are acclimated. For example, if a pilot is acclimated (36 hours) to
local time in Hong Kong, the FAR 117 tables outline the duty period for such pilot who begins duty
based on local time in Hong Kong, not the pilot’s Home Base Time, which in our case could be local
time in Dallas.
There are 11 APA proposals, too, which maybe the company response does not quite come up to the APA ask, but there is nothing in them, either, that would trash some poor 2014-hire's career.

Proposals in Response to APA requests
1.) Length of Service Credit – Provide two years of seniority credit for active pilots that were previously
2.) Duty Rig Improvements – Increase the value of the minimum duty rig to 5 hours and 10 minutes from 5
3.) International Override – Expand the international override to all Mexico flying
4.) Uniforms – The Company will provide uniforms to all new hires
5.) Moving Expenses – Increase relocation payments to pilots relocating from one domicile to another
6.) Passport Reimbursement – Reimburse pilots for obtaining a required passport or visa
7.) Sick Leave Process – Allow pilots to choose the number of sick hours used prior to receiving long-term
disability benefits
8.) Paycheck Process – Move all pilots to the current Legacy US Airways pay advance (approximately onehalf
of previous month’s earnings instead of the flat $1,000 currently in the MTA)
9.) Post Training Rest without Duty Free Period – Provide 12 hours of rest following training for those pilots
who aren’t scheduled for an immediate day off
10.)Furlough Pay – Increase furlough pay to a maximum of 5 months, which is the current Legacy US
Airways East process
11.)Health Retirement Account – Expand the use of the notional money pilots receive as part of the
program, so a pilot has the ability to be reimbursed for more medical expenses incurred than the current
program. Also extended the duration of the program through 2019.
So please tell me....where are the onerous concessions posted?  Did I miss the last page of Kirby's letter?
A pilot labor deal is worth millions to Parker in stock appreciation. His flight att. deal netted him millions personally. A pilot contract will net him 1.50 and north per share.

west pilots again noticeably absent. They know there will be no seat.
Phoenix said:
Woody is correct. 100%.
woody and his Hummel experiment got the AA pilots an easy 150 k and you. 8k.
Ciabattoni gave the west profit sharing while you sat on LOA 93. Thank Woody when you see him.......
Metroyet said:
I believe the West pilots have made all of this abundantly clear already. The USAPA response was to sue them for asking. There is no level low enough for these usapa people.
Metro, you and your west crusade ran up on the rocks. There is no Nic and no seat except the one in the forward lav. Tsk tsk....
Woodys' pal Gary still carries Parker's water. Gary is the only pilot on the property who does not have to use sick time while out on a heart attack. Nice deal. Gary made sure the AA pilots got their taxes paid on the MOU 150 k plus. You paid taxes and netted 8k. Very savvy Gary.
Woody put him there. His pal Ciabattoni gave your profit sharing to west pilots who had a higher hourly wage, and more vacation. Dave miscalculated about the reciprocal generosity of people like Metroyet. Metroyet wants your seniority and your cash. He has integrity, or so he says. Others might call him a greedy opportunist.....
Claxon said:
Woodys' pal Gary still carries Parker's water. Gary is the only pilot on the property who does not have to use sick time while out on a heart attack. Nice deal. Gary made sure the AA pilots got their taxes paid on the MOU 150 k plus. You paid taxes and netted 8k. Very savvy Gary.
Woody put him there. His pal Ciabattoni gave your profit sharing to west pilots who had a higher hourly wage, and more vacation. Dave miscalculated about the reciprocal generosity of people like Metroyet. Metroyet wants your seniority and your cash. He has integrity, or so he says. Others might call him a greedy opportunist.....

So right, the Compass Correction group has done damage to the east pilot group which I'm not sure we will ever recover from. How and who is paying Hummel needs to be addressed.
Claxon said:
Woodys' pal Gary still carries Parker's water. Gary is the only pilot on the property who does not have to use sick time while out on a heart attack. Nice deal. Gary made sure the AA pilots got their taxes paid on the MOU 150 k plus. You paid taxes and netted 8k. Very savvy Gary.
Woody put him there. His pal Ciabattoni gave your profit sharing to west pilots who had a higher hourly wage, and more vacation. Dave miscalculated about the reciprocal generosity of people like Metroyet. Metroyet wants your seniority and your cash. He has integrity, or so he says. Others might call him a greedy opportunist.....
Woody could absolve all his sins by successfully running a recall of the APA officers who are operating contrary to the constitution. Faithfulness to the constitution is the only way to unify a union... We can all argue our personal agendas while protecting each other's rights under the constitution, and the outcome will be the best possible.... Attack each other's rights afforded by the Contitution & Bylaws and you have fratricide...

The LAX reps committed fratriced with their base blast immediately before the company was set to respond to the BOD counter offer... If you remember the company delayed their response a day.. I'm thinking Jerry Glass wrote the LAX blast and told them exactly when to publish... If he didn't write it, the LAX reps missed their calling.

The fratricide is now coming from the highest levels.

This is how we ended up with a s!htty MOU (and some of the ones who committed fratricide back then are at it again).

Fratricide is how we ended up with LOA 93.

Once the leaders (elected and former) flout the constitution it is over. The union is being routed by the Purple Tutu, and his minions that wear an APA pin.
And you really believe that load of BS?

Scary, is the only way I can describe some of you. Like you've been taking lessons from Crimi...
They should call it the Compass Corruption Group, speaking of which I flew the other day with get this an AOL member, seems in some backyard deal made 10 of them did not go back to PHX when all the furloughs were called back! Courtesy of who?
They should call it the Compass Corruption Group, speaking of which I flew the other day with get this an AOL member, seems in some backyard deal made 10 of them did not go back to PHX when all the furloughs were called back! Courtesy of who?
So what?
A320 Driver said:
Let me see if I have this correct. They are west pilots,taking advantage of east attrition. I know at least one is on the 330. While they are enjoying east attrition they send checks to AOL, hoping to get their NiC number and leapfrog thousands of numbers. In the west they would be bottom 320 reserves with no movement. Kind of best of both worlds isn't it? And you don't have a problem with it?
Nope...how they waste their money is none of my business. They are using their DOH and can hold the equipment. I am surprised more didn't do it...wouldn't you?
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