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2014 Pilot Discussion

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traderjake said:
I see, you think Reserves are there for you to dump on.
That would be hard for me to do because I'm a reserve. I haven't held a block since 2011. In 26 years I have only had a block for a few months total. I live in base and I know what being dumped on is all about. On the other hand I work way less than you and make more money.
Found on the Internet............

DeWitt and Bill,

I attended the last day of the seniority representation arbitration at D.C., 10 days ago. Owens was seated at the USAPA table and Hummel was there, too. Its a safe bet that Owens wasnt there on his own nickel, as Dave Ciabattoni and I were. I am sure that Hummel and Owen, each have their reasons to hump this flawed deal. Hummel is still without a Medical and is looking to maximize the money he gets, (A330) pay while he exhausts his sick time. Owen has pride of ownership for the MOU-turd...not to mention the fact that he has shown himself to be an ineffective negotiator and a gigantic p***y, when it comes to holding out for a decent deal. James Ray would be well served to keep his head down...at least until APA decides why his name appears on a Continental SCAB list from 1983.... Yeah...Im pissed! These knuckleheads are no more unionists than are Parker and Kirby...they do what they want, (Hummel, Owens and James Ray) and they do it with our money!

Speaking selfishly, I personally would be better served with more money, right now. However, there are literally thousands of younger guys/ladies who will be here, long after I am gone. They deserve the very best pay and working conditions, not a cram down from Scott Kirby. We have always jumped at the first deal...to our lingering regret. Does anyone believe that Parker/Kirby keep sweetening the deal for any reason other than their belief that if we bite now, it will be on the cheap? Reserve callout times, A321 pay rates, Home Base Time, iron-clad scope language....the list of land mines goes on and on....dont sell yourselves, fellows....

In any case, these guys, (Owens, et al) - are allowed to have and to express their opinions; what they are not allowed to do is to use OUR dues money and the USAPA email list, for illegitimate and likely illegal purposes. To wit: USAPA has only one legitimate purpose left; to oversee the seniority integration process. USAPA is not our CBA, APA is. Kirby is just as bad; he has no business negotiating with the pilots directly and thats exactly what his letter of last week does. If the so-called, Business Committee (one guy and his puppet master) - wants to weigh in on negotiations, they must do so under the APA banner, or with their own money and using something other than the USAPA website. I was so, so very wrong to support Gary Hummel for president.....I humbly apologize to my fellow USAirways pilots and USAPA believers.

It is a vain hope, but if anyone is authority at APA reads this: I assert that Owens, Ray and Hummel, with this action, during the heat of negotiations, have earned expulsion from APA for materially undermining negotiations for 15,000 pilots.

Woody Menear
A320 Driver said:
You said these came from the BOD. I'll ask again...how did you get them? Are these representitive of all the messages to the BOD? Are you on the BOD or is one of them feeding out information?

It was made available.

"The call focused primarily on the company's recent JCBA proposal. In this regard, there has been an overwhelmingly negative response regarding the Company proposal."
luvthe9 said:
It was made available.
"The call focused primarily on the company's recent JCBA proposal. In this regard, there has been an overwhelmingly negative response regarding the Company proposal."
What "call"?
nevergiveup said:
Do the AA pilots have anything like 1 for 3 or 1 for 3.5?
Who knows?

More importantly, what is the current offer..? As far as I can tell Parker has refused to do more than demand we agree to a Bar Napkin Proposal.

From the APA Policy Manual...

"1. The Tentative Agreement, all related letters, and the implementation schedule shall be reduced to contractual language." (emphasis added)

We better follow the policy manual or we will have 1,000 impossible grievances within a couple years.
Phoenix said:
Who knows?

More importantly, what is the current offer..? As far as I can tell Parker has refused to do more than demand we agree to a Bar Napkin Proposal.


We better follow the policy manual or we will have 1,000 impossible grievances within a couple years.
1) "a Bar Napkin Proposal." =  Exactly, and under a wholly artificial and completely contrived-BS "deadline" to boot. The proudly pink-wigged "people-of-the-purple-tutu" clearly want things they don't believe they can get in arbitration.
2) Methinks "we will have 1,000 impossible grievances within a couple years" is overly optimistic. Based on well demonstrated and fully proven results thus far; it wouldn't take the current management much more than at best a year to achieve that. Expect them to sail at least a full fleet of container ships through any contractual openings at every opportunity, especially from merely vague notes on, as you so perfectly put it "a Bar Napkin..."
luvthe9 said:
Found on the Internet............
DeWitt and Bill,
I attended the last day of the seniority representation arbitration at D.C., 10 days ago. Owens was seated at the USAPA table and Hummel was there, too. Its a safe bet that Owens wasnt there on his own nickel, as Dave Ciabattoni and I were. I am sure that Hummel and Owen, each have their reasons to hump this flawed deal. Hummel is still without a Medical and is looking to maximize the money he gets, (A330) pay while he exhausts his sick time. Owen has pride of ownership for the MOU-turd...not to mention the fact that he has shown himself to be an ineffective negotiator and a gigantic p***y, when it comes to holding out for a decent deal. James Ray would be well served to keep his head down...at least until APA decides why his name appears on a Continental SCAB list from 1983.... Yeah...Im pissed! These knuckleheads are no more unionists than are Parker and Kirby...they do what they want, (Hummel, Owens and James Ray) and they do it with our money!
Speaking selfishly, I personally would be better served with more money, right now. However, there are literally thousands of younger guys/ladies who will be here, long after I am gone. They deserve the very best pay and working conditions, not a cram down from Scott Kirby. We have always jumped at the first deal...to our lingering regret. Does anyone believe that Parker/Kirby keep sweetening the deal for any reason other than their belief that if we bite now, it will be on the cheap? Reserve callout times, A321 pay rates, Home Base Time, iron-clad scope language....the list of land mines goes on and on....dont sell yourselves, fellows....
In any case, these guys, (Owens, et al) - are allowed to have and to express their opinions; what they are not allowed to do is to use OUR dues money and the USAPA email list, for illegitimate and likely illegal purposes. To wit: USAPA has only one legitimate purpose left; to oversee the seniority integration process. USAPA is not our CBA, APA is. Kirby is just as bad; he has no business negotiating with the pilots directly and thats exactly what his letter of last week does. If the so-called, Business Committee (one guy and his puppet master) - wants to weigh in on negotiations, they must do so under the APA banner, or with their own money and using something other than the USAPA website. I was so, so very wrong to support Gary Hummel for president.....I humbly apologize to my fellow USAirways pilots and USAPA believers.
It is a vain hope, but if anyone is authority at APA reads this: I assert that Owens, Ray and Hummel, with this action, during the heat of negotiations, have earned expulsion from APA for materially undermining negotiations for 15,000 pilots.
Woody Menear
With my handle I guess I gotta forgive Woody.
That said......damn tough to do!

GH has been a horrible threat to LUS and above letter is spot on !

EastUS1 said:
1) "a Bar Napkin Proposal." =  Exactly, and under a wholly artificial and completely contrived-BS "deadline" to boot. The proudly pink-wigged "people-of-the-purple-tutu" clearly want things they don't believe they can get in arbitration.
For all of you with many years yet to go; the "purple tutu" gang's offering you a very short term "bribe" to blindly accept what would likely become a career lifetime of concessions, and looking to baffle you with fake deadlines and vague language in the meantime. It really is just that simple.
"Doug" is on record stating that he (poor guy) just couldn't pay anyone Delta levels of compensation without the same profits. Said profits are here and then some, but now?....Somehow, as if by magic, yet more concessions are needed?  Look at yourself in the mirror for even a moment, and ask yourself just how much of a complete fool you wish that person to perpetually be?
Hey, if enough want to vote this BS in, well, I suppose I should thank you in advance for your foolishness and the extra few coins it would profit me in my remaining time, but I'd surely and sadly leave campus just shaking my head. You folks will be the ones left to live with your decisions. ANY concessions made now will likely NEVER be changed for at least many years, if EVER! Make the choices you think best for the long run.
$7,000,000,000+ profit estimated for 2015.
That's  7,000 million dollars.  $7B.  7 billion dollars.
What part of that is unclear to the APA, it's negotiators, and the suckers who are falling over themselves to grab an inferior payraise 12 months early by giving up the farm?
Seriously, $7,000,000,000, and guys are arguing over what to concede.  Idiots isn't strong enough a word.
TBONEJ4J said:
$7,000,000,000+ profit estimated for 2015.
That's  7,000 million dollars.  $7B.  7 billion dollars.
What part of that is unclear to the APA, it's negotiators, and the suckers who are falling over themselves to grab an inferior payraise 12 months early by giving up the farm?
Seriously, $7,000,000,000, and guys are arguing over what to concede.  Idiots isn't strong enough a word.
"Seriously, $7,000,000,000, and guys are arguing over what to concede.  Idiots isn't strong enough a word."
That's a bit brusque, but sadly agreed to here.
Per the BS and entirely contrived "deadline" of Jan 3?....What if I told everyone that, instead of merely just the "purple tutus"; the very Tooth Fairy himself's schedule was really tight, and the only hope they had for an extra dollar under their pillow was to be had by yanking out their own teeth RIGHT NOW?  The company's clearly, and oh-so-very-generously willing to hand you all the extracting pliers you need for that task kids. 😉  Do as you best see fit.
P.S. Should you all choose to actually buy the latest "Glass house" BS contrivance, well, for Heaven's sake; at least first examine the "fine print" (or wholesale lack thereof) in detail before doing so. Finding the "Devil in the details" in contractual proceeding's oftentimes a lot harder than even finding "Waldo"....just sayin'. Glass hasn't made a career for himself by being any semblance of a genius, or even particularly intelligent, for that matter. He's made one simply from understanding how to treacherously connive and "play" people....Period. Five year olds playing any game do that. Grammer school kids figure out the basics for that behavior. Are you folks "Smarter Than a 5th Grader"?
Found on the Internet.......

On the subject of the email from the USAPA Business Intelligence (oxymoron if I've ever heard one) committee, I like to have someone simply ask the following questions publicly and have the answers published and emailed to the former membership.

1. What about some of the past often promised 'transparency' concerning the USAPA finances and the treasury? I fully realize this is 'Rob's' money now (as if it were ever ours). I also realize our remaining funds are under even less scrutiny now than they ever where by the DOL. Nonetheless, I think there should be complete accountability of funds by USAPA to its former members.

2. Did John Owens receive flight pay loss for his unauthorized missive? What was the source of his analysis and numbers crunching? Is this his own bullshit or did USAPA pay for that too?

3. Isn't it time Gary, John, and the former USAPA officers get off their ass, do some line flying, and quit playing politics with their former membership? Is Gary on his own Sick Leave or is he still on the USAPA dole? What about compensation for the other officers? Nice work if you can get it I'd say - no oversight and millions in the budget to use at their own discretion.....Oh I forgot - with attorneys to defend them from anything.

4. Shouldn't there be a full and continuous monthly FPL accounting, officer and remaining committee expenditure, compensation, and expense accounting?

5. As former members of USAPA, shouldn't we be owed a continuous accounting of all of our funds in the treasury?.

Is there a real DOL complaint here or a good threat of one? Should Ted Reed be leaked a story here? Is a recall of Gary or other officers still possible?
luvthe9 said:
Found on the Internet.......
On the subject of the email from the USAPA Business Intelligence (oxymoron if I've ever heard one) committee, I like to have someone simply ask the following questions publicly and have the answers published and emailed to the former membership.
1. What about some of the past often promised 'transparency' concerning the USAPA finances and the treasury? I fully realize this is 'Rob's' money now (as if it were ever ours). I also realize our remaining funds are under even less scrutiny now than they ever where by the DOL. Nonetheless, I think there should be complete accountability of funds by USAPA to its former members.
2. Did John Owens receive flight pay loss for his unauthorized missive? What was the source of his analysis and numbers crunching? Is this his own bullshit or did USAPA pay for that too?
3. Isn't it time Gary, John, and the former USAPA officers get off their ass, do some line flying, and quit playing politics with their former membership? Is Gary on his own Sick Leave or is he still on the USAPA dole? What about compensation for the other officers? Nice work if you can get it I'd say - no oversight and millions in the budget to use at their own discretion.....Oh I forgot - with attorneys to defend them from anything.
4. Shouldn't there be a full and continuous monthly FPL accounting, officer and remaining committee expenditure, compensation, and expense accounting?
5. As former members of USAPA, shouldn't we be owed a continuous accounting of all of our funds in the treasury?.
Is there a real DOL complaint here or a good threat of one? Should Ted Reed be leaked a story here? Is a recall of Gary or other officers still possible?
I believe the West pilots have made all of this abundantly clear already. The USAPA response was to sue them for asking. There is no level low enough for these usapa people.
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