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2014 Pilot Discussion

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EastUS1 said:
Agreed. Anyone on the labor side of the fence that's wholly in love with arbitrators is mentally ill...Period.
Never truer words spoken. I think many hide behind arbitrators because they are afraid to make the tough decisions.
luvthe9 said:
ALPO tried to save you at WYE RIVER! remember when you were offered the NIC they told you to take it, tell us all what your response was to that. .....
I remember the west response very well: "NO fences!...."The nic undiluted!"...."Final and Binding!"..."It's OVER, get used to it!"..."The Nic will be crammed down your throats!", well, and of course "This is Sparta!" (the last actually, if almost unbelievably quoted from one of their very own west Reps)....Just sayin'... 😉
A320 Driver said:
Never truer words spoken. I think many hide behind arbitrators because they are afraid to make the tough decisions.
Indeed, but what kind of supposed "union" doesn't at least manage even it's own seniority issues, and responsibly maintain anything even remotely approaching rational consistency with such, as was/is clearly NOT the case with alpa? Oh well...No matter now. Per the current scenario; I expect the APA to be purely opportunistic and as predatory as possible in that regard, given their illustrious history, so no surprises there, but what was alpa's excuse?
P.S. The west's "spartans" fantasizing the APA to be their newly discovered "best friends forever" with seniority issues is a continuing source of amusment. 😉
EastUS1 said:
...........Per the current scenario; I expect the APA to be purely opportunistic and as predatory as possible in that regard, given their illustrious history, so no suprises there, but what was alpa's excuse?
P.S. The west's "spartans" fantasizing the APA to be their newly discovered "best friends forever" with seniority issues is a continuing source of amusment. 😉

The westies just don't seem to get that point, the APA is no friend to the east or the west when it comes to the SLI.
luvthe9 said:
The westies just don't seem to get that point, the APA is no friend to the east or the west when it comes to the SLI.
Sigh!..."kids"....whatcha' gonna' do with 'em?
Seasonal Disclaimer: I've met a good number of "westies" that're neither nitwits nor "kids" and my rantings are always aimed purely at the "Liberty tie"/"spartan"..."righteous"...umm..."army" little children...You know = The "Larry Potta" sorts, their Fantasyland-only "battle"-tested-"knights" in imaginary "war"/"dire wolves" sorts, much "decorated" and "heroic" avatars like "eastcheats"/ad nauseam . 😉
Speaking of "kids" and nitwits though; Isn't it far past time for prechilill to be posting yet another "T-minus" countdown clock?...Or at least for "Cactusboy53", an elected west Rep, to again be proudly bellowing "This is sparta!"? Could we at least hope for an updated avatar from "eastcheats" flourishing yet more "heroic" umm..."medals"? 😉
Mitchell Vaselino and Eric Ferguson gave some "interesting"testimony. There are some telling electronic correspondences that will be forthcoming that will feature these two in the future.
EastUS1 said:
So you wouldn't stand up against an obscene injustice that placed your junior fellows with even 17 years of continuous service beneath 3 month/new hires? The "I've got MINE, so screw people I've flown with for even decades" thing just doesn't work nearly as well for me. We're done here, since I wouldn't consider you fit for duty as even a door mat.
Gasp! The "minus voting spartans" have hit the thread and eliminated the previously positive tally to now neutral! Oh-me-oh-my! Sigh!...Perhaps some mindless/spineless "spartan", properly attired in an "Integrity Matters" (or perhaps even "dire wolf") T-shirt of course, can kindly explain to all concerned here the apparently manifest moral failings in my above posting? 😉
Hint: "But, but! I'm just so way-cool and seriously entitled..and my mommy thinks I'm cute, and really, really 'special', and even the arbitrator insanely agreed" doesn't fulfull the structural requirements of logical "argument".
No matter. Merry Christmas, even to "spartan kiddies" everywhere. 🙂
luvthe9 said:
Do us all a favor and go away you are boring us all, it's over for you and your scab buddies you sealed your fate at WYE RIVER! Remind yourself of all the money wasted on lawsuits and 675 ties and all the lost pay in wide body's and upgrades the west could have joined in.
Sure doubt O'dell will ever be ahead of me with over 30 plus years, remember Cleary kicked your ars!!
Don't worry we will represent all pilots fairly at the SLI
30 years? Oh...right. I forgot. You like to play this bizarre Internet charade Courtney. You know, the one where you pretend to be super senior. Got it. Whose "we" in the sli representation anyway? Surly you're not actually believing that some LLC in NC that has zero DFR responsibilities and was barred from participating by a Federal Judge (without APA permission) is going to dictate so much as a lunch menu going forward. Keep practicing the charade. Jess sank your fake former union in the mini arb. Better bring your "A" liar game to the next one. These arbs are a lot smarter than you're hoping.
Metroyet said:
30 years? Oh...right. I forgot. You like to play this bizarre Internet charade .....
Well?....I'm very nearly 30 years with this particular, corporate clusterf-k alone. Does that count at all, little "spartan"?...Or is it sadly necessary for your sustained existence in Fantasyland to imagine us all otherwise? 😉 Two words = GROW UP! 🙂
Metroyet said:
These arbs are a lot smarter than you're hoping.
On what, even remotely possible basis, other than willful, childish and purely Fantasyland arrogance and ignorance of course, could such an assumption even be made? Have "you'se" at lest tested their IQ's, wholly unlike the obvious lack of any such testing for "spartan army" induction, it must be noted? 🙂
Here's a hint that should serve you well in life kid: "On the most exhalted thrones on earth; we are seated on nothing more than our own arses."
Even the generous assumption of "a lot smarter", by such as "you'se" esteemed estimation, well...somehow, simply fails to awe and inspire....but do keep licking whomever's shoe soles you think best...especially in pursuit of your "righteous" cause, of course. 😉
Thanks for all the unintentional laughs you've predictably provided. 🙂
P.S. If you're still so sadly and patently incapable of yet launching yourself into any semblance of adulthood, well, at least have a Merry Christmas, and just enjoy being alive for now....No worries,...life and the world will teach you over time.  Per your: "Keep telling yourself that (for the rest of your career) as you watch, buried underneath Dave O'Dell." Should I really cringe in fear at that?....Or should you properly realize yourself a complete fool instead?
Metroyet said:
30 years? Oh...right. I forgot. You like to play this bizarre Internet charade Courtney. You know, the one where you pretend to be super senior. Got it. Whose "we" in the sli representation anyway? Surly you're not actually believing that some LLC in NC that has zero DFR responsibilities and was barred from participating by a Federal Judge (without APA permission) is going to dictate so much as a lunch menu going forward. Keep practicing the charade. Jess sank your fake former union in the mini arb. Better bring your "A" liar game to the next one. These arbs are a lot smarter than you're hoping.
William Wilder had the situation firmly in control. His closing was stunning in breadth. He is, after all, the author of much of MB. The arbitrators will look to his knowledge and writings for guidance. Mitchell Vaselino and Ferguson, well they are merely amateurs on a fools errand. This has already been ruled on. By a judge.
Why Eric Ferguson wasted so much time and the careers of his fellow pilots is perplexing. He was offered the Nicolau with conditions that would be long gone now. Long gone. This arbitration would never be happening but for the personal greed of a 2004 hire. Eric Ferguson has been responsible for a calamity for west pilots.
EastUS1 said:
I remember the west response very well: "NO fences!...."The nic undiluted!"...."Final and Binding!"..."It's OVER, get used to it!"..."The Nic will be crammed down your throats!", well, and of course "This is Sparta!" (the last actually, if almost unbelievably quoted from one of their very own west Reps)....Just sayin'... 😉
Don't forget all the "high fives"!!
Metroyet, please get on the Leonidas hotline and dial up Nic4me, and possibly Res Judicata.
Would love some Holiday entertainment. Thank you.
Prechillill if you please, pretty please.
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