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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Claxon said:
phx and St. Louis bases have a lot in common because both will be closing in the near future.
Truth.  Be careful with it, you'll be classified as anti-union.
Claxon said:
phx and St. Louis bases have a lot in common because both will be closing in the near future.
end_of_alpa said:
According to the BOD and the other guys on here I guess LOA93.1 is now the New American.  With the upcoming LOSS in the PAB the West are coming unglued.
We'll be following the meetings next week and I'm sure well get good intel then.
Welcome aboard!
Metroyet said:
And yet another daily dose of hypocrisy from the resident King Hypocrit. JJ you have done more to destroy unionism than nearly any other unionized employee than I can think of. You helped formed a fake Union to deny its own members fair representation and fair process. It's all there outlined in the pre-arb briefs. You think the West is going to melt down? Hasn't happened yet despite all effort from your side. I'd be very worried about SLI if I were you.
THAT will be a melt down. Luckily the ball has been stripped from the lunatics and handed over to the adults. The USAPA hens are coming home to roost. Look at the bright side...you're not one of the "national officers" of your fake Union. Those poor SOB's will be fighting lawsuits until they're either personally bankrupt or dead. Count on it. AOL will never let them be. Ever.
Kevin Horner and Eric Ferguson sniff each other's posteriors and come to the same conclusion. Sue! They are like dogs that happen on telephone poles, they simply cannot help themselves.
Unfortunately former america west pilots pay for their endless quest of lawsuits.
When you see Eric, ask him why he turned down the Nic with a time constraint which would be long gone now. I would love to hear the answer the 2004 hire gives. He gambled your careers and lost.
luvthe9 said:
No one worried at all about the SLI, stop being so dramatic it's over for you, but feel free to keep buying ties if it makes you feel better. You kids owe Marty an awful lot of money for all those victories. Remember be a "good union pilot".
Funny how you use to throw LOA93 in our face all the time, seems the tides have turned.
Don't worry your "fake" union will do its best to represent you in the upcoming SLI.
Every upgrade east and 330 seat filled by east pilots crush the west financially. It is true, they have put themselves on a narrow body jet forever.
FL430 said:
New hires cringe at the thought of being assigned PHX. Keep filing those lawsuits western brothers!
A new hire hearing of being PHX based is a huge career killer.
Claxon said:
Kevin Horner and Eric Ferguson sniff each other's posteriors and come to the same conclusion. Sue! They are like dogs that happen on telephone poles, they simply cannot help themselves.
Unfortunately former america west pilots pay for their endless quest of lawsuits.
When you see Eric, ask him why he turned down the Nic with a time constraint which would be long gone now. I would love to hear the answer the 2004 hire gives. He gambled your careers and lost.
Kevin Horner and Eric Ferguson sniff each other's posteriors and come to the same conclusion. Sue! They are like dogs that happen on telephone poles, they simply cannot help themselves.
Unfortunately former america west pilots pay for their endless quest of lawsuits.
When you see Eric, ask him why he turned down the Nic with a time constraint which would be long gone now. I would love to hear the answer the 2004 hire gives. He gambled your careers and lost.[/quotte]

How true, so much money wasted for nothing, west pilots are sick of the junior group (AOL) that have destroyed their careers of they fellow westies. What's funny now is the APA is now up to speed on this group of clowns that like to sue all the time, Horner is not at all liked at AA with his past history. No new hire wants to go to PHX as there is nothing but stagnation.
end_of_alpa said:
Did almost 500 AWA pilots ever join USAPA?
Did several hundred TWA pilots ever join APA?
You said "ALPA It isn't about having control its about supporting unionism, which ALPA categorically abandoned by outsourcing and abdicating any responsibility at all for seniority among its paying members."  Not that I DON'T agree but we HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM NOW.
BTW I didn't support Hummel but the Rank and File did.
You said:  "they are what they are and I will never have any respect for them... they are as bad as ALPA dreamed of being.. but those holes are not an exudes to attack the BOD in the midst of negotiations."
You mean the same "holes" that are APA/USAPA/ALPA members?  You know, the ones who "theoretically" support "unionism"?
Who needs enemies with fellow union members like that?
Did I join the APA?  Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things the way things are NOW under LOA 93.1?  REALLY?
Has the current BOD done anything as egregious as ALPA?  Do all of the current BOD members have a medical?   😀  Did the president appoint a ballot certification committee chairman who also collected money for his election?
One of the current BOD members has a REALLY BIG mortgage and can't afford to fly less than a full month (I saw his post plainly saying exactly that before it got deleted on CR).    So what? 
None of the BOD is perfect, but their imperfection is not a reason to throw out the whole lot of them and the union altogether.... and more to the point, it sure as hell isn't any reason to hate them more than we oppose Glass and Parker for being dix.  A dislike or hatred of the transient leaders of a union is no reason to keep agreeing to more company requests for concessions.  
Claxon said:
Wack job.
Self critique?

You and your pal East have victim mentalities and are in the need of some new material or another scapegoat. You're just meaningless background noise.
EastCheats said:
Self critique?

You and your pal East have victim mentalities.....
You poor, sadly and thoroughly confused child. I could almost feel sorry for "you'se" at this point, were not your angry delusions so clearly of your own making. Greed-soaked self obsession coupled with fantasies of excessive self worth and entitlement will never give you any peace in this life kid. Your choice.
Here's a suggested exercise for some hopeful awakening and perhaps even a wee bit of enlightenment: Since you project those in opposition to your noble quest for fake "seniority" to be "victims", it logically follows that you essentially imagine yourself the apex predator and victimizer.  How's that peculiar fantasy actually working out for "you'se"? 😉
EastCheats said:
Self critique?
You and your pal East have victim mentalities and are in the need of some new material or another scapegoat. You're just meaningless background noise.

Sure seems the APA boys are becoming fed up with Parker and seem to hold it against the AWA guys.
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